Energy-dependent amplitude of Brillouin oscillations in GaP A. Baydin, R. Gatamov, H. Krzyzanowska, C. Stanton, N. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B, 99, 165202 (2019).
Post-implantation depth profiling using time-domain Brillouin scattering A. Baydin, H. Krzyzanowska, L. Feldman, N. Tolk, Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B Beam Interact. with Mater. Atoms 440, 36–40 (2019).
Low temperature diamond growth arising from ultrafast pulsed-laser pretreatment H. Krzyżanowskaa, W. F. Paxton, M. Yilmaz, A. Mayo, J. Kozub, M. Howell, J. Gregory, J. E. Butler, W. P. Kang, R. Mu, J. L. Davidson, N. H. Tolk, Carbon. 131, 120-126 (2018).
The photoelastic coefficient P12 of H+ implanted GaAs as a function of defect density. A. Baydin, H. Krzyzanowska, R. Gatamov, J. Garnett, N. Tolk. Sci. Rep. 7, 15150 (2017).
Depth dependent modification of optical constants arising from H+ implantation in n-type 4H-SiC measured using coherent acoustic phonons. A. Baydin, H. Krzyzanowska, M. Dhanunjaya, S. V. S. N. Rao, J. L. Davidson, L. C. Feldman, N. H. Tolk. APL Photonics, 1, 036102 (2016)
Efficient Energy Transfer between Si Nanostructures and Er Located at a Controlled Distance. H. Krzyżanowska, Y. Fu, K. S. Ni, and P. M. Fauchet. ACS Photonics, 3(4), 564 (2016)
Effects of nanoscale embedded Schottky barriers on carrier dynamics in ErAs:GaAs composite systems. Corder, G. S., Kawasaki, JK, Palmstrøm, CJ, Krzyzanowska, H. T. and Tolk, NH. Phys. Rev. B 92, 134303 (2015).
Suppression of free carrier absorption in silicon using multislot SiO< sub> 2</sub>/nc-Si waveguides, Y Fu, H Krzyżanowska, KS Ni, PM Fauchet. Optics letters 38 (22), 4849-4852
Electronic-and band-structure evolution in low-doped (Ga, Mn) As, Oksana Yastrubchak, Janusz Sadowski, H Krzyżanowska, Lukasz Gluba, J Żuk, JZ Domagala, Tomasz Andrearczyk, Tadeusz Wosinski
Lawler, HM, Steigerwald, A, Gregory, J, Krzyzanowska, H & Tolk, NH. Experimental and theoretical determination of the opto-acoustic spectrum of silicon. Materials Research Express 1,025701 (2014).
A. R. Klots, A. K. M. Newaz, Bin Wang, D. Prasai, H. Krzyzanowska, D. Caudel, N. J. Ghimire, J. Yan, B. L. Ivanov, K. A. Velizhanin, A. Burger, D. G. Mandrus, N. H. Tolk, S. T. Pantelides, K. I. Bolotin, “Probing excitonic states in ultraclean suspended two-dimensional semiconductors by photocurrent spectroscopy” Scientific Reports 4, 6608 (2014) (arXiv:1403.6455)
“Annealing effect in boron-induced interface charge traps in Si/SiO2 systems,” H. Park, B. Choi, A. Steigerwald, K. Varga, and N. Tolk, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 023711 (2013)
“Investigation of ferroelectric properties and structural relaxation dynamics of polyvinylidene fluoride thin film via second harmonic generation” Jones, J. and Zhu, L. and Tolk, N. and Mu, R., Applied Physics Letters, 103, 072901 (2013)
“The effect of hydrogen desorption kinetics on thermionic emission from polycrystalline chemical vapor deposited diamond“, W. F. Paxton, A. Steigerwald, M. Howell, N. Tolk, W. P. Kang, and J. L. Davidson, Applied Physics Letters 101, 243509 (2012)
“Ion implantation induced modification of optical properties in single-crystal diamond studied by coherent acoustic phonon spectroscopy“, J. Gregory, A. Steigerwald, H. Takahashi, A. Hmelo, and N. Tolk, Applied Physics Letters 101, 181904 (2012)
“Thermionic emission characterization of boron-doped microcrystalline diamond films at elevated temperatures“, W. F. Paxton, T. Wade, M. Howell, N. Tolk, W. P. Kang, and J. L. Davidson, Physica Status Solidi A 209, 1993-1995 (2012)
“Determination of optical damage cross-sections and volumes surrounding ion bombardment tracks in GaAs using coherent acoustic phonon spectroscopy“, A. Steigerwald, A.. Hmelo, K. Varga, L. C. Feldman, and N. Tolk, Journal of Applied Physics 112, 013514 (2012)
“Nanostructure TEM analysis of diamond cold cathode field emitters“, T. C. Wade, D. W. Coffey, N. Ghosh, J. E. Wittig, W. P. Kang, L. F. Allard, K. A. Unocic, J. L. Davidson, and N. H. Tolk, Diamond and Related Materials 22, 29-32 (2012)
“Near Field Optical Microscopy Imaging with a Free Electron Laser in the 1-10 Micron Spectral Range: Overview and Perspectives“, A. Cricenti, M. Luce, N. H. Tolk, and G. Margaritondo, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 3, 913-921 (2011)
“Time-resolved second harmonic generation study of buried semiconductor heterointerfaces using soliton-induced transparency“, Y. D. Glinka, N. H. Tolk, and J. K. Furdyna, Physical Review B 84, 153304 (2011)
“Polarization-dependent temporal behaviour of second harmonic generation in Si/SiO2 systems,” H. Park, J. Qi, Y. Xu, G. Lüpke, and N. Tolk, Journal of Optics 13, 055202 (2011)
“Reconfiguration and dissociation of bonded hydrogen in silicon by energetic ions,” S. V. S. Nageswara Rao, S. K. Dixit, G. Luepke, N. H. Tolk, and L. C. Feldman, Physical Review B 83, 4 (2011)
“Multiphoton absorption in germanium using pulsed infrared free-electron laser radiation,” D. Seo, J. M. Gregory, L. C. Feldman, N. H. Tolk, and P. I. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 83, 19, 195203 (2011)
“Enhanced Photocurrent Production by Photosystem I Multilayer Assemblies“, Peter N. Ciesielski, Christopher J. Faulkner, Matthew T. Irwin, Justin M. Gregory, Norman H. Tolk, David E. Cliffel, G. Kane Jennings, Advanced Functional Materials 20, 23 (2010)
“Photon energy threshold for filling boron induced charge traps in SiO2 near the Si/SiO2 interface using second harmonic generation“, Heungman Park, Ying Xu, Kalman Varga, Jingbo Qi, Leonard C. Feldman, Gunter Lüpke, and Norman Tolk, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 202105 (2010)
“Ultrafast carrier and phonon dynamics in Bi2Se3 crystals“, J. Qi, X. Chen, W. Yu, P. Cadden-Zimansky, D. Smirnov, N. H. Tolk, I. Miotkowski, H. Cao, Y. P. Chen, Y. Wu, S. Qiao, and Z. Jiang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 182102 (2010)
“Boron induced charge traps near the interface of Si/SiO2 probed by second harmonic generation“, Heungman Park, Jingbo Qi, Ying Xu, Kalman Varga, Sharon M. Weiss, Bridget R. Rogers, Gunter Lüpke, Norman Tolk, physica status solidi (b) 247, 8 (2010)
“Giant Enhancement of Hydrogen Transport in Rutile TiO2 at Low Temperatures“, E. J. Spahr, L. Wen, M. Stavola, L. A. Boatner, L. C. Feldman, N. H. Tolk, and G. Lüpke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 205901 (2010)
“Mechanical and electronic properties of ferromagnetic Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As using ultrafast coherent acoustic phonons“, J. Qi, J. A. Yan, H. Park, A. Steigerwald, Y. Xu , S. N. Gilbert, X. Liu, J. K. Furdyna, S. T. Pantelides, and N. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B 81, 115208 (2010)
“Fe/NiO(100) and Fe/MgO(100) interfaces studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and non-linear Kerr effect“, S. Colonna, A. Cricenti, P. Luches, S. Valeri, F. Boscherini, J. Qi, Y. Xu and N. Tolk, Superlattices and Microstructures 46, 107-113 (2009)
“Characterization of boron charge traps at the interfaces of Si/SiO2 using second harmonic generation“, H. Park, J, Qi, Y. Xu, K. Varga, S. M. Weiss, B. R. Rogers, G. Lüpke, and N. Tolk, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 062102 (2009)
“Semiconductor point defect concentration profiles measured using coherent acoustic phonon waves“, A. Steigerwald, Y. Xu, J. Qi, J. Gregory, X. Liu, J. K. Furdyna, K. Varga, A. B. Hmelo, G. Lüpke, L. C. Feldman, and N. Tolk, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 111910 (2009)
“Ultrafast laser-induced coherent spin dynamics in ferromagnetic Ga(1−x)Mn(x)As/GaAs structures“, J. Qi, Y. Xu, A. Steigerwald, X. Liu, J. K. Furdyna, I. E. Perakis, and N. H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B 79, 085304 (2009)
“Proton Tunneling: A Decay Channel of the O-H Stretch Mode in KTaO3“, E. J. Spahr, L. Wen, M. Stavola, L. A. Boatner, L. C. Feldman, N. H. Tolk, and G. Lüpke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 075506 (2009)
“Temperature-dependent second- and third-order optical nonlinear susceptibilities at the Si/SiO2 interface“, X. Lu, R. Pasternak, H. Park, J. Qi, N. H. Tolk, A. Chatterjee, R. Schrimpf, and D. Fleetwood, Phys. Rev. B 78, 155311 (2008)
“Ultrafast dynamics of coherent acoustic phonon in Ga1-xMnxAs/GaAs system“, J. Qi, Y. Xu, A. Steigerwald, X. Liu, J.K. Furdyna, N. H. Tolk, arXiv: 0807.1740 (2008)
“Photobleaching-free infrared near-field microscopy localizes molecules in neurons“, J. Generosi, G. Margaritondo, M. Kropf, H. Hirling, S. Catsicas, K. Johnsson, N. H. Tolk, D. W. Piston, and A. Cricenti, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 106102 (2008)
“Interaction of high-power infrared radiation with germanium“, D. Seo, L. C. Feldman, N. H. Tolk, P. I. Cohen, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7132, 713216 (2008)
“Hot-phonon-assisted absorption at semiconductor heterointerfaces monitored by pump-probe second-harmonic generation“, Y. D. Glinka, N. H. Tolk, X. Liu, Y. Sasaki, and J. K. Furdyna, Phys. Rev. B 77, 113310 (2008)
“Compositional analysis of lead telluride films deposited via pulsed electron-beam ablation“, A. Steigerwald, R. Aga, W. E. Collins, R. Mu and A. B. Hmelo, J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. A, 26, no. 3, p. 513 (2008)
“Infrared Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Below the Diffraction Limit“, Sanghera, J.S.; Aggarwal, I.D.; Cricenti, A.; Generosi, R.; Luce, M.; Perfetti, P.; Margaritondo, G.; Tolk, N.H.; Piston, D., IEEE J. of Sel. Topics in Quantum Electronics 14, no 5., 1343 (2008)
“Kinetics of a Collagen-Like Polypeptide Fragmentation after Mid-IR Free-Electron Laser Ablation“, A. Zavalin, D. L. Hachey, M. Sundaramoorthy, S. Banerjee, S. Morgan, L. Feldman, N. Tolk, D. W. Piston, Biophysical Journal 95, no. 3, 1371-1381 (2008)
“Electro-optic nature of ultrafast pump-probe reflectivity response from multilayer semiconductor heterostructures“, Y. D. Glinka, N. H. Tolk, X. Liu, Y. Sasaki, J. K. Furdyna, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 043708 (2008)
“Low-frequency electromagnetic field effects on functional groups in human skin keratinocytes cells revealed by IR-SNOM“, A. Cricenti, R. Generosi, M. Luce, P. Perfetti, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal, N. H. Tolk, D. Vobornik, G. Margaritondo, D. W. Piston, V. Manni, S. Grimaldi, A. Lisi, S. Rieti, Journal of Microscopy 229, no. 3, 551-554 (2008)
“Infrared scanning near-field optical microscopy investigates order and clusters in model membranes“, J. Generosi, G. Margaritondo, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal, N. H. Tolk, D. W. Piston, A. C. Castellano, A. Cricenti, Journal of Microscopy 229, no. 2, 259-263 (2008)
“Second harmonic generation for noninvasive metrology of silicon-on-insulator wafers,” M. Alles, R. Pasternak, X. Lu, N. Tolk, R. D. Schrimpf, D. M. Fleetwood, R. Dolan, R. Standley, IEEE Transactions On Semiconductor Manufacturing 20 (2): 107-113 MAY 2007
“Effect of energetic ions on the stability of bond-center hydrogen in silicon,” S. V. S. Nageswara Rao, S. K. Dixit, G. Lüpke, N. H. Tolk, and L. C. Feldman, Phys. Rev. B 75, 2007, pp. 235202-7.
“Oxide interface studies using second harmonic generation,” M. Alles, R. Pasternak, X. Lu, N. Tolk, R. D. Schrimpf, D. M. Fleetwood, R. Dolan, R. Standley, Microelectronic Engineering 84 (9-10): 2089-2092 Sep-Oct 2007
“Ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic Fe/NiO (100) interface studied by non-linear Kerr effect“, S. Colonna, F. Ronci, A. Cricenti, P. Luches, S. Valeri, J. Qi, Y. Xu, J.K. Miller and N. Tolk, Surface Science, 601, 4362 (2007)
“Coherent magnetization precession in GaMnAs induced by ultrafast optical excitation“, J. Qi, Y. Xu, N. H. Tolk, X. Liu, J. K. Furdyna, and I. E. Perakis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 112506 (2007)
“Infrared scanning near-field optical microscopy observation of low-frequency electromagnetic field effects on functional groups in eukaryotic cells,” A. Cricenti, R. Generosi, M. Luce, F. Ronci, P. Perfetti, D. Vobornik and G. Margaritondo, N. H. Tolk, D. W. Piston, S. Grimaldi, A. Lisi, and S. Rieti, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 90 (3): Art. No. 033902 JAN 15 2007
“Spatially resolved pump-probe second harmonic generation study of multilayer semiconductor heterostructures,”, Y. D. Glinka, N. H. Tolk, X. Liu, Y. Sasaki, J. K. Furdyna, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 231104 (2007)
“Spectroscopic infrared near-field microscopy and x-ray reflectivity studies of order and clustering in lipid membranes,” J. Generosi, G. Margaritondo, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal, N. H. Tolk, D. W. Piston, A. Congiu Castellano, and A. Cricenti, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89 (23): Art. No. 233906 DEC 4 2006
“Near-bandgap wavelength dependence of long-lived traveling coherent longitudinal acoustic phonons in GaSb-GaAs heterostructures” Miller, J. K., Qi, J., Xu, Y., Cho Y., Liu, X., Furdyna, J. K. , Perakis, I., Shahbazyan, T. V. , and Tolk, N., Phys. Rev. B 74 (11), Art. No 113313 Sep 2006.
“Infrared laser ablation of glassy As2Se3“, Hari P, Adair J, Tolk N, Sanghera J, Aggarwal I, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (23-25): 2430-2433, July 15, 2006
“Desorption of H from Si(111) by resonant excitation of the Si-H vibrational stretch mode“, Liu ZH, Feldman LC, Tolk NH, Zhang ZY, Cohen PI, SCIENCE 312 (5776): 1024-1026 May 19, 2006
“Studies of charge carrier trapping and recombination processes in Si/SiO2/MgO structures using second-harmonic generation“, White Y. V., Lu X, Pasternak R., Tolk N. H., Chatterjee A., Schrimpf R. D., Fleetwood D. M., Ueda A., Mu R., Applied Physics Letters 88 (6): Feb 6 2006
“Vibrational lifetimes and frequency-gap law of hydrogen bending modes in semiconductors” Sun B, Shi, GA, Rao SVSN, Stavola M, Tolk NH, Dixit SK, Feldman LC, Lupke G, Phys. Rev. Let. 96, 035501 (2006)
“Investigation of second-harmonic generation for SOI wafer metrology,” R. Pasternak, B. Jun, R. D. Schrimpf, D. M. Fleetwood, M. Alles, R. Dolan, R. Standley, and N. Tolk, PV 2005-03 – ISBN 1-56677-461-6 – Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices XII, edited by G. K. Celler, S. Cristoloveanu, J. G. Fossum, F. Gamiz, K. Izumi, and Y-W. Kim, pp. 383-388 (2005).
“Spectroscopic infrared scanning near-field optical microscopy (IR-SNOM)“, Vobornik D, Margaritondo G, Sanghera JS, Thielen P, Aggarwal ID, Ivanov B, Tolk NH, Manni V, Grimaldi S, Lisi A, Rieti S, Piston DW, Generosi R, Luce M, Perfetti P, Cricenti A, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 401 (1-2): 80-85 Sep 29 2005
“Charge trapping in irradiated SOI wafers measured by second harmonic generation,”Bongim Jun; Schrimpf, R.D.; Fleetwood, D.M.; White, Y.V.; Pasternak, R.; Rashkeev, S.N.; Brunier, F.; Bresson, N.; Fouillat, M.; Cristoloveanu, S.;and Tolk, N.H.;Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions Vol. 51, Issue 6, Dec. 2004 Page(s):3231 – 3237
“Characterization of multiple Si/SiO2 interfaces in silicon-on-insulator materials via second-harmonic generation“, B Jun, YV White, RD Schrimpf, DM Fleetwood, F. Brunier, N. Bresson, S Cristoloveanu, NH Tolk, Applied Physics Letters 85 (15): 3095-3097 Oct 11 2004
“Infrared near-field microscopy with the Vanderbilt free electron laser: overview and perspectives” Vobornik D, Margaritondo G, Sanghera JS, Thielen P, Aggarwal ID, Ivanov B, Miller JK, Haglund R, Tolk NH, Congiu-Castellano A, Rizzo MA, Piston DW, Somma F, Baldacchini G, Bonfigli F, Marolo T, Flora F, Montereali RM, Faenov A, Pikuz T, Longo G, Mussi V, Generosi R, Luce M, Perfetti P, Cricenti A, INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY 45 (5-6): 409-416 OCT(2004)
“Vibrational lifetimes and isotope effects of interstitial oxygen in silicon and germanium” Sun B, Yang Q, Newman RC, Pajot B, Tolk NH, Feldman LC, Lupke G, Phys. Rev. Let. 92, 185503 (2004)
“Optical nanospectroscopy applications in material science,” Cricenti A, Longo G, Ustione A, Mussi V, Generosi R, Luce M, Rinaldi M, Perfetti P, Vobornik D, Margaritondo G, Sanghera JS, Thielen P, Aggarwal ID, Ivanov B, Miller JK, Haglund R, Tolk NH, Congiu-Castellano A, Rizzo MA, Piston DW, Somma F, Baldacchini G, Bonfigli F, Marolo T, Flora F, Montereali RM, Faenov A, Pikuz T APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 234 (1-4): 374-386 JUL 15 2004
“Vibrational lifetimes of hydrogen and silicon MOSFET reliability” Feldman LC, Lupke G, Tolk NH, Gettering And Defect Engineering In Semiconductor Technology Solid State Phenomena, 95-96: 123-128 2004
“Optical nanospectroscopy study of ion-implanted silicon and biological growth medium” Cricenti A, Marocchi V, Generosi R, Luce M, Perfetti P, Vobornik D, Margaritondo G, Talley D, Thielen P, Sanghera JS, Aggarwal ID, Miller JK, Tolk NH, Piston DW, J Alloy Compd 362 (1-2): 21-25 Jan 14 2004,
“Contactless ultra-fast laser probing of radiation-induce leakage current in ultra-thin oxides” R. Pasternak, R. Chatterjee, Y. V. Shirokaya, B. K. Choi Z. Marka, J. K. Miller, S. N. Rashkeev, S. T. Pantelides, R.D. Schrimpf, D. M. Fleetwood, N. H. Tolk,, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 50 (6): 1929-1933 Part 1 2003
“Carrier relaxation time divergence in single and double layer cuprates,” Schneider ML, Rast S, Onellion M, Demsar J, Taylor AJ, Glinka Y, Tolk NH, Ren YH, Lupke G, Klimov A, Xu Y, Sobolewski R, Si W, Zeng XH, Soukiassian A, Xi XX, Abrecht M, Ariosa D, Pavuna D, Krapf A, Manzke R, Printz JO, Williamsen MS, Downum KE, Guptasarma P, Bozovic I, European Physical Journal B 36(3) Dec. 2003
“Time-resolved light scattering measurements of cartilage and cornea denaturation due to free electron laser radiation,” Sobol E, Sviridov A, Kitai M, Gilligan JM, Tolk NH, Edwards GS Journal Of Biomedical Optics, 8 (2): 216-222 2003
“Chemically resolved imaging of biological cells and thin films by infrared scanning near-field optical microscopy,” Cricenti A, Generosi R, Luce M, Perfetti P, Margaritondo G, Talley D, Sanghera JS, Aggarwal ID, Tolk NH, Congiu-Castellano A, Rizzo MA, Piston DW BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 85 (4): 2705-27 2003.
“AFM and SNOM characterization of carboxylic acid terminated silicon and silicon nitride surfaces“, Cricenti A, Longo G, Luce M, Generosi R, Perfetti P, Vobornik D, Margaritondo G, Thielen P, Sanghera JS, Aggarwal ID, Miller JK, Tolk NH, Piston DW, Cattaruzza F, Flamini A, Prosperi T, Mezzi A, Surface Science, 544 (1): 51-57 2003
“Spin/carrier dynamics at semiconductor interfaces using intense, tunable, ultra-fast lasers” Y. Jiang, R. Pasternak, Z. Marka, Y. V. Shirokaya, J. K. Miller, S. N. Rashkeev, Yu. D. Glinka, I. E. Perakis, P. K. Roy, J. Kozub, B. K. chio, D. M. Fleetwood, R. D. schrimpf, X. Liu, Y. Sasaki, J. K. Furdyna, and N. H. Tolk, Physica Status. Solidi (B) 240, pp 490-499, Dec. 2003
“Particle-solid interactions and 21st century materials science“, Feldman, LC, Lupke G, Tolk NH, Lopez R, Haglund RF, Haynes TE, and Boatner LA, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B 212 (2003).
“Vibrational Lifetimes of Hydrogen in Silicon“, G. Lupke, N. H. Tolk and L. C. Feldman, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 2317 (2003).
“Laser Detection of Radiation Enhanced Electron Transport in Ultra-Thin Oxides“, R. Pasternak, Y. V. Shirokaya, Z. Marka, J. K. Miller, S. N. Rashkeev, S. T. Pantelides, N. H. Tolk, B. K. Choi, R.D. Schrimpf, D. M. Fleetwood, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Rev. A.(2003).
“Pump-Probe Second Harmonic Generation Study of Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Semiconductor Multilayers,” Yu. D. Glinka, T. V. Shahbazyan, I. E. Perakis, N. H. Tolk, X. Liu, Y. Sasaki, and J. K. Furdyna, Surf. Interface Anal. 35, 146 (2003).
“Two-Color Optical Technique for Characterization of X-Ray Radiation Enhanced Electron Transport in SiO2“, Z. Marka, R. Pasternak, R. G. Albridge, S. N. Rashkeev, S. T. Pantelides, N. H. Tolk, B. K. Choi, D. M. Fleetwood, and R. D. Schrimpf, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 1865 (2003).
“Band Offsets Measured by Internal Photoemission Induced Second-Harmonic Generation,” Z. Marka, R. Pasternak, S. N. Rashkeev, Y. Jiang, S. T. Pantelides, N. H. Tolk, P. K. Roy, and J. Kozub, Phys. Rev. B 67, 045302 (2003).
“Energy Response Of An Imaging Plate Exposed To Standard Beta Sources,” Gonzalez Al, Li H, Mitch M, Tolk N, Duggan DM, Applied Radiation And Isotopes, 57 (6): 875-882, 2002.
“Ultrafast Carrier Relaxation Dynamics in Single-Layer Cuprates“, M. L. Schneider, J. Demsar, Yu. D. Glinka, A. Klimov, A. Krapf, S. Rast, Y. H. Ren, W. Si, Y. Xu, X. H. Zeng, I. Bozovic, G. Lüpke, R. Manzke, R. Sobolewski, A. J. Taylor, N. H. Tolk, X. X. Xi, R. Joynt, and M. Onellion, Europhysics Letters60 (3): 460-466 Nov 2002,
“Femtosecond Optical studies of Cuprates,” M. L. Schneider, J. Demsar, Yu. D. Glinka, A. Klimov, A. Krapf, S. Rast, Y. H. Ren, W. Si, Y. Xu, X. H. Zeng, I. Bozovic, G. Lüpke, R. Manzke, R. Sobolewski, A. J. Taylor, N. T. Tolk, X. X. Xi, R. Joynt, and M. Onellion, in: Superconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering V, ed. by I. Bozovic and D. Pavuna, Proc. SPIE vol. 4811 (2002)
“Ultra-fast Dynamics of Interfacial Electric Fields in Semiconductor Heterostructures Monitored by Pump-Probe Second Harmonic Generation,” Yu. D. Glinka, T. V. Shahbazyan, I. E. Perakis, N. H. Tolk, X. Liu, Y. Sasaki, and J. K. Furdyna, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 3717 (2002).
“Defect transition energies and the density of electronic states in hydrogenated amorphous silicon,” Mensing G, Gilligan J, Hari P, Hurt E, Lupke G, Pantelides S, Tolk N, Taylor PC, J. Non-crystalline Solids, 299: 621-625 Part A APR 1, 2002
“Very high resolution near-field chemical imaging using an infrared free electron laser,” Cricenti A, Generosi R, Luce M, Perfetti P, Margaritondo G, Talley D, Sanghera JS, Aggarwal ID, Tolk NH, Phys..Chem. Chem. Phys. 4 (12): 2738-2741 (2002)
“Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in GaAs/GaSb/InAs Heterostructures Probed by Second Harmonic Generation“, Yu. D. Glinka, T. V. Shahbazyan, I. E. Perakis, N. H. Tolk, X. Liu, Y. Sasaki, and J. K. Furdyna, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 220-222 (2002).
“Structure-Dependent Vibrational Lifetimes of Hydrogen in Silicon,” G.Luepke, X. Zhang, B. Sun, A. Fraser, N.H. Tolk and L.C. Feldman, Phys. Rev. Let. 88, 135501 (2002)
“Characterization of charge-carrier dynamics, in thin oxide layers on silicon by second harmonic generation,” Yu. D. Glinka, W. Wang, , S. K. Singh, Z. Marka, S. N. Rashkeev, Y. shirokaya, R. Albridge S. T. Pantelides, and N. H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B 65, 193103 (2002)
“Vibrational Dynamics of Isolated Hydrogen in Germanium,” C. Parks Cheney, M. Budde, G. Lupke, L.C. Feldman and N.H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B 65, 3 (2002)
“Lifetimes of Hydrogen and Deuterium Related Vibrational Modes in Silicon,” M. Budde, G. Luepke, E. Chen, X. Zhang, N. Tolk, L.C. Feldman, A.K. Randes and M. Stavola, Phys, Rev. Let. 87, 145501 (2001)
“Size effect in self-trapped exciton photoluminescence from SiO2-based nanoscale materials” Glinka YD, Lin SH, Hwang LP, Chen YT, Tolk NH, Physical Review B, 64 (8): Art. No. 085421 Aug 15 2001
“Spectroscopic scanning near-field optical microscopy with a free electron laser: CH2 bond imaging in diamond films” Cricenti A, Generosi R, Luce M, Perfetti P, Margaritondo G, Talley D, Sanghera JS, Aggarwal ID, Gilligan JM, Tolk NH, Journal Of Microscopy-Oxford, 202: 446-450 Part 2 May 2001
“Absolute total cross sections for electron-stimulate desorption of hydrogen and deuterium from Si(111) measured by second harmonic generation,” by M. M. Albert and N. H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B 63, 35308 (2001)
“Vibrational Dynamics of Bond-Center Hydrogen in Crystalline Silicon,” by M. Budde, G. Lupke, C. Parks Cheney, N.H. Tolk, and L.C. Feldman, Phys. Rev. B 63 (19): 5203 (May 15, 2001).
“Characterization of X-ray radiation damage in Si/SiO2 structures using second-harmonic generation,” Marka Z, Singh SK, Wang W, Lee SC, Kavich J, Glebov B, Rashkeev SN, Karmarkar AP, Albridge RG, Pantelides ST, Schrimpf RD, Fleetwood DM, Tolk NH, IEEE Transactions On Nuclear Science, 47 (6): 2256-2261 Part 3 Dec 2000
“Wavelength selective materials modification of bulk As2S3 and As2Se3 by free electron laser irradiation,” Hari P, Cheney C, Leupke G, Singh S, Tolk N, Sanghera JS, Aggarwal ID, Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids, 270 (1-3): 265-268 May 2000
“Local Vibrational Modes of Isolated Hydrogen in Germanium,” by M. Budde, B. Bech Nielsen, C. Parks Cheney, N.H. Tolk, and L.C. Feldman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2965 (2000)
“Electron- and photon-stimulated desorption of atomic hydrogen from radiation-modified alkali halide surfaces,” by L. T. Hudson, N.H. Tolk, C. Bao, P. Nordlander, D. P. Russell, and J. Xu, Phys. Rev. B62, 10,535 (15 October, 2000).
“Vibrational Lifetime of Bond-Center Hydrogen in Crystalline Silicon,” by M. Budde, G. Lupke, C. Parks Cheney, N.H. Tolk, and L.C. Feldman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1452 (2000)
“Scanning near field infrared microscopy using chalcogenide fiber tips,” Talley DB, Shaw LB, Sanghera JS, Aggarwal ID, Cricenti A, Generosi R, Luce M, Margaritondo G, Gilligan JM, Tolk NH, Materials Letters, 42 (5): 339-344 Feb 2000
“Interface applications of scanning near-field optical microscopy with a free electron laser,” by A. Cricenti, R. Generosi, P. Perfetti, G. Margaritondo, J. Almeida, J.M. Gilligan, N.H. Tolk, C. Coluzza, M. Spajer, D. Courjon, and I.D. Aggarwal, Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research 175, 317-29 (1999).
“Nonlinear energy-selective nanoscale modifications of materials and dynamics in metals and semiconductors,” Marka S, Cheney CP, Wang W, Lupke G, Gilligan J, Yao Y, Tolk NH, TECHNICAL PHYSICS, 44 (9): 1069-1072 SEP 1999
“Chemical contrast observed at a III-V heterostructure by scanning near-field optical microscopy,” by A. Cricenti, R. Generosi, G. Herold, P. Chiaradia, P. Perfetti, G. Margaritondo, J.M. Gilligan, and N.H. Tolk, Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research 175, 345-9 (1999).
“Fabrication of single-mode chalcogenide fiber probes for scanning near-field infrared optical microscopy,” by D.T. Schaafsma, R. Mossadegh, J.S. Sanghera, I.D. Aggarwal, M. Luce, R. Generosi, P. Perfetti, A. Cricenti, J.M. Gilligan, and N.H. Tolk, Opt. Eng. 38, 1381-5 (1999).
“Singlemode chalcogenide fiber infrared SNOM probes,” by D.T. Schaafsma, R. Mossadegh, J.S. Sanghera, I.D. Aggarwal, J.M. Gilligan, N.H. Tolk, M. Luce, R. Generosi, P. Perfetti, A. Cricenti, and G. Margaritondo, Ultramicroscopy 77, 77-81 (1999).
“First experimental results with the free electron laser coupled to a scanning near-field optical microscope,” by A. Cricenti, R. Generosi, C. Barchesi, M. Luce, M. Rinaldi, C. Coluzza, P. Perfetti, G. Margaritondo, D.T. Schaafsma, I.D. Aggarwal, J.M. Gilligan, and N.H. Tolk, Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research 170, 241-7 (1998).
“Coupled Electron-Hole Dynamics at the Si/SiO2 Interface“, W. Wang, G. Lüpke, M. Di Ventra, S. T. Pantelides, J. M. Gilligan, N. H. Tolk, I. C. Kizilyalli, P. K. Roy, G. Margaritondo, and G. Lucovsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4224 (1998).
“New Molecular Collisional Interaction Effect in Low-Energy Sputtering“, Y. Yao, Z. Hargaitiai, M. Albert, R.G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, J. M. Gilligan, B. Pratt Ferguson, G. Lüpke, V. D. Gordon*, and N.H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 550 (1998).
“Free-electron-laser near-field nanospectroscopy“, A. Cricenti, R. Generosi, P. Perfetti, J. M. Gilligan, N. H. Tolk, C. Coluzza, and G. Margaritondo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 151 (1998).
“Infrared Wavelength-Selective Photodesorption on Diamond Surfaces”, “, J. Sturmann, R.G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, J. L. Davidson, J. L. Davidson, J. L. Gilligan, , G. Lüpke, A. Ueda, and N.H. Tolk, Appl. Surf. Sci. 127-129, 59 (1998).
“Molecular Effects in Measured Sputtering Yields Measured on Gold at Near-Threshold Energies”, N. H. Tolk , Z. Hargitai, Y. Yao, B. Pratt-Ferguson, M. M. Albert, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, J. M. Gilligan, V.D. Gordon, G. Lüpke, A. Puckett, J. Tully, G. Betz, and W. Husinsky, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 62, pp. 541-543 (1998).
“Photoexcitation Spectroscopy and Material Alteration with Free-Electron Lasers”, J. Sturmann, R.G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, J. Gilligan, M.T. Graham, J.T. McKinley, A. Ueda, W. Wang, X. Yang, and N.H. Tolk, Acta Physica Polonica, A91 (1997) 689-696.
“Applications of Free-Electron Lasers,” N.H. Tolk, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, B.M. Barnes, J.L. Davidson, V.D. Gordon, G. Margaritondo, J.T. McKinley, G.A. Mensing, and J. Sturmann, Chapter in Development and Applications of Free-Electron Lasers, Jia-er Chen, Hai-cang Ren, Jia-lin Xie, and Ming-han Ye, Eds., (The Netherlands: Gordon and Breach, 1997) p. 49
“Laser ablation as a function of the primary absorber in dentin” Ostertag M, McKinley JT, Reinisch L, Harris DM, Tolk NH, LASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE, 21 (4): 384-394 1997
“Anomalous Behavior of the Desorption of Excited Sodium Atoms Induced by Ion Bombardment of Sodium-fluoride Crystals,” Q. Yan, R. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, N. Seifert, and N. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B55, 2854-2858, (1997).
“Free-Electron Laser Wavelength-Selective Materials Alteration and Photoexcitation Spectroscopy,” N.H. Tolk, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, B.M. Barnes, J.L. Davidson, V.D. Gordon, G. Margaritondo, J.T. McKinley, G.A. Mensing, and J. Sturmann, Appl. Surf. Sci. 106, 205-210 (1996).
“The effect of ion implantation on luminescence of a silica” Morimoto Y, Weeks RA, Barnes AV, Tolk NH, Zuhr RA, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, 96: 106-112 MAR 1996
“Optical Studies of Defects Induced by Ion Bombardment of Alkali Halide Crystals,” Qun Yan, A. V. Barnes, B. Barnes, N. Seifert, R. Albridge, and N. Tolk, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B115, 415-420 (1996)
“Electron dose dependence and oxygen implantation effect on cathodoluminescence intensity in synthetic silica glass” Yukihiro Morimoto, Robert A. Weeks, Alan V. Barnes, Norman H. Tolk, and Raymond A. Zuhr, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 203 (1996) 62-68
“Formation And Development Of Metal Colloids In CaF2 Under Electron Bombardment,”” R. Bennewitz, M. Reichling, S. Vijayalakshmi, A. V. Barnes, R. G. Albridge, E. Matthias, and N. H.Tolk, Applied Physics Letters, 66 (3) 1995 “
“Dynamics Of CN* Desorption From Potassium-Metal Surfaces Under Electron Bombardment,” S. Vijayalakshmi, A. V. Barnes, R. G. Albridge, and N. H. Tolk, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 100 (1995) 438
“Ablation in Teeth with the Free-Electron Laser around the Absorption Peak of Hydroxyapatite (9.5 _m) and between 6.0 and 7.5 _m,” M. Ostertag, R. Walker, H. Weber, Lex van der Meer, J. T. McKinley, N. H. Tolk, and B. Jean, SPIE 2672, 181-192 (1995).
“Free-Electron Laser Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces,” N. H. Tolk, J. T. McKinley, and G. Margaritondo, Surface Review and Lett. 2, 4, 501-512 (1995).
“Particle Impact Phenomena,” M. Albert, G. Mensing, and N.H. Tolk, Encycl. of App. Phys. 13, 175-192 (1995)
“Spatial Distribution of Defects in LiF Induced by Low-Energy Electron Bombardment: Evidence for Rapid Hot-Hole Diffusion,” N. Seifert, S. Vijayalakshmi, Q. Yan, J.L. Allen, A.V. Barnes, R.G. Albridge, and N.H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B51, 16 403-16 406 (1 June, 1995).
“Sputtering of LiF Films Induced by Low-Energy Ar+ Impact,” N. Seifert, W. Husinsky, and G. Betz, Phys. Rev. B51, 12 202-12 208 (1 May, 1995)
“Defects induced by ion-bombardment of alkali-halides,” Yan Q, Barnes Av, Seifert N, Albridge R, Tolk N, Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 100 (2-3): 224-227 Jun 1995
“Observation of Beam-Induced Changes in the Polarization of Balmer-_ Radiation Emitted Following Beam-Tilted Foil Transmission,” D.L. Harper, R.G. Albridge, N.H. Tolk, W. Qi, D.D. Allred, and L.V. Knight, Phys. Rev. A52, 1-9 (1995)
“Wavelength-selective laser-ablation of diamond using hydrogen-impurity vibration modes,” Ueda A, Albridge RG, Barnes AV, Burger A, Collins WE, Davidson JL, George MA, Hu Z, Languell ML, Mckinley JT Tribble J, Tolk NH, Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 100 (2-3): 427-430 Jun 1995
“Defect-mediated sputtering of amorphous LiF induced by low-energy ion-bombardment,” Seifert N, Yan Q, Barnes Av, Tolk NH, Neidhart T, Varga P, Husinsky W, Betz G., Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 101 (1-2): 131-136 Jun 1995
“Light Emission from Polymers Under Positron and Electron Bombardment,” Jun Xu, L.D. Hulett, Jr., T.A. Lewis, and N. H. Tolk, Appl. Surf. Sci. 85, 49-53 (1995)
“Cathodoluminescence and Photoluminescence from Chemical-Vapor-Deposited Diamond,” X. Yang, A. V. Barnes, M. M. Albert, R. G. Albridge, J. T. McKinley, N.H. Tolk, and J. L. Davidson, J. Appl. Phys., 77 (3), (15 Feb., 1995)
“Size evolution of low-energy-electron generated ca colloids in CaF2,” Bennewitz R, Gunther C, Reichling M, Matthias E, Vijayalakshmi S, Barnes AV, Tolk NH, Applied Physics Letters, 66 (3): 320-322 Jan 16 1995
“First experimental programs with the free-electron laser” G. Margaritondo, C. Coluzza, J.-L. Staehli, E. Tuncel, J.T. McKinley, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, A. Ueda, X. Yang and N.H. Tolk, J. de Physique IV, Colloque C9, supplement au J. de Physique III, 4, (November 1994)
“Free-electron laser spectroscopy of semiconductors at interfaces,” by J. T. McKinley, R.G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, G. C. Chen, J. L. Davidson, M. L. Languell, P. L. Polavarapu, J. F. Smith, X. Yang, A. Ueda, N. Tolk, C. Coluzza, P. A. Baudat, C. Dupuy, F. Gozzo, M. Illegems, D. Martin, F. Morier-Genoud, A. Rudra, E. Tuncel, G. Margaritondo. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 12, 2323-2326 (1994).
“Free-electron lasers fettered,” Margaritondo G, Tolk N., Science, 266 (5186): 713-714 Nov 4 1994
“Investigation of nucleation and growth-processes of diamond films by atomic-force microscopy,” George M A, Burger A, Collins W E, Davidson JL, Barnes A V, Tolk N H, Journal Of Applied Physics, 76 (7): 4099-4106 Oct 1 1994
“Time-of-flight investigation of the intensity dependence of laser-desorbed positive-ions from SrF2” Kreitschitz O, Husinsky W, Betz G, Tolk NH, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 58 (6): 563-571 Jun 1994
“Quantum Mechanical Phase-Interference Effects in Low-Energy Collisions,” by Y. Yao, R. G. Albridge, J. L. Allen, A. V. Barnes, D. L. Harper, and N. H. Tolk,.. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coherent States, eds. D. H. Feng, J. R. Klauder, and M. R. Strayer, World Scientific Press 543-551 (1994).
“Scattering by low-energy ions of active gases,” Allen D L, Espi S L, Yao I, Urazgildin I F, Albridge R G, Barns A V, Tolk N H, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Fizicheskaya, 58 (5): 203-208 May 1994
“Free-Electron Lasers and Semiconductor Physics: First Results on Nonlinear Optics, Interfaces and Desorption,” by J. T. McKinley, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, P. A. Baudat, G.C. Chen, C. Coluzza, J.L. Davidson, C. Dupuy, F. Gozzo, M. Ilegems, M.L. Languell, D. Martin, F. Morier-Genoud, P.L. Polavarapu, A. Rudra, J. F. Smith, E. Tuncel, X. Yang, A. Ueda, G. Margaritondo, and N.H. Tolk. Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. A 341, 156-161 (1994).
“Optical Absorption Spectroscopy of Defects in Halides,” by N. Seifert, S. Vijayalakshmi, Q. Yan, A. Barnes, R. Albridge, H. Ye, N.. Tolk, and W. Husinsky. Rad. Eff. and Def. in Sol. 128, 15-26 (1994).
“Photon and Electron-Stimulated Desorption of Excited Alkali-metal Atoms and Molecules From Alkali-Halide Surfaces,” by S. Vijayalakshmi, D. Liu, J. Xu, N. Seifert, D. J. McClure, A. Ueda, A. V. Barnes, R. G. Albridge, and N. H. Tolk. Rad. Eff. and Def. in Sol. 128, 135-149 (1994).
“The Influence of Defects and Defect Clusters on Alkali Atom Desorption Stimulated by Low Energy Electron Bombardment of Alkali Halides,” by N. Seifert, H. Ye, N. Tolk, W. Husinsky, and G. Betz. Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. B 84, 77-88 (1994).
“Wavelength-dependent Laser Ablation of Diamond Films,” J. T. McKinley, A. Ueda, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, N. H. Tolk J. L. Davidson and M. L. Languell. AIP Conference Proceedings 228, 70 (1993).
“Point Defect Formation in Optical Materials Exposed To The Space Envionment,” by J. L. Allen, N. Seifert, Y. Yao, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, A. M. Strauss, R. C. Linton, R.R. Kamenetzky, J. A. Vaughn, M.M. Finckenor, and N. H. Tolk. Proceedings, 3rd LDEF Post-Retrieval Symposium: Williamsburg, VA, pp. 1-15. (1993).
“Rotational Distributions of Excited CN Molecules Following Electron- and Photon-Stimulated Desorp tion From Surfaces,” Jun Xu, Alan Barnes, Royal Albridge, Carl Ewig and Norman Tolk, and Lester D. Hulett, Jr. Physical Review B 48 (11): 15 September 1993
“Rotational Distributions Following DIET: CN* from Alkali-Rich Sources,” by Jun Xu, L. D. Hulett, Jr., A. Barnes, R. Albridge,and N. Tolk. Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET V), Springer Series in Surface Sciences 31, 313-316 (1993).
“New Mechanism for the Desorption of Excited Atoms by Photon Bombardment of Alkali Halide Crystals,” by D. Liu, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, P. H. Bunton, C. S. Ewig, N. H. Tolk, and M. Szymonski. Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET V), Springer Series in Surface Sciences 31, 304-308 (1993).
“Simultaneous Measurements of Optical Absorption and Electron Stimulated Li Desorption on LiF Crystals,” by N. Seifert, H. Ye, D. Liu, R. Albridge, A. Barnes, N. Tolk, W. Husinsky, and G. Betz. Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET V), Springer Series in Surface Sciences 31, 309-312 (1993).
“Free-Electron Laser Studies of Direct and Indirect Two-Photon Absorption in Germanium,” by E. Tuncel, J-L. Staheli, C. Coluzza, F. Gozzo, G. Margaritondo, D. Martin, J. T. McKinley, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, A. Ueda, X. Yang, and N. H. Tolk. Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 4146 (June, 1993).
“Hydrogen Exposure-enhanced CN* Emission from Alkali-halide Surfaces,” Jun Xu, Larry Hudson, Royal Albridge, Alan Barnes and Norman Tolk. Surface Science Letters 289:L622-L624 (1993).
“Free-electron laser internal photoemission measurements of heterojunction band discontinuities,” by J. T. McKinley, R.G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, A. Ueda, N. Tolk, C. Coluzza, F. Gozzo, G. Margaritondo, D. Martin, F. Morier-Genoud, C. Dupuy, A. Rudra and M. Illegems. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 11 , 1614-1616 (1993).
“Simultaneous Laser-induced Fluorescence and Quadrupole Mass-spectroscopy Studies of Electron Stimulated Desorption of Ground State Lithium Atoms from Lithium Fluoride Crystals,” N. Seifert, D. Liu, A. Barnes, R. Albridge, Q. Yan, N. Tolk, W. Husinsky and G. Betz. Physical Review B47 (13): 7653-7658 (1 April 1993)
“Semiconductor Spectroscopy and Ablation Processes with the Vanderbilt FEL,” N.H. Tolk, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, J.T. McKinley, A. Ueda, j.F. Smith, J.L. Davidson, M.L. Languell, C. Coluzza, E. Tuncel and G. Margaritondo. Presented in the “Free-Electron Laser Spectroscopy in Biology, Medicine, and Materials Science,” SPIE Vol. 1854:60-68 (1993).
“Excitation Spectroscopy of Thin-Film Disordered Semiconductors,” by S. Q. Gu, P. C. Taylor, J. T. McKinley, A. Ueda, X. Yang, and N. H. Tolk. SPIE, 1854, 77-84 (1993).
“Photon- and Electron-stimulated Desorption of Excited Alkali-metal Atoms from Alkali Halide Surfaces,” D. Liu, N. Seifert, D.J. McClure, A.V. Barnes, R.G. Albridge, N.H. Tolk and D. Russell. Physical Review B47:1553-66 (15 Jan 1993)
“Tunable Laser Desorption from Diamond Films and Pyrolytic Graphite,” A. Ueda, J.T. McKinley, R. G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, N.H. Tolk, J.L. Davidson and M.L. Languell, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol 285:215-220 (1993)
“Electronically Induced Sputtering of Ground and Excited State Alkali Atoms From Alkali Halide Crystals,” N. Seifert, H. Ye, D. Liu, R. Albridge, A. Barnes, N. Tolk, W. Husinsky and G. Betz. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B78: 321-326 (1993)
“The Desorption of Excited Atoms by Photon Bombardment of Alkali Halide Crystals,” D. Liu, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, P.H. Bunton, C.S. Ewig, N.H. Tolk and M. Szymonski. Surface Science Letters 281:L353-L357 (1993).
“Simultaneous Measurements of Optical Absorption and Electron Stimulated Li Desorption on LiF Crystals,” N. Seifert, H. Ye, D. Liu, R. Albridge, A. Barnes, N. Tolk, W. Husinsky and G. Betz. DIET V, Springer Series in Surface Sciences, Vol. 31:309-312. (1993)
“Laser Induced Desorption of Ions from Insulators Near the Ablation Threshold,” O. Kreitschitz, W. Husinsky, G. Betz and N.H. Tolk. Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 78 (1-4): 327-332 May 1993
“Interface Measurements of Heterojunction Band Lineups with the Vanderbilt Free-electron Laser,” C. Colluzza, E. Tuncel, J-L. Staehli, P.A. Baudat, G. Margaritondo, J.T. McKinley, A. Ueda, A.V. Barnes, R.G. Albridge, N.H. Tolk, D. Martin, F. Morier-Genoud, C. Dupuy, A. Rudra and M. Ilegems. Physical Review B46(19):12834-12836 (15 Nov 1992)
“Simultaneous Measurements of Transmission Optical Absorption and Electron Stimulated Li Desorption on LiF Crystals,” N. Seifert, Hui Ye, D. Liu, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, N. Tolk, W. Husinsky and G. Betz. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B72:401-408 (1992).
“Electron- and Photon-stimulated Desorption as a Probe of the Dynamics of Molecules on Surfaces,” Jun Xu, Alan Barnes and Norman Tolk. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 10 (4), pgs. 1-6 (Jul/Aug 1992)
“Low-energy Sputtering Yield Measurements of O+, O2+, N+ and N2+ Incident on Al and Al2O3Surfaces,” S.L. Espy, I.F. Urazgil’din, A.V. Barnes, Y. Yao, J.L. Allen, R.G. Albridge and N.H. Tolk. SPIE, 1992, Vol. 1761:130-140.
“Nuclear Radiation Induced Fluorescence Effects in Surface Overlayers,” N.H. Tolk, M.M. Albert, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, D.R. Brown, G.A. Mensing and G. Pollock. SPIE 1992, Vol. 1761, p 93-103.
“Desorption Kinetics of Li-atom Delayed Emission from LiF Under Low-energy-electron bombardment,” N. Seifert, D. Liu, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, W. Husinsky and G. Betz. Physical Review B46(1):83-89 (July 1992)
“Gas-exposure Enhanced Na* Emission from Na-rich Surfaces,” Jun Xu, Royal Albridge, Alan Barnes, Xinxing Yang and Norman Tolk. Applied Physics Letters 60 (11), pgs. 1396-1398 (16 March 1992)
“Observation of Photon-Stimulated Desorption Following Valence-Band Excitation of Alkali Halides,” P.H. Bunton, R.F. Haglund, Jr., D. Liu and N. H. Tolk. Physical Review B45 (9), pgs. 4566-4571 (1 March 1992)
“Generation of Excited CN Molecules Electronically Desorbed from Alkali-rich Surfaces,” Jun Xu, Royal Albridge, Alan V. Barnes, Manfred Riehl-Chudoba, Akira Ueda, Norman Tolk, Dwight Russell and Paul Wang. Surface Science 262, pgs. 77-87 (12 September 1991)
“Optical Glow Spectra Arising from Low-energy N2, N2+ and Electron Bombardment of MgF2 Surfaces,” J. Qi, A.V. Barnes, S.L. Espy, M. Riehl-Chudoba, C-N. Sun, R.G. Albridge and N.H. Tolk. Appl. Phys. Lett. 59 (16), pgs. 1954-1956 (14 October 1991)
“Luminescence In Silicas Stimulated By Low-Energy Ions,” Wang PW, Albridge RG, Kinser DL, Weeks RA, Tolk NH, Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 59: 1317-1319 Part 2 Jul 1991
“New Mechanism for Electron Stimulated Desorption of Nonthermal Halogen Atoms from Alkali Halide Surfaces,” M. Szymonski, J. Kolodziej, P. Czuba, P. Piatkowski, A. Poradzisz, N. H. Tolk and J. Fine. Phys. Rev. Letts. Vol. 67, No. 14, pgs.1906-1909 (30 Sept 1991
“The Vanderbilt Free-Electron Laser Center for Biomedical and Materials Research,” N. H. Tolk, C. A. Brau, G. S. Edwards, G. Margaritondo and J. T. McKinely. SPIE 1552:7-13 (1991)
“Angle-resolved Kinetic Energy Distributions of Atoms Sputtered by Electron Bombardment of Single Crystal Alkali Halides,” M. Szymonski, J. Kolodziej, P. Czuba, P. Piatkowski, A. Poradzisz and N. H. Tolk. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B58:485-489 (1991)
“Photon-stimulated Desorption of Excited Alkali Atoms from Alkali Halides Following Core-level Excitation,” P .H. Bunton, R. F. Haglund, Jr., D. Liu and N. H. Tolk. Surface Science 243: 227-238 (1991)
“Effects of Inverse Bremsstrahlung in Laser-Induced Plasmas from a Graphite Surface,” H. Cronberg, M. Reichling, E. Broberg, H. B. Nielsen, E. Matthias and N. Tolk. Appl Phys. B 52: 1-3 (1991)
“Interactions of Hydrogen with Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Surfaces,” Douglas L. Harper, Royal G. Albridge, Alan V. Barnes, Philip M. Savundararaj, and Norman Tolk, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B58: 512-518 (1991)
“Low Energy Inelastic Collision Processes: Surface Reactions in Space,” N. H. Tolk, R. G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, M.A. Albert, C.N. Sun, D. P. Russell, J. C. Tully, P. Nordlander, P. M. Savundararaj, D. Harper and J. Benit. Nuclear Science and Techniques (Chinese Nuclear Society) Vol. 1, No. 1-2: 40-45 (1990) [Science Press: Beijing]
“Near-Monochromatic X-Ray Beams Produced by the Free Electron Laser and Compton Backscatter,” F.E. Carroll, J.W. Waters, R.R. Price, C.A. Brau, C.F. Roos, N.H. Tolk, D.R. Pickens, and W.H. Stephens, Investigative Radiology 25, No. 5, 465-471 (1990)
“Production Thresholds for Excited Lithium and Aluminum Atoms from Al(Li) Alloy Under Low Energy Ion Bombardment,” M. A. Albert, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, J. Benit, N. H. Tolk and C. N. Sun, in “Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET IV), Eds. G. Betz, P. Varga (Berlin: Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 1990), Vol. 19
“DIET of Neutral Excited State Hydrogen from Alkali Halide Surfaces,” L. T. Hudson, A.V. Barnes, J.L. Rose, N.H. Tolk, G. Betz, W. Husinsky, E. Wolfrum and P. Wurz, “Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions (DIET IV), Eds. G. Betz, P. Varga (Berlin: Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 1990), Vol. 19, pp. 297-303.
“Hot Hole Diffusion in the Electron-Stimulated Desorption of Metal Atoms from Alkali Halides,” T. A. Green, G. M. Loubriel, and P.M. Richards, L.T. Hudson, P.M. Savundararaj, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes and N. H. Tolk, DIET IV, Eds. G. Betz, P. Varga (Berlin: Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 1990), Vol. 19, pp. 281-288.
“Intensity Dependence of Laser-Induced Emission of Particles from CaF2(111) Near the Plasma Threshold,” H. Cronberg, W. Muydermann, H. B. Nielsen, E. Matthias and N.H. Tolk, DIET IV, Eds. G. Betz, P. Varga (Berlin: Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 1990), Vol. 19, pp. 157-162.
“Laser-Induced Emission of Particles from CaF2(111) Near the Plasma Threshold,” H. Cronberg, W. Muydermann, H. B. Nielsen, E. Matthias and N.H. Tolk, Proceedings of the AFOSR IV (Northwestern) 4th Annual Workshop on “Reactions in a Space Environment,” (1989).
“Surface adsorbates and ion surface interactions at grazing-incidence,” Savundararaj PM, Albridge RG, Harper DL, Russell DP, Tolk NH, Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 40-1: 262-265 Part 1 Apr 1989
“Hot Hole Diffusion in the Electron-Stimulated Desorption of Metal Atoms from Alkali Halides,” T.A. Green, G.M. Loubriel, P.M. Richards, L.T. Hudson, P.M. Savundararaj, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes and N.H. Tolk, Proceedings of the AFOSR IV (Northwestern) 4th Annual Workshop on “Reactions in a Space Environment,” (1989).
“The Influence of Adsorbates on Proton Neutralization at Surfaces in a Transmission Geometry,” D.L. Harper, R.G. Albridge, D.P. Russell, P.M. Savundararaj and N.H. Tolk, Proceedings of the AFOSR IV (Northwestern) 4th Annual Workshop on “Reactions in a Space Environment,” (1989).
“Influence of Adsorbates on Ion-Surface Interactions,” P.M. Savundararaj, R.G. Albridge, D.L. Harper, D.P. Russell and N.H. Tolk, Proceedings of the AFOSR IV (Northwestern) 4th Annual Workshop on “Reactions in a Space Environment,” (1989)
“Electron Stimulated Desorption Thresholds for Excited Atoms Desorbed From Alkali-Halides,” P. Wurz, E. Wolfrum, W. Husinsky, G. Betz, L. Hudson and N. Tolk, in Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol. 109, Nos. 1-4, 203-212 (1989)
“Dependence of Alignment and Orientation Induced by Grazing Incidence and Beam-Foil Electron-Exchange Interactions on Surface Electronic Structure,” D.P. Russell, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, D.L. Harper, P. Nordlander, P.M. Savundararaj, N.H. Tolk, Surface Science (1989)
“Defects-Enhanced Luminescence in Silicas Stimulated by 50 eV Synchrotron Photons,” P.W. Wang, R.F. Haglund, L. Hudson, D.L. Kinser, N.H. Tolk, and R.A. Weeks, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Technical SPIE Symposium on Optical and Optoelectronic Applied Science and Engineering, San Diego, California, August 14-19, 1988.
“Collisional and Electronic Processes under Ion, Electron and Photon Bombardment of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Halides,” W. Husinsky, P. Wurz, K. Mader, E. Wolfrum, B. Strehl, G. Betz, R. F. Haglund, Jr., A. V. Barnes and N. H. Tolk, Nucl Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. B33, 824-829 (1988)
“Vanderbilt-university FEL center for biomedical and materials research,” Edwards G S, Tolk N H, Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment, 272 (1-2): 37-39 Oct 1988
“Desorption induced by ion-beam and neutral-beam excitation,” Albridge R G, Barnes A V, Haglund R F, Mendenhall M H, Mogul H, Russell D P, Savundararaj P M, Tolk N H, Wang P, Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 33 (1-4): 848-850 Jun 1988
“Nonthermal energy-level populations in excited oh electronically desorbed from alkali-halide surfaces,” Mendenhall M H, Hudson L, Russell D, Tellinghuisen J, Tolk N, Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms, 33 (1-4): 834-835 Jun 1988
“Luminescence induced by low energy electron deposition in SuprasilR and SpectrosilR glasses,” P. W. Wang, R. F. Haglund, Jr., D. L. Kinser, M.H. Mendenhall, N. H. Tolk and R.A. Weeks, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 102, 288-294 (1988)
“Electronic Transitions in Surface and Near-Surface Radiation Effects,” R. F. Haglund, Jr., M. M. Mendenhall, J. Tellinghuisen, N. H. Tolk, G. Betz and W. Husinsky, in Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Phys. Research B32, 321-330 (1988)
“Optical Phenomena Observed in Low-Energy Ion and Electron Bombardment of Silica Surfaces,” H. C. Mogul, R. F. Haglund, Jr., R. A. Weeks, D. L. Kinser, N. H. Tolk and P. Wang, J. Vac. Sci. and Tech. A6, 1428-1434 (1988)
“Effects of Processing on Radiation Damage Thresholds in Silica Glasses, “R. F. Haglund, Jr., D. L. Kinser, H. Mogul, N. H. Tolk, P. W. Wang and R. A. Weeks, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Physics and Technology of Amorphous Si02, Les Arcs, France, June 29-July 3, 1987 (New York: Plenum Press, 1988)
“Extended HÅckel Theory for Ionic Molecules and Solids, an Application to Alkali Halides” Y. Wang, P. Nordlander, and N.H. Tolk, J. Chem Phys 89(7):4163-4169 (1988).
“Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of CN- in Alkali Halides: Identification of Metastable Excited State,” M. H. Mendenhall, A. V. Barnes, P. H Bunton, R. F. Haglund, Jr., L. T. Hudson, D. P. Russell, J. Sarnthein, N. H. Tolk and J. Tellinghuisen,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 147, 59 (1988)
“Optical Radiation from Electron, Photon, and Heavy Particle Bombardment of Lithium Fluoride and Lithium-dosed Surfaces,” N.H. Tolk, R.G. Albridge, A.V. Barnes, R.F. Haglund, Jr., L.T. Hudson, M.H. Mendenhall, D.P. Russell, J. Sarnthein, P.M. Savundararaj and P.W. Wang, DIET-III, Eds. R.H. Stulen and M.L. Knotek (Heidelberg: Springer, 1988) pp. 289-294.
“Photon Stimulated Desorption of Excited Hydrogen from KCl,” L.T. Hudson, A.V. Barnes, N.J. Halas, R.F. Haglund, Jr., D.L. Kinser, M.H. Mendenhall, P. Nordlander, N.H. Tolk, Y. Wang and R.A. Rosenberg, DIET-III, Eds. R.H. Stulen and M.L. Knotek (Heidelberg: Springer, 1988) pp. 274-277.
“Final-state Determination in Interactions of Directed Energetic Photon and Particle Beams with Surfaces,” N. H. Tolk, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes and D. P. Russell, Inst. Phys. Conf., Ser. No. 94: Sec. 12. Paper presented at RIS 88, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 10-15 April (1988).
“The Role of Farben Centers in Electron- and Photon-Stimulated Desorption from Alkali Halides,” G. M. Loubriel, T. A. Green, N. H. Tolk and R. F. Haglund, Jr., J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B5, 1514-1518 (1987)
“The Vanderbilt University Neutral O-Beam Facility, “C. L. Johnson, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, R. K. Cole, D. J. Dean, R. F. Haglund, Jr., H. Poise, P. M. Savundararaj, N. H. Tolk, J. Ye and A. F. Daech, SAMPE Quarterly 18, 35-40 (1987)
“Luminescence Induced by Electron Deposition in Suprasil_ Glasses,” P. W. Wang, R. F. Haglund, Jr., D. L. Kinser, M. H. Mendenhall, N. H. Tolk and R. A. Weeks, Proceedings of the 9th University Conference on Glass Science: Stability of Glass, August 12-14, 1987, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, U.S.A.
“Luminescence Induced by Ion Deposition in Synthetic Si02 Glasses,” P. W. Wang, R. F. Haglund, Jr., D. L. Kinser, H. Mogul, N. H. Tolk and R. A. Weeks, to be published in Second International Conference on The Effects of Modes of Formation on the Structure of Glasses, June 15-18, 1987, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee 37235, U.S.A.
“Long Lifetime of Bulk Luminescence Observed in Spectrosil_ Glasses Under Electron Bombardment, ” P. W. Wang, R. F. Haglund, Jr., L. T. Hudson, D. L. Kinser, M. H. Mendenhall, N. H. Tolk and R. A. Weeks, DIET-III, Eds. R.H. Stulen and M.L. Knotek (Heidelberg: Springer, 1988)
“Atomic oxygen simulation and analysis,” Cole R K, Albridge R G, Dean D J, Haglund R F, Johnson C L, Pois H, Savundararaj P M, Tolk N H, Ye J, Daech A F, Acta Astronautica, 15 (11): 887-891 Nov 1987
“Erosion and Glow in the Near-Earth Space Environment,” R. G. Albridge, R. K. Cole, A. F. Daech, R. F. Haglund, Jr., C. L. Johnson, H. Pois, P. M. Savundararaj, N. H. Tolk, and J. Ye, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Phys. Research B18, 582-586 (1987).
“Threshold Behavior and Time Dependence in Electron- and Photon-Stimulated Desorption,” R. F. Haglund, Jr., and N. H. Tolk, G. M. Loubriel and R. A. Rosenberg, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. in Phys. Research B18, 549-554 (1987).
“On the Time Dependence of Desorbed Ground-State Lithium Atoms Following Pulsed Electron Beam Irradiation of Lithium Fluoride” T. A. Green, G. M. Loubriel, P. M. Richards, R. F. Haglund, Jr., and N.H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B35, 781 (1987).
“Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence studies of electronically induced desorption from alkali-halides,”, Haglund R F, Tolk N H, Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics, 3 (8): P148-P149 Part 2 Aug 1986
“Laser-Synchrotron Studies of the Dynamics of UV-Photon-Stimulated Desorption in Alkali Halides,” R. F. Haglund, Jr. and N. H. Tolk, in Proceedings of the Conference on Short-Wavelength Radiation: Generation and Applications, eds. D. T. Attwood and J. Bokor (New York: AIP Conference Proceedings No. 147, 1986), pp. 103-109.
“Fundamental Studies of Photon-Surface Interactions in Alkali Halide Crystals, “R. F. Haglund, Jr. and N. H. Tolk, Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Technical Symposium of the SPIE, San Diego, CA, August, 1986, SPIE 290, (1986)
“The Role of F-Center Diffusion in Electron Stimulated Desorption of Lithium Fluoride,” G. M. Loubriel, T. A. Green, P. A. Richards, R. G. Albridge, R. F. Haglund, Jr., and N. H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1751 (1986).
“Temperature Dependence of Photon Stimulated Desorption of Ground State and Excited State Na from NaCl,” E. Taglauer, N. Tolk, R. Riedel, E. Colavita, G. Margaritondo, N. Gershenfeld, N. Stoffel, J. A. Kelber, G. Loubriel, A. S. Bommanavar, M. Bakshi, and Z. Huric, Surface Science, 169 p. 267 (1986)
“Broadband Luminescence from Particle Bombardment of Alkali Halides,” D. Cherry, M. Mendenhall, R. Albridge, R. Cole, R. Haglund, L. Hudson, W. Peatman, H. Pois, P. Savundararaj, M. Shea, J. Tellinghuisen, N. Tolk, J. Ye and W. Heiland, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. B13 p. 533 (1986)
“Formation of excited-states of hydrogen-atoms scattered from metal-surfaces,” Brako R, Newns D M, Tolk N H, Tully J C, Morris R J, Physics Letters A, 114 (6): 327-330 Mar 3 1986
“Mechanisms of Electron- and Photon-Stimulated Desorption in Alkali Halides,” R. F. Haglund, Jr., R. G. Albridge, D. W. Cherry, R. K. Cole, M. H. Mendenhall, W. C. B. Peatman, N. H. Tolk, D. Niles, G. Margaritondo, N. G. Stoffel and E. Taglauer, Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Phys. Res. B13 p. 525 (1986)
“Fundamental Mechanisms of Optical Damage in Short-Wavelength, High Power Lasers,” R. F. Haglund, Jr., N. H. Tolk and G. W. York, in Proceedings of the 17th NBS Symposium on Optial Materials for High Power Lasers, A. H. Guenther and B. Newnam, eds. NBS Symposium series (1985)
“Electron- and Photon-Stimulated Desorption in Ultraviolet Optical Materials,” N. H. Tolk and R. F. Haglund, Jr., Technical Digest of the IEEE/OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-85), Baltimore, MD, May 1985.
“Laser-Selected Electronic and Nuclear States in Surface Physics Research,” R.F. Haglund, Jr. and N. H. Tolk, Technical Digest of the IEEE/OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-85), Baltimore, MD, May 1985.
“Optical Radiation from the Interaction of Energetic Atoms, Ions, Electrons and Photons with Surfaces,” N. H. Tolk, R. G. Albridge, R. F. Haglund, Jr., M. H. Mendenhall and J. C. Tully, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Spacecraft Glow, Huntsville, AL, May 7-9, 1985 (NASA Conference Publication 2391, August 1985).
“Surface Erosion Induced by Electronic Transitions,” R. F. Haglund, Jr. and N. H. Tolk, Proceedings of the OM-85 Conference on Basic Properties of Optical Materials, ed. A. Feldman (NBS Special Publication 697, April 1985), pp. 184-187.
“Surface Studies Using Spin-Polarized Nuclei,” D. Fick, R. F. Haglund, Jr., and N. H. Tolk, DIET-II, (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, Surface Science Series Vol. 4, 1985), pp. 252-266.
“Photon-Stimulated Desorption of Neutral Sodium from Alkali Halides Observed by Laser Induced Fluorescence,” N. G. Stoffel, R. Riedel, E. Colavita, G. Margaritondo, R. F. Haglund, Jr., E. Taglauer and N. H. Tolk, Phys. Rev. B 32, 6805 (1985)
“Electronically Induced Desorption of Neutral Atoms Observed by Optical Techniques,” N. H. Tolk, R. F. Haglund, Jr., M. H. Mendenhall, E. Taglauer, and N. G. Stoffel DIET-II, (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, Surface Science Series Vol. 4, 1985), pp. 152-159.
“Stimulated Desorption as a Damage Mechanism in Ultraviolet Laser Optical Components,” R. F. Haglund, Jr., and N. H. Tolk, DIET-II, (Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, Surface Science Series Vol. 4, 1985), pp. 277-281.
“Characterization by optical techniques of particles emitted from surfaces,” Tolk N, Journal Of Luminescence, 31-2 (Dec): 913-919 1984
“Spin Relaxation Experiments on Surfaces,” R. F. Haglund, Jr. B. Horn, D. Fick, E. Koch, E. Beckmann and N. H. Tolk, in Proc. of Workshop on Polarized Targets in Storage Rings, R.J. Holt, Ed., (Argonne National Lab., May 1984), pp. 259-287.
“Resonant Neutralization of He Ions into Excited States at Cu(110) and Ni(110) Surfaces,” N. H. Tolk, B. Willerding, H. Steininger, W. Heiland and K. J. Snowdon, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Physics Research B2, 488 (1984).
“Light Emission from Hydrogen-Copper Interaction at Grazing Incidence,” H. Steininger, B. Willerding, K. Snowdon, N. H. Tolk and W. Eckstein, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Physics Research B2, 484 (1984).
“Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions,” N. H. Tolk, P. Bucksbaum, N. Gershenfeld, J. S. Kraus, R. J. Morris, D. E. Murnick, J. C. Tully, R. R. Daniels, G. Margaritondo and N. G. Stoffel, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Physics Research B2, 457 (1984).
“Photon-Stimulated Desorption of Solid Neopentane,” J. A. Kelber, R. R. Daniels, M. Turowski, G. Margaritondo , N. H. Tolk and J. S. Kraus, Phys. Rev. 30, 4748 (1984).
“Photon and Electron Desorption of Atoms and Molecules from Surfaces,” N. H. Tolk and T. S. Larchuk, Inst. Phys. Conf., Ser. No. 71 (1984).
“The Electronic Desorption of Excited Alkali Atoms from Alkali Halide Surfaces,” N. H. Tolk, W. E. Collins, R. J. Morris, T. R. Pian, J. S. Kraus, M. M. Traum, N. G. Stoffel and G. Margaritondo, Chapter in Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions, N. H. Tolk, M. M. Traum, J. C. Tully and T. E. Madey, Eds., (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1983).
“Energy Dependence of Electron Stimulated Desorption of Excited Neutral Alkalis from Alkali Halides,” T. R. Pian, N. H. Tolk, M. M. Traum, J. S. Kraus and W. E. Collins, Surface Science 129, 539 (1983)
“Optical Radiation from Photon-Stimulated Desorption of Excited Atoms,” N. H. Tolk, M. M. Traum, J. S. Kraus, T. R. Pian, W. E. Collins, N. G. Stoffel and G. Margaritondo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 812 (1982).
“Observation of a Large Electric Dipole Moment Produced in Electron Transfer Collisions of H+ on He,” C. C. Havener, W. B. Westerveld, J. S. Risley, N. H. Tolk and J. C. Tully, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 92 (1982).
“Coherence, Orientation, and Alignment in Excited Hydrogenic States Formed at Surfaces,” N. H. Tolk, J. C. Tully and Y. Niv, Chapter in Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, S. Datz, Ed., (The Netherlands: North Holland, 1982).
“The Creation of Excited Hydrogenic States Near Surfaces,” N. H. Tolk, J. C. Tully, L. C. Feldman, J. S. Kraus, Y. Niv, G. M. Temmer and M. Hass, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 202, 247 (1982).
“Optical radiation from excited hydrogenic states formed at surfaces,” Tolk NH, Journal Of The Optical Society Of America, 72 (12): 1790-1790 1982
“Outer-Shell Electronic Processes in Ne+ Collisions with a Ni(110) Surface,” I. S. T. Tsong, N. H. Tolk, T. M. Buck, J. S. Kraus, T. R. Pian and R. Kelly, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 194, 655 (1982).
“Electron Stimulated Desorption of Excited Alkali Atoms from Alkali Halide Surfaces,” T. R. Pian, N. Tolk, J. Kraus, M. M. Traum, J. Tully and W. E. Collins, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 20, 555 (1982).
“A New Precision Velocity Measurement Technique for Accelerator Beams,” G. M. Temmer, M. Hass, Y. Niv, L. C. Feldman, J. S. Kraus and N. H. Tolk, IEEE Transactions on Nucl. Science NS-28, 1540 (1981).
“Polarization of Balmer Radiation from Grazing Incidence Collisions of Protons on Surfaces,” J. C. Tully, N. H. Tolk, J. S. Kraus, C. Ran and R. Morris, Chapter in Springer Tracts in Chemical Physics, W. Heiland and E. Taglauer, Eds., (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 1981), p. 196.
“Optical Radiation from Electron Sputtering of Alkali Halides,” N. H. Tolk, L. C. Feldman, J. S. Kraus, R. J. Morris, T. R. Pian, M. M. Traum and J. C. Tully, Chapter in Springer Tracts in Chemical Physics, W. Heiland and E. Taglauer, Eds., (Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 1981), p. 112.
“The Role of Surface Interactions in Beam Foil Excited State Formation,” N. H. Tolk, L. C. Feldman, J. S. Kraus, J. C. Tully, M. Hass, Y. Niv and G. M. Temmer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 487 (1981).
“Optical Radiation from Electron Stimulated Desorption of Excited Particles,” N. H. Tolk, L. C. Feldman, J. S. Kraus, M. M. Traum and J. C. Tully, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46, 134 (1981).
“Atomic Molecular and Continuum Radiation from Ion-Bombarded B and B2O3,” R. Kelly, S. Dzioba, N. H. Tolk and J. C. Tully, Surf. Sci. 102, 486 (1981).
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