
Spring 2019

  • Astronomy 2110: The Solar System
  • Earth and Environmental Science 4550: Transport Processes
  • History of Art 2288: Art of the Book
  • History of Art 3173W: Art and Empire in India
  • History of Art 3850: Independent Research – Retrospective Study and 3D Modeling of Nashville’s Athena Parthenos with Alan LeQuire
  • Italian 3340: Famous Women by Boccaccio
  • Spanish 3893: Topics in Hispanic Literature: Faith and Science

Fall 2018

  • History of Art 1105: History of  Western Art, Renaissance-Modern
  • History of Art  2815: Digital Heritage: Methods and Practice
  • History of Art 3850: Independent Research – Applying Artificial Intelligence to Attribution Studies
  • Italian 2203: Intermediate Italian
  • Scientific Computing 3250: Scientific Computing Toolbox
  • Spanish 3360: Spanish Civilization

Spring 2018

  • History of Art 2780: History of Western Urbanism
  • History of Art 3840: Exhibiting Historical Art – Digital Approaches to Ancient Greek Ceramics
  • Italian 1103: Intensive Elementary Italian
  • Physics 3200: Statistical Physics
  • Spanish 4310: Translation and Interpretation

Fall 2017

  • Communication of Science and Technology 2100: Science Communication Tools and Techniques
  • Computer Science 3860: Undergraduate Research – AIVAS Laboratory
  • History of Art 2710: Twentieth-Century European Art
  • History of Art 3320: Early Renaissance Florence
  • Philosophy 3617: Philosophy of Language
  • Physics 3600: Seminar in Presenting Physics Research

Spring 2017

  • American Studies 1002W: American Social Dance
  • Mathematics 2410: Methods of Linear Algebra
  • Physics 2237: Computational Physics
  • Physics 2290: Electricity, Magnetism, and Electrodynamics I
  • Physics: 3890: Physical Cosmology
  • Physics 3840: Undergraduate Research – Relativistic Heavy Ion Group

Fall 2016

  • Computer Science 2100: Program Design and Data Structures
  • Mathematics 2420: Methods of Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Physics 2250W: Concepts and Applications of Quantum Mechanics
  • Physics 2270: Classical Mechanics I
  • Spanish 4315: Contrastive Analysis of Spanish and English

Spring 2016

  • Computer Science 1101: Programming and Problem Solving
  • History of Art 3810W: Exhibiting Historical Art – Exhibition Information Online Catalog
  • Music 1210: Steel Drum and Pan Ensemble
  • Physics 1902: Principles of Physics II
  • Spanish 3303: Introduction to Spanish and Spanish American Literature

Fall 2015

  • History of Art 1111: Ancient Art and Ethics
  • Mathematics 2300: Multivariable Calculus
  • Physics 1901: Principles of Physics I
  • Spanish 3301W: Intermediate Spanish Writing