Low Level Light Therapy Device for Chronic Wounds

#5 – February 1, 2016

Posted by on Monday, February 1, 2016 in Progress Report.

Progress Report #5

The past two weeks have been incredibly productive for our IRB division. We currently expect to be able to submit the application by February 10, 2016, after our next meeting with Dr. Hicks.

Our group has also been in talks with the Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CTTC) to determine what our options are for commercialization and the future of this device. The most immediate effect of this meeting will be the filing of an Invention Disclosure form which will allow the CTTC to assist us in patenting and related actions. This process is considered to be completely independent of the IRB and feasibility study that we have currently planned, and as such there is no current timeline for completion.

Additionally, we have updated our Device Proposal, which can be located under the “Project Files” tab.

Finally, some minor changes have occurred including the creation of our device logo and an updated mold design to accommodate eight individual fiber optic cables.

Looking forward, this week we intend to order the remaining components necessary for the creation of our prototype as well as have one of our group members receive a cast with a mock version of our device included, so that we may test the comfort and physical feasibility of the current design.

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