Functional Analysis/Operator Algebras Seminar, Fall 1999
- Date: 10/15/99
- Date: 10/22/99
- Speaker: Alexis Alevras, UCSB
- Title: On the classification of continuous semigroups of endomorphisms of B(H)
- Abstract:
Given a symmetric operator on a Hilbert space, the question of existence
of selfadjoint extensions is answered by a classical index theorem of
von Neumann. This question is quite important e.g. when one needs to
know whether a Hamiltonian can be extended to a self adjoint operator,
thereby defining the dynamics of a quantum mechanical system.
In the modern formulation of quantum mechanics the Hamiltonian
is replaced by a derivation on the algebra of observables and the
problem is whether such a derivation defines the time evolution of the system.
In the talk I will give an overview of an index theory for one
parameter semigroups of endomorphisms of B(H) relating
to this question, which can be viewed appropriately as a quantized
analogue of the Fredholm index of maximal symmetric operators.
- Date: 10/29/99
- Speaker: Perturbation Theory of Banach Space Complexes
- Title: Jim Gleason, UCSB
- Abstract:
The theory of Fredholm operators has been well studied with
many important results. One of these results is the stability of
Fredholmness and the index under certain types of perturbations. We will
discuss the extension of this theory to the context of Banach space
- Date: 11/5/99
- Speaker: Alexis Alevras, UCSB
- Title: Topological entropy (after Voiculescu and Brown), Part I
- Date: 11/11/99, Mathematics Colloquium!
- Speaker: Marc Rosso, Universite Louis Pasteur (Strasboug) and MSRI
- Title: Quantum groups and quantum shuffles
- Abstract:
We will describe an elementary construction of quantum groups in terms of a
deformation of the shuffle algebra on a finite dimensional vector space.
This allows for a construction of representations in terms of iterated
integral and for a construction of Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt type bases via
the combinatorics of Lyndon words.
- Date: 11/12/99, Engineering Department, Seminar talk, 3 pm
- Speaker: Ciprian Foias, Indiana University
- Title: Using Camassa-Holm equations to predict turbulent flows in channels and pipes
- Abstract:
Survey of the approach developed by S. Chen, C. Foias, D.D. Holm, E. Olson,
E.S. Titi and S. Wynne in the study of turbulent flows in channels and
pipes based on the viscous Camassa-Holm equations. This approach seems to
yield accurate predictions for the mean velocity profiles of turbulent
flows in pipes for very large Reynolds numbers. (See Physica D, 133(1999),
- Date: 11/12/99
- Speaker: Alexis Alevras, UCSB
- Title: Topological entropy (after Voiculescu and Brown), Part II
- Date: 11/19/99
- Speaker: Mihai Putinar, UCSB
- Title: Pade approximation via operator theory
- Abstract:
A new proof of Markov convergence theorem will be given as a consequence
of von Neumann’s theory of spectral sets. Other rational convergence
results will be derived from the classical spectral theory of compact
- Date: 11/26/99
- no meeting (Thanksgiving Holiday)
- Date: 12/3/99
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: Principal graphs of subfactors with small Jones index (after Haagerup)
- Abstract:
The principal graph of a subfactor encodes the principal part of the
fusion algebra of bimodules associated to a subfactor. These graphs
are weighted, bipartite, possibly infinite graphs with a distinguished
vertex and they reflect a part of the algebraic information contained
in the standard invariant of a subfactor. Haagerup has produced a complete
list of possible principal graphs of irreducible subfactors with Jones index
between 4 and 3 + \sqrt{3} and we will discuss in this talk
Haagerup’s results and the combinatorial/computational methods used
to obtain them.
- Date: 12/10/99
- Speaker: Dietmar Bisch, UCSB
- Title: Obstructions for principal graphs via planar algebra techniques (after Jones)
- Abstract:
The higher relative commutants of a subfactor are modules for
the affine Temperley-Lieb-Jones algebras. This fact gives strong
constraints on the possible structure of the standard invariant of
a subfactor and we will explain in this talk how this point of view can
be used to obtain the well-known obstructions for subfactors with small
Jones index.
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