NCGOA Seminar – Spring 2003
Noncommutative Geometry & Operator Algebras Seminar
Spring 2003
Organizers: Dietmar Bisch and Guoliang Yu
Tuesdays 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm, 1403 Stevenson
- Date: 1/28/03 Graduate Student Colloquium, 3:10-4:00 pm in SC 1307
- Speaker: Dietmar Bisch, Vanderbilt University
- Title: What Evariste Galois might have done 150 years later
- Abstract:
Galois theory is certainly one of the most fascinating
theories in mathematics. If Galois had lived in the 20th century
he might have been an analyst and studied extensions of certain
rings of operators on Hilbert space instead of field extensions.
An operator algebra version of Galois theory was discovered by
Fields Medalist Vaughan Jones in the early 1980’s. It led to an
amazingly rich theory which has many surprising applications to
representation theory, low dimensional topology, quantum physics
and quantum information theory. I will try to give some glimpses
of Jones’ non-commutative Galois theory, which is nowadays called
the theory of subfactors.
- Date: 2/4/03
- Speaker: Yuri Bahturin, Memorial University of Newfoundland & Moscow State University (visiting Vanderbilt)
- Title: Direct limits of simple Lie algebras
- Abstract:
In this talk we will establish a very close connection between an
important class of so called diagonal simple locally finite Lie algebras
with simple or involutory simple locally finite associative algebras. In
particular this expresses diagonal direct limits of finite-dimensional
simple algebras in terms of similarly defined limits of finite-dimensional
simple or involutory simple associative algebras.
- Date:
2/6/03 (Thursday) Mathematics Colloquium at 4:10pm in SC 1431- Speaker: Stanley Chang, Wellesley College
- Title: A New Invariant and the Surgery Exact Sequence
- Abstract:
We will construct a “higher” Hirzebruch-type invariant of compact
manifolds based on the L2-signature and motivated by the work of
Cheeger-Gromov. This invariant is useful in studying the structure
set of manifolds whose fundamental group contains torsion.
The talk will be geared towards a graduate student audience.
- Date: 2/11/03
- Speaker: Mark Sapir, Vanderbilt University
- Title: Isoperimetric functions of groups, connections between group
theory, topology and computer science - Abstract:
This is a joint work with J-C. Birget, Olshanskii and Rips. One of the main
results says that the function $f(l)=l^a$, $a>4$, is (O-equivalent to) the
isoperimetric function of a group if and only if $a$ is a relatively fast
computable number. For example, there exists a manifold with isoperimetric
function equivalent to l^(\pi+e). We
also construct the first example of an NP-complete group, and
characterize the groups with word problem in NP: a finitely generated group
has word
problem in NP if and only if it is a subgroup of a finitely presented group
with polynomial isoperimetric function.
- Date: 2/18/03
- Speaker: Alexis Alevras, US Naval Academy
- Title: Irreversible flows on von Neumann algebras
- Abstract:
The study of one-parameter semigroups of endomorphisms of von Neumann
was initiated some fifteen years ago by| R.T. Powers as a first step
towards an index theory
for unbounded derivations. It may be appropriately viewed as the study of
the differential operator
d/dx in a noncommutative setting. In the talk I will give a
self-contained overview of the theory of such semigoups, and explain its
connections to continuous tensor products of
Hilbert spaces, stochastic processes and to more general quantum
dynamical semigroups, with a focus on
attempts at classification, up to cocycle conjugacy, of endomorphism
semigroups of type I factors.
- Date:
2/26/03 (Wednesday) Special Talk, 1:00-2:00pm in SC 1403- Speaker: Michael Burns, UC Berkeley
- Title: Infinite Index Subfactors: Extremality and Rotations
- Abstract:
We will generalize the notion of extremality to II1 subfactors of
infinite index, in addition defining a weaker notion of approximate
extremality. We will connect these properties to the existence of certain
rotation operators on the L2 spaces of the higher relative
commutants of the subfactor.
- Date:
2/27/03 (Thursday) Mathematics Colloquium at 4:10pm in SC 1431- Speaker: Michael Burns, UC Berkeley
- Title: Planar Operations on Subfactors
- Abstract:
Jones’ planar algebra formalism provides the most elegant and powerful
description of the standard invariant of a finite index, extremal
II1 subfactor, allowing the use of diagramatic techniques
to prove results in the theory of operator algebras. After reviewing
some of the theory of planar algebras, von Neumann algebras and
subfactors, we will discuss a number of extensions of the planar
algebra results.
- Date: 3/4/03
- no meeting (spring break)
- Date:
3/11/03 (Monday) Mathematics Colloquium at 4:10pm in SC 1431- Speaker: Nick Wright, Vanderbilt University
- Title: Coarse Geometry and Scalar Curvature
- Abstract:
For manifolds, one of the most intuitive geometric properties is the curvature. The scalar curvature is dependent on the Riemannian metric however the topology also plays a role in determining whether there are metrics with positive curvature. Coarse geometry studies the large scale structure of a manifold and is a useful tool for analyzing curvature questions.I will describe the ideas and methods underlying coarse geometry. The relation with curvature is given by a geometric differential operator (the Dirac operator). The index theory for this operator gives various obstructions to positive scalar curvature. I will present some of these obstructions on open manifolds and draw conclusions for general closed manifolds.
- Date:
3/13/03 (Thursday) Mathematics Colloquium at 4:10pm in SC 1431- Speaker: Sorin Popa, UCLA
- Title: L2-Betti Numbers and the
Fundamental Group of Finite von Neumann Factors - Abstract:
Click here to download the pdf file of the
- Date:
3/14/03 (Friday) Special Talk, 3:10-4:30pm in SC 1432- Speaker: Sorin Popa, UCLA
- Title: Playing amenability against rigidity to
unfold the structure of II1 factors - Abstract:
Click here to download the ps file of the
I will explain a general strategy
for studying type II$_1$ factors that
proved extremely succesful in the last couple of years,
and which consists in “playing amenability
against rigidity”, whenever some very weak
versions of these properties are met. These opposing
properties create enough “tension” within the algebra to
unfold the entire structure.
I will exemplify with three distinct types
of situations and results: 1) When the II$_1$ factor $M$
contains Cartan subalgebras $A\subset M$ such that
$A\subset M$ satisfies an operator algebra version
of the Kazhadan-Margulis relative property (T),
while the equivalence relation $\Cal R_{A\subset M}$
satisfies Haagerup’s property. 2) When $M=R \rtimes_\sigma G$
with $\sigma$ a Bernoulli shift action and $G$ a group which
contains an infinite normal rigid subgroup.
3) When $M$ is a tensor product of “hyperbolic” factors (a recent
property due to Ozawa).
- Date: 3/25/03
- Speaker: Ed Saff, Vanderbilt University
- Title: Minimal Riesz Energy Points on Manifolds
- Abstract:
We discuss asymptotics (as N -> infty)
for minimal Riesz s-energy N-point configurations on the
union of smooth manifolds. Recent work with
Doug Hardin leads to some very general results
in the case when s is greater than the Hausdorff
dimension of the manifold. Motivation for the
investigation is the question of distributing many
points on a sphere and best-packing problems.
- Date:
3/27/03 (Thursday) Mathematics Colloquium at 4:10pm in SC 1431- Speaker: Zhong-Jin Ruan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Title: Operator Spaces: A Natural Non-commutative Quantization of Functional Analysis
- Abstract:
An operator space is a norm closed subspace of bounded operators on some
Hilbert space together with a distinguished “matrix norm”. Morphisms
between operator spaces are “completely bounded linear maps”.Operator space theory is a natural non-commutative quantization of
functional analysis (Banach space theory). In this talk, I will first
discuss some fundamental results in operator spaces, and then discuss
some interesting applications to operator algebras and non-commutative
harmonic analysis.
- Date: 4/1/03
- Speaker: Marius Dadarlat, Purdue University
- Title: K-theory and approximations of C*-algebras
- Abstract:
The validity of the universal coefficient theorem
in KK-theory is shown to be equivalent to an approximation
property for residually finite dimensional C*-algebras.
We will also discuss approximation properties of representations of
amenable residually finite groups.
- Date:
4/3/03 (Thursday) Mathematics Colloquium at 4:10pm in SC 1431- Speaker: Zhenghan Wang, Indiana University
- Title: Topological Quantum Computation
- Abstract:
An equivalent model of quantum computing based on topological quantum field
theories has been proposed in the work of Freedman, Kitaev, Larsen and Wang.
This new way of looking at quantum computation provides efficient quantum
algorithms to approximately compute quantum invariants of links and
3-manifolds, and a possible way to realize a large scale quantum computer.
We will start with a general introduction to quantum information science,
and then discuss the connection to topology, computer science and condensed
matter physics.
- Date:
4/14/03 (Monday) Special Talk, 3:00-4:00pm in SC 1404
- Speaker: Erik Guentner, University of Hawaii
- Title: The Novikov conjecture for linear groups
- Abstract:
A central problem in C*-algebra K-theory, addressed by the
Baum-Connes conjecture, is to compute the K-theory of the
reduced group C*-algebra of a discrete group. The Baum-Connes
conjecture implies the Novikov conjecture on homotopy invariance
of higher signatures.N. Higson and G. Kasparov proved the Baum-Connes conjecture for
groups acting properly and affine isometrically on Hilbert space.
Building on their work G. Yu proved the Novikov conjecture for
groups that embed uniformly in a Hilbert space.We will describe results, obtained with Higson and S. Weinberger,
proving the Novikov conjecture for subgroups of Lie groups which
are not necessarily discrete. This generalizes earlier results of
Kasparov. Our results build directly on those mentioned above,
with elementary aspects of the theory of valuations playing an
important role.
- Date: 4/15/03
- Speaker: Jingbo Xia, SUNY at Buffalo
- Title: Bounded functions of vanishing mean oscillation on compact
metric spaces - Abstract:
A well-known theorem of T. Wolff asserts that for
every $f \in L^\infty $ on the unit circle $T$, there is
a non-trivial $q \in $ QA $=$ VMO$\cap H^\infty $ such that $fq
\in $ QC.
We consider the situation where $T$ is replaced
by a compact metric space $(X,d)$ equipped with a measure $\mu $
satisfying the condition $\mu (B(x,2r)) \leq C\mu (B(x,r))$.
We generalize Wolff’s theorem to the extend
that every function in $L^\infty (X,\mu )$ can be multiplied into
VMO$(X,d,\mu )$ in a non-trivial way by a function in
VMO$(X,d,\mu )\cap L^\infty (X,\mu )$.
Wolff’s proof relies on the fact that $T$ has a dyadic
decomposition. But since this is not available for $(X,d)$ in
general, our approach is completely different.
Furthermore, we show that the analyticity requirement for the function
$q$ in Wolff’s theorem must be dropped if $T$ is replaced by
$S^{2n-1}$ with $n \geq 2$. Move precisely, if $n \geq 2$,
then there is a $g \in L^\infty (S^{2n-1},\sigma )$, where $\sigma$
is the standard spherical measure on $S^{2n-1}$, such that if
$q \in H^\infty (S^{2n-1})$ and if $q$ is not the constant function
0, then $gq$ does not have vanishing mean oscillation on $S^{2n-1}$.
The particular $g$ that we construct also serves to show that a famous
factorization theorem of S. Axler for $L^\infty $-functions
on the unit circle $T$ cannot be generalized to $S^{2n-1}$ when $n
\geq 2$. We conclude the talk with an index theorem for Toeplitz operators
on $S^{2n-1}$.
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