Enrollment for the INSPIRE study is closed.
What will study participants receive?
Who should participate in the study?
What should I expect?
What is the study length?
What do I have to do to enroll in the study?
How can I find directions to the study site?
How can I get in touch with study staff?
How will you make sure my personal information remains confidential?
What will study participants receive?
$50 plus small gift for baseline visit
$10 giftcard for each cold visit
$50 for 1st year well-child visit
$10 for 2nd year well-child contact
$50 for 3rd year well-child clinic with allergy skin testing
$50 for final contact at 4 years
Who should participate in the study?
Healthy infants born between June 1 and December 31 of this year
Babies born when mother was at least 37 weeks pregnant
Available for introductory visit, follow-up visits, visits during the “cold and flu” season, and healthy well-child contacts up to age 4 years
Baby’s pediatrician does not have to be at Vanderbilt
What should I expect?
Baseline Visit (1 hour)
At your first visit, we will ask you questions about your and your baby’s health, as well as diet, medical, social and developmental history, family medical history and home exposures. A urine sample will be collected from your baby.
Telephone Calls
During “cold and flu” season of your baby’s first year of life, we will contact you approximately every two weeks by telephone to ask you brief questions about your baby’s health since our last contact. If your baby has a respiratory infection (cold), we will arrange a visit with one of our study nurses.
Respiratory Infection Visit(s)
At each sign or symptom of a cold, such as a runny nose, congestion, fever, coughing, or wheezing, we would like to see your baby for a brief research visit. We want to see your child for every cold, from mild to severe, during his or her first “cold and flu” season.
Annual Well-Child Contacts
Around the time of your child’s birthday, we will contact you by telephone or in person.
1st Year Study Nurse Visit
At the 1-year visit, we will collect a small blood sample (1 teaspoon) from your baby and ask you a few questions.
2nd Year Phone Questionnaire
We will contact you by telephone to ask questions about your child’s health.
3rd Year Study Nurse Visit
At the 3-year visit, your child will be skin tested for allergies and we will ask you questions about your child’s health. You will be given the allergy test results.
4th Year Phone Questionnaire
We will contact you by telephone to ask questions about your child’s health.
What is the study length?
From your baby’s birth through age 3 or 4 years.
What do I have to do to enroll in the study?
Please complete Participant Inquiry at http://j.mp/M4La7v; call us at 615-875-BABY (2229); or email us at INSPIRE@vanderbilt.edu. We will tell you more about the study, answer your questions, and complete a 15-minute interview with you to find out if you are eligible.
How can I find directions to the study site?
Click here to download a map.
How can I get in touch with study staff?
You can reach us by:
Phone: 615-875-BABY (2229)
Email: INSPIRE@vanderbilt.edu or click here
How will you make sure my personal information remains confidential?
We take many steps to ensure that your confidentiality is protected. We keep your information in a secure database. Paper copies of information that include your name are kept in a locked file. We will assign you a study ID number to identify you while in the study. Your name and other personal identifiers are kept separate from all information you provide. Names will only be used when necessary (for example, during personal communication).
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