Category Archives: Contextualization Exercise

Second Life Experience

I like the concept of Second Life, but I feel the execution is still far from what would be necessary for an experience as immersive as the Metaverse. The first thing I tried out was to test what happens when … Continue reading

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Second Life Experience

When choosing my avatar, I took this as an opportunity to be someone completely different than my actual self. While a couple of the avatars resembled me, I thought it would be boring in an alternate reality to be the … Continue reading

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Second Life

  Second Life was an interesting experience because it was quite obvious the game’s programmers tried to make it imitate life as closely as possible.  The 360 degree movement helped create that illusion that you were within this world as … Continue reading

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Second Life

In choosing an avatar, I tried to find one that looked most like me in real life. However, many of the women featured in the selection looked the same, just with different hair colors and clothes. Overall, they were very … Continue reading

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Breaking the Metaphor – Second Life Experience

Perhaps its the bias that I bring from Snow Crash or my understanding of VR through more modern technology, but Second Life and its universe felt hollow to me. Although the world was populated with people and activities, the metaphor … Continue reading

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Second Life VR Experience

Second Life provides a very interesting Virtual Reality experience. It’s slightly eerie how the environment is programmed to mimic the natural environment; for example, the water moves in a way that mimics real waves. These small details help to make … Continue reading

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Second Life Experience

My Second Life journey started when I picked my avatar; I simply went with the one that looked most like me because it felt most comfortable. I noticed there were more male avatars than female, and wondered if more males … Continue reading

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Hyperreal in my life: Video Games

Immersive video gaming is starting to become a part of the lives of video gamers to date but has not become so big that it has consumed us. There is a company called Oculus VR which produces goggles that immerse … Continue reading

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Technology’s self-defining applications As I read this post in the NYTime’s Bits Blog over the weekend, I couldn’t help but think of how technology in certain cases and creates the “hyperreal”. For instance, I spent this summer working in a strict corporate … Continue reading

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Currency and the Hyperreal

I think one of the best and most prominent examples of the precession of a simulacrum in our society has been the development of currency and a market economy. In early societies, goods were traded for goods through bartering, allowing … Continue reading

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