Low Level Light Therapy Device for Chronic Wounds

#3 – December 4, 2015

Posted by on Friday, December 4, 2015 in Progress Report.

Progress Report #3

Since the last report, we have met additional times with our Faculty Advisor Dr. Matthew Walker, our Primary Investigator Dr. Adam Hicks, as well as Axel Strombergsson from MDRAP. Additionally, we have uploaded the following documents under the Project Files tab:

MDRAP has been extremely helpful in assisting us in the process of creating our IRB form, however, we have also learned several new documents to complete. The following weeks will be aimed at completing a Risk Assessment, Consent Form, Device Protocol, and other additional documentation. This will require us to  confirm and finalize the design for our device. We plan to submit all these documents along with the IRB by the end of January or early February. All of the details for timing can be found in the Project Timeline linked earlier.

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