Second Life

One of the most relevant examples of the hyperreal that we can observe today is that of virtual reality. A popular virtual reality that over a million people have made accounts on, called “Second Life” is a perfect case that demonstrates the blurring of reality and simulation.  It may at first seem clear that Second Life is just a simulation of the true world we live in. However, upon further investigation and thought, the lines and criteria that separate the two become hard to distinguish. Second Life gives users the option to exaggerate and become anything they want. They get to choose how they look, consequently creating a world full of supermodel-looking people. They use a currency in the world that can be bought with real US currency. One of the easiest ways to see how Second Life can be a simulacra that precedes reality is to note examples of the relationships being built in this virtual world. People meet in Second Life, they fall in love, and can even get married. There are instances in which people meet their virtual soulmates in “real life” and fall in love all over again. In these cases, it can be seen that people are developing real feelings and having real experiences in this virtual world. Can we say with certainty that this virtual world, just because it is in a different medium than what we would classify as “real” is not as real, if not more so, than reality?

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