Drugs and Technology: Limitations and expansion

One of the major themes of the novel Neuromancer was the use of drugs and how these drugs would make it so Case would be able to function. Here, drugs are seen as an enabler of Case. One of the questions that was posed was whether or not technology helps use expand or leads us into seclusion and isolation. I think an appropriate question about drugs could be directly linked to that question and could ask: Do drugs only expand our mind and take us to a higher level of consciousness? Or do drugs also pose barriers and restrictions to our minds and bodies, especially after long term use and at what point must we stop this use? Drugs do expand the human mind in many different ways and they are said to take people to places beyond the scope of our imagination. But drugs can also destroy the mind and as we saw with Case, it go to a point where he could not hack into any database unless he was on something. IT got to a point where even though the drug at a certain time enabled him to perform at a very high level, it also caused his brain and body to not function normally and therefore created more of a problem for him. Technology and drugs are very closely linked in the sense that both allow people to expand beyond the scope of the brain. They just do it in different ways.

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