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Educational Technology Resource Finder

Posted by on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 in News.


Over the course of the last academic year, I asked Ole Molvig to work with the students in the Graduate Fellows Program at the Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning to develop a web resource that would help faculty and students at Vanderbilt find their way around the dizzying array of educational technology resources.

For example, I imagined a faculty member sitting in her office one day, thinking about integrating podcasts into her teaching.  If she did not know who to turn to on campus, I feared, she may drop the idea altogether and an innovative plan might be lost.  The website was meant to have her ask, “I want to learn podcasting.  Who can help me with this?”

The website the group created, I think, works perfectly to provide such a resource.  Simply named the Ed Tech Resource Finder, the page can get to almost every resource on campus with just a few simple clicks.

I like what the group has created, and I hope you find it useful as well.

