Joe Lappin


 My Research Program.pdf

2020 –

Lappin, J.S., Lowe, K.A., Schall, J.D., Reppert, T.R. & Bell, H.H. (in preparation).  Dynamics of perception and action revealed by conditional response rates.

Lappin, J.S. & Bell, H.H. (2023).  The coherent visual organization of dynamic visual images.  Frontiers in Computer Science, 5, #1124230. doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2023.1124230.  [A review article included with other papers on “Perceptual organization in computer and biological vision”.]

Lappin, J.S. & Bell, H.H. (2021).  Form and function in information for visual perception.  Special issue:  The ecological approach of James J. Gibson: 40 years later.  i-Perception, 12 (6), 1-22.   https://doi: 10.1177/20416695211053352

Lappin, J.S., Logan, G.D., Fournier, L.R., & Hoffman, J.E. (2021).  Contemporary developments inspired by the research of Charles W. Eriksen.  Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83, 543-545.  [Introductory article for a special issue devoted to research inspired by Charles Eriksen.]

Lappin, J.S., Seiffert, A.E., & Bell, H.H. (2020).  A limiting capacity of visual perception:  Spreading attention divides the rates of perceptual processes.  Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 2652-2672.  [DOI: 10.3758/s13414-020-01973-9].

2010 – 2019

Tadin, D., Park, W.J., Dieter, K.C., Melnick, M.D., Lappin, J.S., & Blake, R. (2019).  Spatial suppression promotes rapid figure-ground segmentation of moving objects.  Nature Communications, 10, Article 2732. [pdf]

Borghuis, B.G., Tadin, D., Lankheet, M.J.M., Lappin, J.S., & van de Grind, W.A. (2019).  Temporal limits of visual motion processing: Psychophysics and neurophysiology.  Vision, 3 (1), 5;   doi:10.3390/vision3010005  [pdf]

Lappin, J.S., Logan, G.D., Fournier, L.R., & Hoffman, J.E. (2018).  Charles “Erik” Eriksen (1923-2018).  Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. Online:] [pdf]

Nyquist, J.B., Lappin, J.S., Zhang, R., & Tadin, D. (2016).  Perceptual training yields rapid improvements in visually impaired youth.  Scientific Reports, 6, 34731-34742.  DOI: 10.1038/srep34731.

Lappin, J.S., Morse, D. & Seiffert, A.E. (2016).  The channel capacity of visual awareness divided among multiple moving objects.  Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78, 2469-2493. DOI 10.3758/s13414-016-1162-z [pdf]

Lappin, J.S. (2016).  Identifying spatiotemporal information.  In J.W. Houpt & L.M. Blaha (Eds.) Mathematical Models of Cognition and Perception, Vol I:  A Festschrift for James T. Townsend.  Ch. 7, pp. 107-151.)  New York: Routledge.

Lappin, J.S. (2014).  What is binocular disparity? (Mini-review).  Frontiers in Psychology, Perception Science,  [pdf]

Lappin, J.S. (2013).  Inferential and ecological theories of visual perception.  In L. Albertazzi (Ed.) Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology, Visual Perception of Shape, Space and Appearance, pp. 39-69.  Oxford, UK:  Wiley-Blackwell.

Tadin, D., Nyquist, J.B., Lusk, K.E., Corn, A.L., & Lappin, J.S. (2012).  Peripheral vision of youths with low vision: Motion perception, crowding, and visual search.  Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 53(9), 5860-5868.

Lappin, J.S., Norman, J.F., & Phillips, F. (2011).  Fechner, information, and shape perception. (Invited tutorial review).  Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73, 2353-2378. [pdf]

Tadin, D., Lappin, J.S., Blake, R., & Glasser, D.M. (2010).  High temporal precision for perceiving event offsets.  Vision Research, 50, 1966-1971.

Koenderink, J.J., Albertazzi, L., van Doorn, A.J., van Ee, R., van de Grind, W.A., Kappers, A.M.L., Lappin, J.S., Norman, J.F., Oomes, A.H.J., te Pas, S.P., Phillips, F., Pont, S.C., Richards, W.A., Todd, J.T., Verstraten, F.A.J., de Vries, S. (2010). Does monocular visual space contain planes?  Acta Psychologica, 134, 40-47.

2000 – ’09

Lappin, J.S., Tadin, D., Nyquist, J.B., & Corn, A.L. (2009).  Spatial and temporal limits of motion perception across variations in speed, eccentricity, and low vision.  Journal of Vision, 9(1): 30, 1-14.  [pdf]

Lappin, J.S. (2009).  What Rogers & Graham (1979) showed us about how vision works.  Perception, 38, 914-915.

Tadin, D., Sonsino, J., Lappin, J.S., & Mayo, P.R. (2009).  Recognition speed using a bioptic telescope. Optometry and Vision Science. 85(12), 1135-1141.

Tadin, D., Paffen, C.L.E., Blake, R., & Lappin, J.S. (2008). Contextual modulations of center-surround interactions in motion revealed with the motion aftereffect. Journal of Vision, 8(7):9, 1-11.

Tadin, D., Kim, J., Doop, M.L., Gibson, C., Lappin, J.S., Blake, R., & Park, S. (2006). Weakened center-surround interactions in motion processing in schizophrenia. The Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 11403-11412.

Lappin, J.S., Shelton, A.L., & Rieser, J.J. (2006). Environmental context influences visually perceived distance. Perception & Psychophysics 68 (4), 571-581.

Tadin, D., Lappin, J.S., & Blake, R. (2006). Fine temporal properties of center-surround interactions in motion processing revealed by reverse correlation. The Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 2614-2622. [pdf]

Tadin, D. & Lappin, J.S. (2006).  Linking psychophysics and physiology of center-surround interactions in visual motion processing.  In M.R.M. Jenkin & L.R. Harris (Eds.) Seeing spatial form, pp. 279-314.  NewYork:  Oxford University Press.

Tadin, D. & Lappin, J.S. (2005). Optimal size for perceiving motion decreases with contrast. Vision Research, 45, 2059-2064. [pdf]

Norman, J.F., Norman, H.F., Lee, Y., Stockton, D., & Lappin, J.S. (2004). The visual perception of length along intrinsically curved surfaces. Perception & Psychophysics, 66 (1), 77-88.

Tadin, D., Lappin, J.S., Gilroy, L.A., & Blake, R. (2003). Perceptual consequences of centre-surround antagonism in visual motion processing. Nature, 424, 312-315. [pdf]

Koenderink, J.J., van Doorn, A.J., & Lappin, J.S. (2003). Exocentric pointing to opposite targets. Acta Psychologica, 112, 71-87.

Koenderink, J.J., van Doorn, A.J., Kappers, A.M.L. & Lappin, J.S. (2002).  Large-scale visual frontoparallels under full-cue conditions. Perception, 31, 1467-1475.

Tadin, D., Lappin, J. S., Blake, R., & Grossman, E. D. (2002). What constitutes an efficient reference frame for vision? Nature Neuroscience, 5, 110-1115.[pdf]

Lappin, J.S., Tadin, D.& Whittier, E.J. (2002). Visual coherence of moving and stationary image changes. Vision Research, 42, 1523-1534. [pdf]

Lappin, J. S. & van de Grind, W. A. (2002).  Visual forms in space-time.  In L. Albertazzi (Ed.) Unfolding perceptual continua, pp. 119-146.  Amsterdam:  John Benjamins.

Lappin, J.S., Donnelly, M.P, & Kojima, H. (2001). Coherence of early motion signals. Vision Research, 41, 1631-1644. [pdf]

Tadin, D., Haglund, R. F. Jr., Lappin, J. S., and Peters, R. A. (2001). Effects of surface microstructure on macroscopic image shading. Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VI, 4299, 221-230. San Jose, CA.

Norman, J.F., Lappin, J.S., & Norman, H. (2000). The perception of length on curved and flat surfaces. Perception & Psychophysics, 62 (6), 1133-1145.

Koenderink, J.J., van Doorn, A.J., & Lappin, J.S. (2000). Direct measurement of the curvature of visual space. Perception, 29, 69-79.

Lappin, J.S. & Craft, W.D. (2000). Foundations of spatial vision: From retinal images to perceived shapes. Psychological Review, 107 (1), 6-38. [pdf]

1990 – ’99

Rieser, J.J., Lappin, J.S., & Jones, P.D. (1999).  Perceiving and acting without vision:  Lessons from the life and work of Professor Emerson Foulke, 1929-1998.  Perception, 28, 409-414.  (Guest editorial).

Perotti, V. J., Todd, J. T., Lappin, J. S., & Phillips, F. (1998). The perception of surface curvature from optical motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 60 (3),377-388.

Lappin, J. S. (1998).  Observation and choice.  In R. Hoffman, J. Warm, & M. Sherrick (Eds.).  Viewing psychology as a whole:  The integrative science of William N. Dember.  (pp. 247-268).  Washington, DC:  APA.

Lappin, J. S. & Craft, W. D. (1997). Definition and detection of binocular disparity. Vision Research, 37, 2953-2974.

Koenderink, J.J., van Doorn, A.J., Christou, C., & Lappin, J.S. (1996). Perturbation study of shading in pictures. Perception, 25, 1009-1026.

Koenderink, J.J., van Doorn, A.J., Christou, C., & Lappin, J.S. (1996). Shape constancy in pictorial relief. Perception, 25, 155-164.

Lappin, J.S. (1995). Visible information about structure from motion. In W. Epstein & S.J. Rogers (Eds.) Handbook of perception and cognition, volume 5: Perception of space and motion. New York: Academic Press. Pp. 165-199.

Lappin, J.S., Craft, W.D., Ahlstrom, U.B., & Tschantz, S.T. (1995). Spatial primitives for seeing 3D shape from motion. T. Papathomas, C. Chubb, A. Gorea, & E. Kowler (Eds.) Early vision and beyond. Cambridge: MIT Press. Pp. 145-153.

Lappin, J.S. (1994). Seeing structure in space-time. In G. Jansson, S.S. Bergstrom, & W. Epstein (Eds.) Perceiving objects and events. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Pp. 357-382.

Lappin, J.S. & Ahlstrom, U.B. (1994). On the scaling of visual space from motion: In response to Pizlo and Salach-Golyska. Perception & Psychophysics, 55, 235-242.

Kramer, A., Coles, M, Eriksen, B., Garner, W., Hoffman, J., & Lappin, J. (1994).  Charles Eriksen:  Past, present, and future.  Perception & Psychophysics, 55, 1-8.

Mowafy, L., Lappin, J. S., Anderson, B. L., & Mauk, D. L. (1992). Temporal factors in the discrimination of coherent motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 52, 508-518.

Norman, J. F. & Lappin, J. S. (1992). The detection of surface curvatures defined by optical motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 51, 386-396

Lappin, J. S. & Love, S. R. (1992). Planar motion permits perception of metric structure in stereopsis. Perception & Psychophysics, 51, 86-102.

Norman, J. F. Lappin, J.S., & Zucker, S. W. (1991). The discriminability of smooth stereoscopic surfaces. Perception, 20, 789-807.

Lappin, J. S., Norman, J. F., & Mowafy, L. (1991). The detectability of geometric structure in rapidly changing optical patterns. Perception, 20, 513-528.

James, A. E., Jr., Lappin, J. S., Price, R. R., Gibbs, S. J., Knight, K., and Grogan, K. (1991).  The physiology of visual perception:  Relation to impressionism.  International Journal of Art and Medicine, 1, 13-23.

Lappin, J. S. & Wason, T. D. (1991, 1993).  The perception of geometrical structure from congruence.  In S. R. Ellis, M. K. Kaiser, and A. J. Grunwald (Eds).  Pictorial Communication.  London:  Taylor and Francis.

Lappin, J. S. (1991).  Perceiving environmental structure from optical motion.  In W. W. Johnson & M. K. Kaiser (Eds.)  Visually guided control of movement.  NASA Conference Publication #3118.  NASA:  Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA.

Lappin, J. S. (1990).  Perceiving the metric structure of environmental objects from motion, self-motion, and stereopsis.  In R. Warren & A. H. Wertheim (Eds.), The perception and control of self-motion.  Hillsdale, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum.

Mowafy, L., Blake, R., & Lappin, J. S. (1990). Detection and discrimination of coherent motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 48, 583-592.

1980 – ’89

Craft, W. D., Payne, T. J., & Lappin, J. S. (1986).  Computer-controlled displays of bending motions.  Behavioral research methods, instruments, & computers, 18, 518-521.

Lappin, J. S., (1985).  Reflections on Gunnar Johansson’s perspective on the visual measurement of space and time.  In W. Warren & R. Shaw (Eds.), Persistence and change:  Proceedings of the First International Conference on Event Perception.  Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Waddill, W. B., Erickson, J. J., Kugel, J. A., Burks, D. D., Lappin, J. S., Gibbs, S. J., and James, A. E. (1984).  Digital processing:  Expanding image perception.  In A. E. James Jr., J. H. Anderson, & C. B. Higgins, (Eds.),  Digital image processing in radiology digital processing.  Baltimore, MD:  Wilkins & Wilkins.

Doner, J., Lappin, J. S., & Perfetto, G. (1984). The detection of 3-dimensional structure in moving optical patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 10, 1-11.

Falzett, M., & Lappin, J. S. (1983). Detection of visual forms in space and time. Vision Research, 23, 181-189.

Lappin, J. S., & Fuqua, M. A. (1983). Accurate visual measurement of three-dimensional moving patterns. Science, 221, 480-482.

Staller, J. D., & Lappin, J. S. (1981). The visual detection of multi-letter patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7, 1258-1272.

Lappin, J. S., & Staller, J. D. (1981). Prior knowledge does not facilitate the perceptual organization of dynamic random-dot patterns. Perception and Psychophysics, 29, 445-456.

Lappin, J. S., & Kottas, B.L. (1981). The perceptual coherence of dynamic visual patterns. Acta Psychologica, 48, 163-174.

Lappin, J. S. (1981).  The relativity of perception, choice, and social knowledge.  In J. H. Harvey (Ed.), Cognition, social behavior and the environment.  Hillsdale, N. J.:  Erlbaum Associates.

Lappin, J. S., Doner, J.F., & Kottas, B.L. (1980). Minimal conditions for the visual detection of structure and motion in three dimensions. Science, 209, 717-719.

Staller, J. D., Lappin, J. S., & Fox, R. (1980). Stimulus uncertainty does not impair stereopsis. Perception and Psychophysics, 27, 361-367.

1970 – ’79

Bell, H. H., & Lappin, J. S. (1979). The detection of rotation in random-dot patterns. Perception and Psychophysics, 26, 415-417.

Staller, J. D., & Lappin, J. S. (1979). Word and nonword superiority effects in a letter detection task. Perception and Psychophysics, 25, 47-54. [pdf]

Staller, J., Buchanan, D., Singer, M., Lappin, J. S., Webb, W. (1978). Alexia without agraphia: An experimental case study. Brain and Language, 5, 378-387.

Lappin, J. S. (1978).  The relativity of choice behavior and the effect of prior knowledge on the speed and accuracy of recognition.  In N. J. Castellan, Jr., and F. Restle (Eds.), Cognitive theory, Vol. 3.  Hillsdale, N. J.:  Lawrence Erlbaum.

Lappin, J. S., & Uttal, W. R. (1976). Does prior knowledge facilitate the detection of visual targets in random noise? Perception and Psychophysics, 20, 367-374.

Singer, M. H., Lappin, J. S. (1976). Similarity: Its definition and effect on the visual analysis of complex displays. Perception and Psychophysics, 19, 405-411.

Lappin, J. S., & Bell, H. H. (1976). The detection of coherence in moving visual patterns. Vision Research, 16, 161-168. [pdf]

Lappin, J. S., & Preble, L. D. (1975). A demonstration of shape constancy. Perception & Psychophysics, 17, 439-444.

Lappin, J. S., Bell, H. H., Harm, O.J., & Kottas, B. L. (1975). On the relation between time and space in the visual discrimination of velocity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1, 383-394. [pdf]

Harm, O.J., & Lappin, J. S. (1973). Probability, compatibility, speed and accuracy. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 100, 416-418. [pdf]

Lappin, J. S., & Disch, K. (1973). The latency operating characteristic: III. Temporal uncertainty effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 98, 279-285.

Bell, H. H., & Lappin, J. S. (1973). Sufficient conditions for the discrimination of motion. Perception and Psychophysics, 14, 45-50. [pdf]

Lappin, J. S., & Foulke, E. (1973). Expanding the tactile field of view. Perception and Psychophysics, 14, 237-241

Lappin, J. S., & Harm, O.J. (1973). On the rate of acquisition of visual information about space, time, and intensity. Perception and Psychophysics, 13, 439-445.

Lappin, J. S., & Bell, H. H. (1972). Perceptual differentiation of sequential visual patterns. Perception and Psychophysics, 12, 129-134.

Lappin, J. S., & Disch, K. (1972). The latency operating characteristic: II. The effect of visual stimulus intensity on choice reaction time. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 93, 367-372.

Lappin, J. S., & Disch, K. (1972). The latency operating characteristic: I. Effects of stimulus probability on choice reaction time. Journal of Expeimental Psychology92, 419-417. [pdf]

Lappin, J. S. (1971). Transformation-invariant cues in the recognition of simple visual patterns. Perception and Psychophysics, 10, 367-370.

Blake, R. R., Fox. R., & Lappin, J. S. (1970). An invariance in the reaction time classification of same and different letter pairs. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 7, 65-72.

Lappin, J. S., & Ellis, S. H. (1970). The span of apprehension: Form identification as a function of amount of information displayed. Perception and Psychophysics, 7, 65-72.

1960 – ’69

Lappin, J. S., & Lowe, C. A. (1969). Meaningfulness and pronounceability in the coding of visually presented verbal materials. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 81, 22-28.

Lappin, J. S. (1967). Attention in the identification of stimuli in complex visual displays. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75, 321-328.  [pdf]

Eriksen, C. W., & Lappin, J. S. (1967). Independence in the perception of simultaneously presented forms at brief durations. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 468-472.

Eriksen, C. W., & Lappin, J. S. (1967). Selective attention and very short-term recognition memory for nonsense forms. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73,358-364.  [pdf]

Montague, W. E., & Lappin, J. S. (1966).  Coding strategy and perceptual memory.  Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 777-779.

Lappin, J. S., & Eriksen, C. W. (1966). Use of a delayed signal to stop a visual reaction time response. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 805-811. [Lappin&Eriksen.1966.StopSignal]

Eriksen, C. W., Greenspon, T. S., Lappin, J. S., & Carlson, W. A. (1966).  Binocular summation in the perception of form at brief durations.  Perception and Psychophysics, 1, 415-419.

Eriksen, C. W., & Lappin, J. S. (1965).  Internal perceptual system noise and redundancy in simultaneous inputs in form identification.  Psychonomic Science, 2, 351-352.

Eriksen, C. W., & Lappin, J. S. (1965).  Reply to Lockhead.  Psychonomic Science, 3, 366.

Eriksen, C. W., & Lappin, J. S. (1964).  Luminance summation-contrast reduction as a basis for certain forward and backward masking effects.  Psychonomic Science, 1, 313-314.

Lappin, J. S., & Eriksen, C. W. (1964).  Inhibition of a simple visual reaction time by a second stimulus:  A failure to replicate.  Psychonomic Science, 1, 293-294.

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