About Us

Our group, comprised of four senior Biomedical Engineering students at Vanderbilt, have teamed up to develop a strategy to track Vanderbilt’s NICU patients and physicians for the purpose of optimizing patient care.

Team Members

Trenton Piepergerdes serves as the team’s communication lead and is responsible for being the liaison between the Tetradores, the Vanderbilt NICU, and Synapse. Trenton is from Kansas City, MO and has aspirations of attending graduate school in hope of attaining his PhD in biomedical engineering.




Kristin Barth servers as the team’s project manager and uses her background in engineering management to facilitate leading the team in a productive direction. Kristin is from Wheaton, IL and will begin working in the healthcare consulting realm after graduation.



Megan Madonna acts as the research and development correspondent because of her extensive experience in labs throughout college. Megan is from Dallas, TX and hopes to attend a MD/PhD joint program in the fall.





Houston Massey is the team’s recording secretary and ensures that the meetings are well organized and documented. Houston is from Chattanooga, TN and is planning on attending medical school in hope of studying pediatrics.



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