Free Probability and Applications

Welcome to the homepage for the Shanks workshop on Free Probability and Applications, taking place September 15th and 16th, 2018.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in free probability theory and adjacent fields, including random matrix theory, probability, and subfactor theory to discuss possible applications of free probability in these fields.

We strongly encourage students and postdocs to attend this conference. Some financial support is available.


Ian Charlesworth, University of California, Berkeley
Infinitesimal bi-free probability

Ken Dykema, Texas A&M University
Schur-type upper triangular forms and decomposability in finite von Neumann algebras

Michael Hartglass, Santa Clara University
Non-tracial von Neumann algebras from weighted graphs

Benjamin Hayes, University of Virginia
A Random Matrix approach to the Peterson-Thom conjecture

Brent Nelson, Vanderbilt University
Free Stein discrepancy as a regularity condition

Jonathan Novak, University of California, San Diego
Approximating the R-transform

Vern Paulsen, University of Waterloo
Quantum probabilities, synchronous  games, and C*-algebras

Qiang Zeng, Queens College, City University of New York
Replica symmetry breaking for mean field spin glass models

Registration and Financial Aid

No formal registration is required. However, if you intend to attend the workshop, please email Dietmar Bisch.


Funding for the Shanks workshop is provided by Vanderbilt University and the Shanks endowment of the Vanderbilt Department of Mathematics. We are grateful for their support.


  • Dietmar Bisch, Vanderbilt University
  • Brent Nelson, Vanderbilt University