Low Level Light Therapy Device for Chronic Wounds

#3.5 – 12/7/2015

Posted by on Monday, December 7, 2015 in News.

Minor Update – December 7, 2015

We have made progress into finalizing the design for the patch component of our device, primarily including materials and the physical dimensions. Since we will be using silicone as the primary support in the patch, we need to have a mold to shape it. The preliminary designs for the mold are shown below.








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It is cored out of a solid aluminum cube (5x5x5 cm). The first coring will remove a cylinder of diameter 3 cm that will be where the bulk of the silicone will rest. A second core is placed on the side as seen in the Front View, with diameter 1.5 cm, but this one will only reach through on the one side. This is where the fiberoptic cables will be bundled together to meld with the silicone. Finally, a set of five holes will be cored through the perpendicular side where screws can be placed in order to hold the mold together. The white dashed lines indicate where the mold will be cut into two halves. Potentially, we will create several of these molds in order to speed up the production of the patch, since we will need several for every patient in the study.

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