
Current Visitors

Koichi Shimada

Institution: The University of Tokya

Area of Research: Operator algebras.


Email: shimada at ms dot u hyphen tokyo dot ac dot jp

Dates of visit: Apil-May 2015, Fall 2015.


Uffe Haagerup

Institution: University of Copenhagen.

Area of Research: Operator algebras.


Email: haagerup at math dot ku dot dk

Dates of visit: September 2014, October 2013.

Maria Ramirez-Solano

Institution: University of Copenhagen.

Area of Research: Dynamical Systems.


Email: mrs at math dot ku dot dk

Dates of visit: September 2014.

Francois Lemaitre

Institution: ENS Lyon.

Area of Research: Measurable group theory, von Neumann algebras.


Email: francois dot le_maitre at ens-lyon dot fr

Dates of visit: September 2014.

Kamran Reihani

Institution: Texas A&M University.

Area of Research: Noncommutative Geometry.


Email: reihani at math dot tamu dot edu

Dates of visit: 2013-2014 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Guoliang Yu

Institution: Texas A&M University.

Area of Research: Noncommutative Geometry, K-theory, index theory.


Email: guoliangyu at math dot tamu dot edu

Dates of visit: Fall 2013.

Kate Juschenko

Institution: Northwestern University and CNRS.

Area of Research: Operator algebras, group theory


Email: kate.juschenko at

Dates of visit: 2012-2013 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Zhizhang Xie

Institution: Texas A&M University.

Area of Research: Index theory, Noncommutative geometry


Email: xie at math dot tamu dot ed

Dates of visit: 2011-2013 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Natasha Blitvic

Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington.

Area of Research: Operator algebras, probability theory, combinatorics.

Email: natasha dot blitvic at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2012-2013 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Richard Burstein

Works for a company.

Area of Research: Subfactors, planar algebras

Email: richard dot d dot burstein at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2009-2012 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Ionut Chifan

Institution: University of Iowa

Area of Research: Von Neumann Algebras, II1 factors, ergodic theory

Email: ionut-chifan at uiowa dot edu

Dates of visit: 2009-2012 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Stacy Hoehn Fonstad

Institution: Franklin College, IN

Area of Research: Manifolds, algebraic topology, K-theory

Email: SHoehn at franklincollege dot edu

Bai-Ling Wang

Institution: Australian National University

Area of Research: Index theory, K-theory, Geometric Analysis

Email: at

Dates of visit: Spring 2012

Rufus Willett

Institution: University of Hawaii, Manoa

Area of Research: Index theory, coarse geometry, K-theory

Email: rufus dot willett at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: Fall 2011

Mrinal Raghupathi

Institution: US Naval Academy, Annapolis

Area of Research: Operator theory, operator algebras

Email: mrinal dot raghupathi at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2008-2011 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Rufus Willett

Institution: University of Hawaii, Manoa

Area of Research: Index theory, coarse geometry, K-theory

Email: rufus dot willett at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2009-2011 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Remi Boutonnet

Institution: ENS Paris

Area of Research: Operator Algebras

Email: remi dot boutonnet at ens dot fr

Dates of visit: Fall 2010

Hanfeng Li

Institution: SUNY Buffalo

Area of Research: Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry

Email: hfli dot math dot buffalo dot edu

Dates of visit: October 11-December 10, 2009

Romain Tessera

Institution: CNRS, ENS Lyon, France

Area of Research: Analysis on metric spaces, geometric group theory

Email: romain dot a dot tessera at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: November 15 – December 31, 2009

Shamindra Ghosh

Institution: KU Leuven, Belgium

Area of Research: Subfactors, planar algebras, category theory

Email: shamindra dot k dot ghosh at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2006-2009 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Pinhas Grossman

Institution: Cardiff University, Wales

Area of Research: Von Neumann Algebras, Subfactors, Planar Algebras

Email: pinhas dot grossman at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2006-2009 (NTT Assistant Professor), May 2010

Dan Ramras

Institution: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

Area of Research: Algebraic topology, algebraic K-theory

dan dot ramras at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2007-2009 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Romain Tessera

Institution: CNRS, ENS Lyon, France

Area of Research: Analysis on metric spaces, geometric group theory

Email: romain dot a dot tessera at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2006-2009 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Alan Wiggins

Institution: University of Michigan, Dearborn

Area of Research: Von Neumann algebras

Email: alan dot d dot wiggins at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2007-2009 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Paramita Das

Institution: KU Leuven, Belgium

Research Associate (AY 06-08), Visiting Assistant Professor (AY 08-09)

Area of Research: Hopf algebras, Subfactors

paramita dot das at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: September 2006 to August 2009

Alvaro Martinez Perez

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Visiting Scholar

Area of Research: Coarse geometry and topology

alvaro_martinez at mat dot ucm dot es

Dates of visit: Fall 2008

Yi-Jun Yao

Institution: Penn State University

Area of Research: Noncommutative Geometry and number theory

Email: iyi-jun.yao at polytechnique dot org

Dates of visit: 2007-2008 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Adrian Lim

Institution: University of Luxembourg

Area of Research: Path integrals, quantization, stochastic processes

Email: adrian dot lim at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2007-2008 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Vladimir Manuilov

Institution: Moscow State University

Visiting Professor

Area of Research: C*-algebras and topology

Vanderbilt Email:
vladimir dot manuilov at vanderbilt dot edu

manuilov at mech dot math dot msu dot su

Dates of visit: Fall 2007

Qinggang Ren

Institution: Fudan University

Exchange Ph.D. Student

Area of Research: Noncommutative Geometry

Vanderbilt Email:
qinggang dot ren at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: January 2007 – December 2007

Remus Nicoara

Institution: University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Area of Research: Von Neumann Algebras, Subfactors


Email: remus dot nicoara at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2004-2007 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Jeff Raven

Area of Research: Equivariant K-theory, non-commutative and algebraic topology


j dot raven at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2005-2007 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Brett Wick

Institution: University of South Carolina

Area of Research: Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, Harmonic Analysis


Email: brett dot d dot wick at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: 2005-2007 (RTG NTT Assistant Professor)

Yves de Cornulier

Institution: CNRS, Universite de Rennes I

Area of Research: Geometric Group Theory


Email: TBA

Dates of visit: January – March 2007

Qin Wang

Institution: Dong Hua University, Shanghai, P.R. of China

Area of Research: Coarse Geometry, K-theory of Operator Algebras

Vanderbilt Email:
qin dot wang at vanderbilt dot edu

Dates of visit: May 2005 to April 2007

Shuyan Wei

Institution: Suzhou University, Jiangsu, P.R. of China

Area of Research: Coarse Geometry, K-theory of Operator Algebras

weisy at etang dot com

Dates of visit: September 2006 to January 2007

Teodor Banica

Institution: Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III)

Area of Research: Quantum groups, subfactors, planar algebras


banica at picard dot ups-tlse dot fr

Dates of visit: March 2006

Greg Friedman

Institution: Texas Christian University

Area of Research: Geometric and algebraic topology of stratified spaces
and knots


Email: g dot friedman at tcu dot edu

Dates of visit: AY 2005-2006 (RTG NTT Assistant Professor)

Guihua Gong

Institution: University of Puerto Rico

Area of Research: C*-Algebras, K-theory, Noncommutative Geometry

ggong at goliath dot cnnet dot clu dot edu

Dates of visit: AY 2005-2006

Liangqing Li

Institution: University of Puerto Rico

Area of Research: C*-Algebras, K-theory, Noncommutative Geometry

lli at goliath dot cnnet dot clu dot edu

Dates of visit: AY 2005-2006

Eric Rannaud

Institution: Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris

Area of Research: Quantum Computing, Quantum Information Theory

Dates of visit: March 1 to May 31, 2005

Bernd Grave

Institution: University of Goettingen

Area of Research: Coarse Geometry

Email: berndgrave at web dot de


Dates of visit: Fall 04

Chris Phillips

Institution: University of Oregon

Area of Research: C*-algebras

Vanderbilt Email:


Dates of visit: Fall 04

Nick Wright

Institution: University of Southampton

Area of Research: Coarse Geometry, Index Theory



n.wright at maths dot soton dot ac dot uk

Dates of visit: 2002-2004 (NTT Assistant Professor)

Kyesook Nam

Institution: Korea University

Area of Research: Operator Theory


ksnam72 at hanmail dot net

Dates of visit: 2004

Shengzhi Xu

Institution: Fudan University, Shanghai

Area of Research: Noncommutative Geometry

Email: szxu at fudan dot edu dot cn

Dates of visit: 2003-04, April-May 2006

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Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras
Department of Mathematics
Vanderbilt University
Stevenson Center 1326
Nashville, TN 37240
U.S.A. Phone: (615) 322-6672
Fax: (615) 343-0215
E-mail: ncgoa[at]vanderbilt[dot]edu