Technological Singularity Implications in Art

The exo-evolution exhibition in Germany used 3D printing to create stunningly realistic humanoid figures. However, there is an implication that such advanced technologies allows for improvements on the human form, which then quickly relates to the idea of technological singularity. If we are already here at this stage with artificial intelligence, the possibility of an era consisting of non-biological evolution, with robots and machines that are capable of redesigning themselves, does not seem far off. The aspect to fear the most out of this exhibit might be the beauty in the art. Technological attains perfection far more easily than biology and nature does despite any uncanny feelings we have towards humanoids and robots right now. If our ideals of perfection eventually evolve, we essentially accept the idea of a customizable human through technological additions. So when do we lose our humanity completely and simply become forms of artificial intelligence?

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One Response to Technological Singularity Implications in Art

  1. Helen Shin says:

    great post – especially your focus on the aesthetics. Check out Heinrich Kleist’s article “Puppet Theater” (free access online)

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