Healthcare in the Shadows


Recent publications:

Pilon, B.A., Ketel, C., Davidson, H.A., Gentry, C.K.,
Crutcher, T.D., Scott, A.W., Moore, R.M., & Rosenbloom, S.T. (July-August,
2015, in press). Evidence-guided integration of interprofessional collaborative
practice into nurse managed health centers.
Journal of Professional

Pilon, B. & Turton-Hansen, T. (2015). Nurse
managed health centers and sustainability.
In Nurse Led Clinics:
Operations, Policy and Opportunities
, Tine Hansen-Turton & Susan
Sherman, Eds.  New York:  Springer.

Pilon, B., Crutcher, T., Leming-Lee, S., Watters,
R., Wolgast, K., & Arnow, D. (2014). The Value Proposition for Graduate
Education of Emerging Nurse Leaders:
Immediate Benefit to Organizations, Nurse Leader (12)3, 81-85.

Kapu, A., Kleinpell, R. & Pilon, B. (2014).  Quality and Financial Impact of Adding Nurse
Practitioners to Inpatient Teams, JONA, 44(2), 87-96 .

Stanley, T., Gordon, J., & Pilon, B. (2013).  Patient and
Provider Attributes Associated with COPD Exacerbations, The Journal for
Nurse Practitioners
, 9(1), 34-39.

Please see CV for complete list of publications.

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