Invited presentations
2016 (Eberl, Markus) Becoming God. The Transformation into Divine Beings in Mesoamerica. Presentation during to the conference As Above, So Below: Cosmic Roads to Mesoamerican Underworlds (the 5th H. B. Nicholson Award for Excellence in Mesoamerican Studies presented to Saburo Sugiyama), organized by Davíd Carrasco. Moses Mesoamerican Archive, The Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge.
2016 (Eberl, Markus) Classic Maya commoners in the Petexbatun region. Presentation during to the 2016 Maya Meetings, organized by David Stuart. January 15. University of Texas, Austin.
2015 (Eberl, Markus) Divine Fire. Transformation in Highland Mexican Thought and Practice. Presentation during to the Pre-Columbian Studies Symposium on Smoke, Flames, and the Human Body in Mesoamerican Ritual Practice, organized by Vera Tiesler and Andrew Scherer. October 9. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.
2012 (Eberl, Markus) “To Put in Order.” Classic Maya Concepts of Time and Space. Invited presentation at the 2012 Dumbarton Oaks Pre-Columbian Studies symposium The Measure and Meaning of Time in the Americas, organized by Anthony Aveni (Colgate University). October 6, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.
2012 (Eberl, Markus) Reyes Mayas y Búhos de Guerra. Gente Común de la Región Petexbatún en la Víspera del Colapso Maya. Conference at the Museo Popol Vuh in Guatemala City. (June 21)
2009 (Eberl, Markus) Reyes Mayas y Búhos de Guerra. Gente Común de la Región Petexbatún en la Víspera del Colapso Maya. Presentation on December 3 at the conference Investigaciones recientes en la zona del Río de la Pasión y la región Petexbatun: nuevos datos, nuevas interpretaciones at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City.
2009 (Eberl, Markus, and Judith M. Maxwell) Writing the Sacred: Maya Text Through Time. Colloqium on April 27 for the The Latin American and Caribbean Center of Excellence, the LAS program, and the Department of Languages and Cultures at Loyola University in New Orleans.
2007 (Eberl, Markus) The diffusion of ceramic innovations. Late Classic ceramic change at Nacimiento and Dos Ceibas in the Petexbatun region. Presentation at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, on October 26, 2007.
2007 (Eberl, Markus) Creating social memory. Mortuary rituals and ancestor veneration among the Classic Maya. Paper read at the conference “Writing, Ritual and Cultural Memory. Comparative Research on Ancient China and Mesoamerica,” organized by Xiaobing Wang-Riese and Daniel Graña-Behrens. Munich, Germany, November 5, 2007.
2002 (Eberl, Markus) Classic Maya Culture. Presentation at the Episcopal High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
2002 (Eberl, Markus, and Christian Prager) B’olon Yokte’ K’uh. Maya conceptions of war, conflict, and the underworld. Paper read during the symposium Roads to war and pipes of peace. Conflict and cooperation in the Americas, past and present, organized by the Société des Américanistes de Belgique (Brussels, November 16–17, 2002).
Conference presentations
2023 Markus Eberl. AI in Archaeology. AI Revolutions symposium, Vanderbilt University’s Data Science Institute, March 28.
2022 Markus Eberl and Mónica de León 2022 Ciudad sobre un monte: Segunda temporada de campo del Proyecto Arqueológico Tzikin Tzakan. Presentation during the 35th Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala. July 20, 2022
2022 Nareerat Boonchai, Markus Eberl, Marc Philippe “Guatemalan petrified forests and its first fossil wood anatomical investigation.” IPC6 – Session 21 (6th International Paleontological Congress; Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand; 11/7–11/2022)
2022 Markus Eberl, Michael McBride, and Jesse Spencer-Smith Identifying lithic microdebitage with experimental archaeology, dynamic image analysis, and machine learning. Paper presented at the session “New Directions in Microdebitage Analysis,” organized by Phyllis Johnson and Markus Eberl. 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. April 3 in Chicago.
2018 Markus Eberl, Sven Gronemeyer, and Claudia Marie Vela González Ritualization: A Termination Ritual at Tamarindito. Paper presented at the session “Reconceptualizing Rurality: Current Research in Ancient Maya Hinterlands,” organized by Céline Lamb. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. April 12 in Washington, D.C.
2017 Omar Schwendener and Markus Eberl 2017 El Uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías en el Registro Arqueológico: Notas de Campo, Control de Material, Dibujo y Fotografía ¡Todo en una Tablet! Paper presented at the the XXXI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala in the Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala City.
2016 (Eberl, Markus) Watery Scroll Revealed. Ideology and Landscape at the Classic Maya Capital of Tamarindito, Guatemala. Paper presented at American Society for Ethnohistory 2016 Conference. November 10 in Nashville.
2015 (Eberl, Markus) Aztec Children and Gods. Birth in Highland Mexican Codices. Paper presented at American Society for Ethnohistory 2015 Conference. November 7 in Las Vegas.
2015 (Eberl, Markus) Divine Fire. Highland Mexican Life Forces as Essences and Symbols. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. April 17 in San Francisco, CA.
2015 (Eberl, Markus) Ancient Agriculture at the Ancient Maya Capital of Tamarindito. Paper presented at the 38th Annual Midwest Conference on Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory. March 7 in Murfreesboro, TN.
2014 (Vela, Claudia and Markus Eberl) Investigaciones recientes del Proyecto Arqueológico Tamarindito, Temporada 2014. Presentation during the XXVIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala; July 14, 2014 in the Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala City.
2013 (Gronemeyer, Sven and Markus Eberl) Royal Downfall and Peasant Survival: Tamarindito and the Fragmented Petexbatun Collapse. Presentation at the 18th European Maya Conference “Post-Apocalypto: Crisis and Resilience in the Maya World” to be held in Brussels, Belgium on 1–2 November 2013.
2012 (Eberl, Markus) Forgeries and systems of scientific knowledge. Identifying a forged manuscript on early Colonial Maya. Paper presented during the symposium Pseudoarchaeology: Proactive dialogue and research in response to extraordinary and esoteric archaeological claims, organized by David Anderson. 77th Annual SAA Meeting in Memphis, April 19.
2012 (Levithol, Sarah, and Markus Eberl) Late Classic ceramic change at Nacimiento and Dos Ceibas in Guatemala’s Petexbatun region. Paper presented during the symposium Routes and rulers: Shifting networks of power and exchange among the Classic Maya, organized by Arthur Demarest, Marcello Canuto, and Brent Woodfill. 77th Annual SAA Meetings in Memphis, April 20.
2012 (Eberl, Markus, and Claudia Vela) Investigaciones recientes del Proyecto Arqueológico Tamarindito: Temporada 2012. Presentation during the XXVI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala; July 16, 2012 in the Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala City.
2011 (Eberl, Markus, and Claudia Vela) Investigaciones recientes del Proyecto Arqueológico Tamarindito: Temporada de 2011. Presentation on July 19 during the XXV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala. Guatemala City.
2010 (Eberl, Markus) Real/Fictive Lords/Vessels. A List of M.A.R.I. Lords on the Newly Discovered Andrews Coffee Mug. Society for American Archaeology presentation on April 17, 2010
2010 (Vela González, Claudia, and Markus Eberl) El Proyecto Arqueológico Tamarindito: La Temporada de 2009. Presentation to the Guatemalan Institute of Archaeology and History (IDAEH), February 23, 2010.
2010 (Eberl, Markus, Claudia Vela de Bellamy, and Sven Gronemeyer) Investigaciones recientes del Proyecto Arqueológico Tamarindito: La Temporada 2010. Presentation during the XXIV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala on July 14. Guatemala City.
2009 (Eberl, Markus, Claudia Vela González, and Juan Manuel Palomo) Investigaciones recientes del Proyecto Arqueológico Tamarindito: La Temporada 2009. Presentation on July 13 during the XXIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, Guatemala.
2008 (Eberl, Markus) Diffusion of ceramic innovations. Late Classic ceramic change at Nacimiento and Dos Ceibas in Guatemala’s Petexbatun region. TASA Colloquium series. Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, New Orleans.
2008 (Eberl, Markus, Alejandro Seijas, Jenny Guerra Ruiz, María de los Ángeles Corado, and Claudia Vela González) Comunidades en contacto. Investigaciones recientes en el sitio arqueológico Dos Ceibas. Presentation during the XXII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 23 de julio de 2008. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala
2008 (Eberl, Markus) Internal and external aspects of community integration: A study of ceramic motifs south of Aguateca. Paper read during the session Community Integration in Eastern Mesoamerica, organized by Markus Eberl and Matt Moriarty at the 73rd meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Vancouver on March 29, 2008.
2008 (Earnest, Howard H., Jr., Markus Eberl, and Kathryn Sampeck) Competing styles, competing identities. Identity formation on the post-Ilopango frontier. Paper read during the session Community Integration in Eastern Mesoamerica, organized by Markus Eberl and Matt Moriarty at the 73rd meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Vancouver on March 29, 2008.
2007 (Eberl, Markus) Introduction to Classic Maya Culture. Presentation for a teacher’s workshop at the Stone Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane University (the workshop accompanied the Fourth Annual Maya Symposium and Workshop on Murals and Painted Texts by Maya Ah Tz’ibob at Tulane University, February 2–4, 2007).
2006 (Eberl, Markus) Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing and Literacy. Presentation during the Oxlajuj Aj: Kaqchikel Maya Intensive Language & Culture course, directed by Judith M. Maxwell and Walter Little. Antigua, Guatemala.
2006 (Eberl, Markus) Divide and rule! How the Classic Maya kingdom of Dos Pilas became a regional power. Paper read during the session Late Classic Maya sociopolitical organization. Insights from recent investigations at Aguateca and the Petexbatun Region, organized by Markus Eberl at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Puerto Rico on April 28, 2006.
2006 (Eberl, Markus, and Marco Antonio Monroy) Refinando la secuencia cerámica del Clásico Tardío en la Región Petexbatún. Presentation during the XX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 27 de julio de 2006. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala
2005 (Eberl, Markus, Daniela Triadan, Takeshi Inomata, Fiona Finke, Katja Stengert, Pablo Rodas, and Omar Schwendener) Comunidades en tiempos difíciles. Nacimiento y Dos Ceibas al inicio del clásico tardío. Presentation during the XIX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 22 de julio de 2005. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala.
2004 (Eberl, Markus, and Claudia Vela González) Exploraciones en el sitio de Nacimiento, Petexbatun. Presentation during the XVIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 21 de julio de 2004. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala
2004 (Eberl, Markus) Introduction to the Glyphic Inscriptions of the Northern Maya Lowlands. Presentation at the Third Annual Tulane Maya Symposium and Workshop on Fifteen Centuries of Maya Literature. October 30, 2004, Tulane University, New Orleans.
2004 (Eberl, Markus) Merle Greene Robertson’s Rubbings. Presentation for a teacher’s workshop at the Stone Center of Latin American Studies at Tulane University (the workshop accompanied the Third Annual Tulane Maya Symposium and Workshop on Fifteen Centuries of Maya Literature).
2004 (Eberl, Markus, Takeshi Inomata, and Erick Ponciano) Aguateca and the Decline of Royal Power in the Petexbatun Region. Paper read during the SAA session The Decline of the West: New Insights into the Final Century of the Classic Maya Kingdoms of the Greater Pasión-Usumacinta Valley, organized by Arthur Demarest and Gair Tourtellot. 69th SAA Annual Meeting in Montreal (March 31–April 4, 2004)
2003 (Eberl, Markus, and Victoria R. Bricker) Unwinding the rubber ball. The Glyphic Expression nahb’ as a Numeral Classifier for “Handspan”. TASA Colloquium series, October 24, 2003. Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, New Orleans.
2003 (Eberl, Markus) Exploraciones iniciales en el sitio Nacimiento (Petexbatun). XVII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 25 de Julio de 2003. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala, Guatemala.
2002 (Eberl, Markus) Buried in stone. On burial customs of Classic Maya rulers. Paper read at the 7th European Maya Conference (Jaws of the Underworld: Life, Death and Rebirth among the Ancient Maya) at The British Museum, London (5–10 November 2002).
2002 (Eberl, Markus) Excavaciones en el “Área de la Barranca Escondida” de Aguateca. XVI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala on July 16. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología de Guatemala.
2001 (Eberl, Markus) Proper Names and Throne Names. On the Naming Practice of Classic Maya Rulers. TASA Colloquium series. Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, New Orleans.
2001 (Eberl, Markus, and Stephen D. Houston) Epigraphic Research at Aguateca (Petexbatun, Guatemala). Paper read at the 66th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 18–22, 2001. New Orleans.
2000 (Eberl, Markus, and Daniel Graña-Behrens) Change of Names, Change of Titles. The Accession Ritual of Classic Maya Rulers. Paper read at the fifth European Maya Conference at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität (Bonn, Germany), December 8–10, 2000.
1999 (Eberl, Markus) Descubrimiento de nuevas estelas en Aguateca (Petexbatun). XIII Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, 21 de Julio de 1999
1999 (Eberl, Markus) Archäologische Ausgrabungen 1999 in Aguateca (Guatemala) [Archaeological excavations at Aguateca (Guatemala) in 1999]. Colloquium series of the Institut für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany.
1998 (Eberl, Markus) Tod und Begräbnis: Rituale der klassischen Mayakultur [Death and burial: Classic Maya Rituals]. Colloquium series of the Institut für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany.
1997 (López Varela, Sandra L., Markus Eberl, and Carsten Deichmann) Defining Tools for Maya Ceramic Production: An Experimental study at K’axob, Northern Belize. Presentation during the Conference Ethno-Analogy and the Reconstruction of Prehistoric Artefact Use and Production, on July 6 at the Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, Institute of Prehistory, University of Tübingen, Germany.
1995 (Eberl, Markus) “Form Follows Function.” Die Architektur von Las Sepulturas (Copán, Honduras) [“Form Follows Function.” The architecture of Las Sepulturas (Copán, Honduras)]. Colloquium series of the Institut für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, Germany.
2011 Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing. Workshop during the 8th Tulane Maya Symposium on February 13. Tulane University, New Orleans.
2010 Maya Workshop. Center for Latin American Studies, Vanderbilt University (November 10).
2010 Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing. Workshop on February 28 during the Seventh Tulane Symposium (February 26–28). Tulane University, New Orleans.
2009 Counting Time the Maya Way. Workshop during the Sixth Annual Tulane Maya Symposium on Maya Calendars and Creation (February 6–7; Tulane University).
2008 Maya glyphic inscriptions in the Naj Tunich cave. Workshop during the Fifth Annual Tulane Maya Symposium on Sacred Cenotes, Hidden Caverns: Rituals, Beliefs, and Everyday Activities Related to Caves and Cenotes among the Maya (February 15–16; Tulane University)
2004 Sports in Latin America: The Maya Ballgame. Workshop at the Stone Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane University, New Orleans (March 27).
2002 Precolumbian art. Workshop at the New Orleans Museum of Art on September 4, 2002
2002 Texts from the Northern Lowlands. Intermediate/advanced workshop during the First Annual Tulane Maya Symposium on Archaeology, Astronomy, and Texts from the Northern Maya Lowlands (November 1–3; Tulane University)
2002 Introduction to the Teachers’ Workshop. (The workshop introduced highschool teachers to the First Annual Tulane Maya Symposium and Workshop on Archaeology, Astronomy, and Texts from the Northern Maya Lowlands at Tulane University).
2002 Spirituality and sacrificial sport. Inside the Mayan Ballgame at the New Orleans Museum of Art, Audubon Zoo, and Tulane University’s Latin American Resource Center (together with Matt Moriarty on February 22 and 23)
2001 Workshop at the Sixth European Maya Conference at the University of Hamburg, Germany (in English; December)
2001 Workshop at the Tercer Taller de Epigrafía Maya in Villahermosa, Mexico (in Spanish; July 27–August 4)
2000 Workshop at the Fifth European Maya Conference at the University of Bonn, Germany (in German; December 8–10)
2000 Workshop at the Segundo Taller de Epigrafía Maya in Mérida, Mexico (in Spanish; June 19–24)
1999 Workshop at the Primer Taller de Epigrafía Maya in Palenque, Mexico (in Spanish; June 27–July 4)
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