Emergence – Moving Beyond Humanity


The denouement of the recently released filmĀ Ex Machina (SPOILERS) involves an Artificial Intelligence acquiring a physical body, in exteriority similar to that of a human, and manipulating the human characters in order to escape from its confined existence and venture into the real world. Central to the film’s theme is the idea of the Turing test and defining what is human. Accordingly, the ability of the AI to emotionally control people and socially engineer desirable outcomes inverts the hierarchical understanding of humanity as greater than its creations. Both in terms of body and mind, the AI becomes more than the sum of its parts, experiences emergence, and moves beyond humanity.

That said, for those who have seen the movie or for those interested in seeing it, the AI’s decision to pass as a human in society has interesting implications for a being that has proven its worth and surpassed human beings. Food for thought regarding the topic of emergence and how an emerged being interacts with human society…

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