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Current Projects

Summer 2023

The July 2023 Graduate Student EDI Survey

  • We have an anonymous survey open to assist in checking on the state of EDI within our department, to be answered by SPED graduate students
  • The information from this survey, and our group discussions, will help guide the action items and advocacy needs for the 2023-2024 academic year, to be addressed by the SPED PhD EDI Committee

The SPED PhD Student EDI Committee website

  • Creation of a ‘Resources’ tab
    • Gather all EDI related resources available on campus, to make them accessible in one place
    • Gather EDI resources available off campus, to provide more options to students

Past Projects

Summer 2023

  • Created a new student-centered EDI survey, based off of the previous survey results and past EDI activities
  • Created the SPED PhD Student EDI Committee website
  • Created and disseminated via e-mail a 3-page overview containing 1) a summary of the April 2021 survey, 2) what EDI activities have occurred since the release of this survey, and 3) what next steps are

Spring 2023

  • Analyzed the results of the April 2021 EDI faculty-delivered survey
  • Asked SPED faculty what EDI activities have occurred since the release of this survey

Proposed Projects

Action Items

  1. Conduct a syllabus audit to look for diverse perspectives within course materials and lectures
  2. Create a mechanism for student feedback at the end of every semester about experiences related to diversity within classes and the department
  3. Create and distribute a research practices guide for labs
  4. Meet with on-campus EDI offices to discuss tangible ways to honor and respect indigenous peoples’ lands, histories, and cultures
  5. Development of a PhD Student EDI Committee mission statement

Advocacy Needs

  1. Increased diverse hiring and transparency about the hiring process, such as petitioning
  2. In-person faculty and staff training related to microaggressions, anti-bias and anti-racist practices in teaching, research and mentorship
  3. Course for doctoral student related to microaggressions, anti-bias and anti-racist practices in teaching, research and mentorship
  4. Acknowledgment of inclusive holidays in department and lab communications
  5. Student orientation sessions that includes information about department and university EDI resources and department and university resources for international students