
1970 – 1979

Dissertation: “The Influences on Academic Achievement in Uganda: A ‘Coleman’ Report from a Non-Industrial Society,” PhD, University of Chicago, 1975.

1. “The Conflict Over What Is Learned in Schools: A History of Curriculum Politics in Africa” (monograph) Syracuse, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Center for East African Studies, 1971.

2. “The Formal School as a Traditional Institution in an Underdeveloped Society: The Case of Northern Malawi,” Pedagogica Historica, vol. 12, no. 2, Nov 1972, pp. 460-472. [197201]

3. “Platitudes in Educational Economics: A Short List of Heresies Relevant to African Planning,” Manpower and Unemployment Research in Africa, April 1972, pp. 31-37.

4. “Toward Inter-Agency Coordination – Second Annual Report.” Prepared for the Inter-Agency Panel for Research and Development on Adolescence. Washington DC, George Washington University, Social Research Group, December, 1974..

5. “Changes in Efficiency and in Equity Accruing from Government Involvement in Ugandan Primary Education,” African Studies Review, April 1975, pp. 51-60. [197501]

6. “Relationships Between Teacher Characteristics and Differences in Academic Achievement Among Ugandan Primary Schools,” Education in Eastern Africa, 6, Nov, 1975.

7. “Continuing Issues in Adolescence: A Summary of Current Transition to Adulthood Debates,” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 5, no. 4, 1976, pp. 309-323. [ 197602 ]

8. “A Brief Note on the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Test Performance Among Ugandan Primary School Children,” Comparative Education Review, vol. 20, no. 1, Feb 1976, pp, 42-47. [ 197603]

9. “Influences on Academic Achievement: A Comparison of Results from Uganda and More Industrial Societies, Sociology of Education, vol. 49, no. 3, July 1976, pp. 200-211. [197601]

10. “The Frequency and Quality of Measures Utilized in Federally Sponsored Research on Children and Adolescents,” American Educational Research Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, Spring 1977, pp. 99-113 (co-authored with Pamela Mintz). [197701]

11. “Relationships Between the Primary School Community and Academic Achievement in Uganda,” Journal of Developing Areas, vol. 11, no. 2, Jan 1977, pp. 245-259. [197702]

12. “Differences in Construction, Facilities, Equipment and Academic Achievement Among Ugandan Primary Schools,” International Review of Education, vol. 23, 1977, pp. 35-46. [197703]

13. Textbooks and Achievement: What We Know, Washington, DC: World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 298, Oct 1978 (co-authored with Joseph Farrell and Manuel Sepulveda-Stuardo). (available in English, French, and Spanish) [197801]

14. Adolescence Obligations and Educational Policy. American Biology Teacher, vol. 40, no. 7, Oct 1978, pp. 423-432. [197802]

15. The Career Education Debate: Where the Differences Lie. Teachers College Record, vol. 80, no. 4, May 1979, pp. 660-688. [197901]

16. Why Impoverished Children Do Well in Ugandan Schools. Comparative Education, vol. 15, no. 2, June 1979, pp. 175-185. [197902]

17. Schooling, Academic Performance and Occupational Attainment in a Non-Industrialized Society. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1979 (co-authored with Janice K. Currie).


1980 – 1989

18. Investment in Indian Education: Uneconomic? Washington, DC: World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 327, May 1979. Republished in World Development, no. 4, 1980, pp. 145-163. [198002]

19. “Differences Between Developed and Developing Countries: Comment on Simmons and Alexander’s Determinants of School Achievement,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 28, no. 2, Jan 1980, pp. 403-406. [198003]

20. “Student Learning in Uganda: Textbook Availability and Other Determinants,” Comparative Education Review, vol. 24, no. 2, June 1980, pp. 108-118 (co-authored with Dean Jamison). [198004]

21. The Evaluation of Human Capital in Malawi. Washington, DC: World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 420, Oct 1980. [198001]

22. “Instruction in the Mother Tongue: The Question of Logistics,” Journal of Canadian and International Education, vol. 9, no. 2, Dec 1980, pp. 88-94. [198005]

23. “Planning the Equality of Educational Opportunity Between Regions” in Regional Disparities in Educational Development: A Controversial Issue. Edited by Gabriel Caron and Ta Ngoc Chau. Paris: UNESCO, International Institute of Educational Planning, 1980. [198006]

24. “Improving Elementary Mathematics Education in Nicaragua: An Experimental Study of the Impact of Textbooks and Radio on Achievement,” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 73, no. 4, Aug 1981, pp. 556-567 (co-authored with Dean Jamison, Barbara Searle and Klaus Galda). [198102]

25. “Textbooks and Achievement in Developing Countries: What We Know” Journal of Curriculum Studies Vol. 13, No. 2 , 1981, pp. 227-246 (co-authored with Manuel A. Sepulveda-Stuardo and Joseph P. Farrell) [198101]

26. “Influences on Academic Achievement Across High- and Low-Income Countries: A Re-Analysis of IEA Data,” Sociology of Education, vol. 55, no. 1, Jan 1982, pp. 13-21 (co-authored with William Loxley). [198201]

27. “Resource Availability, Equality and Educational Opportunity Among Nations” in Education and Development Issues in the Analysis and Planning of Post-Colonial Societies. Edited by Lascelles Anderson and Douglas Windham. Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books, 1982. [198202]

28. “The Effect of Primary School Quality on Academic Achievement Across Twenty-Nine High- and Low-Income Countries,” American Journal of Sociology, vol. 88, no. 6, May 1983, pp. 1162-1194 (co-authored with William Loxley). [198301]

29. “Education during a Period of Austerity: Uganda, 1971-1981,” Comparative Education Review, vol. 27, no. 3, Oct 1983, pp. 403-413.

30. “The Distribution of Primary School Quality Within High- and Low-Income Countries,” Comparative Education Review, vol. 27, no. 1, Feb 1983 (co-authored with William Loxley). [198302]

31. “Improving the Quality of Education in Developing Countries,” Finance and Development, March 1983, pp. 18-21. Reprinted in Education and Development: Views from the World Bank, by Aklilu Habte, George Psacharopoulos and Stephen Heyneman, Washington, DC, 1983. (available in French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese) [198304, 198304F, 198304S, 198304G, 198304P, 198304A]

32. Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Education and the World Bank,” Canadian and International Education, vol. 12, no. 1, 1983. [198305]

33. “Educational Investment and Economic Productivity: the Evidence from Malawi,” International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 4, no. 1, Feb 1984, pp. 9-15. [198401]

34. “Textbooks in the Philippines: Evaluation of the Pedagogical Impact of a Nationwide Investment,” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, vol. 6, no. 2, Summer 1984, pp. 139-150 (co-authored with Dean Jamison and Xenia Montenegro). [198402]

35. “Research on Education in the Developing Countries,” International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 4, no. 4, 1984, pp. 293-304. [198403]

36. “Diversifying Secondary School Curricula in Developing Countries: an Implementation History and Some Policy Options,” International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 5, no. 4, 1985, pp. 283-288. [198501]

37. The Quality of Education and Economic Development. Washington, DC: World Bank, 1986 (co-edited with Daphne Siev White). [198601]

38. Investing in Education: a Quarter Century of World Bank Experience. Washington, DC: World Bank, Economic Development Institute, Seminar Paper No. 30, 1986. [198603]

39. The Search for School Effects in Developing Countries, 1966-86. Washington, DC: World Bank, Economic Development Institute, Seminar Paper No. 33, 1986. (French version appeared in M. Crahay [ed] L’Art et la Science de l’enseignment: homme a Gilbert de Landsheere. Paris: Nathan, 1986) [198604]

40. “The Nature of a ‘Practical’ Curriculum,” Education with Production, East Africa, vol. 4, no. 2, Feb 1986, pp-91-104. [198602]

41. Investing in Children: The Economics of Education by Stephen Heyneman and Daphne White. Wash., DC: World Bank, 1986.

42. “Education and Hunger in Developing Countries”. Presentation to the US House of Representatives, Select Committee on Hunger, March 1987, Wash., DC, (Mimeographed).

43. “Curricular Economics in Secondary Education: An Emerging Crisis in Developing Countries,” Prospects, vol. 18, no. 1, 1987, pp. 63-74. [198701, 198701Arabic, 198701French 198701Russian]

44. “Uses of Examinations in Developing Countries: Selection, Research and Education Sector Management,” International Journal of Educational Development, vol 7, No. 4, 1987, pp. 251 – 263. [198702]

45. “Education Sector Training to Include’Quiver of Arrows’,” EDI Review, April 1988, Wash., DC, World Bank.

46. “Higher Education in Developing Countries: What, How and When?” Institute of Development Studies Bulletin, vol. 20, no. 1, 1989, pp. 41-48. [198903] Co-authored with Bernadette Etienne

47. Textbooks in Developing Nations: Economic and Pedagogical Choices (co-edited with J. Farrell) Washington, D.C.: World Bank (1989). Summary article also published in: Altbach, Philip G. and Gail P. Kelly, Textbooks in the Third World: Policy, Content and Context. New York and London: Garland Publishing Inc., 1988, pp. 19-45. [198904]

48. University Examinations and Standardized Testing, Washington, DC: World Bank, Technical Paper No. 78, Jan 1988 (co-edited with Ingemar Fägerlind). [198801]

49. “Third World School Quality: Current Collapse, Future Potential,” Educational Researcher, vol. 18, no. 2, March 1989, pp. 12-19. [198901]

50. “Multi-level Methods for Analyzing School Effects in Developing Countries,” Comparative Education Review, Nov 1989, pp. 498-504.


1990 – 1999

51. “Protection of the Textbook Industry in Developing Countries: In the Public Interest? Book Research Quarterly, Winter 1990, pp. 3-11. [199005]

52. “The Textbook Industry in Developing Countries,” Finance and Development, Washington, DC: World Bank, March 1990, pp. 28-29. N.B. Title should be “Producing Textbooks in Developing Countries” [199001, 199001Chinese, 199001French, 199001Portuguese, 199001Spanish]

53. “Education on the World Market,” American School Board Journal, March 1990, pp. 28-29. [199002]

54. “Using Examinations To Improve the Quality of Education,” Educational Policy, vol. 4, no. 3, 1990, pp. 177-192 (co-authored with Angela Ransom).

55. “Economic Crisis and the Quality of Education,” International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 10, no. 2/3, 1990, pp. 115-129. [199006]

56. Economic Crisis and Its Effect on Equity in Education: An International Perspective” in Spheres of Justice in American Education: 1990 Yearbook of the American Education Finance Association. Deborah A. Verstegn (ed.) New York: Harper and Row, 1991.

57. “The World Economic Crisis and the Quality of Education.” Journal of Educational Finance 15 (Spring, 1990), pp. 456 – 69 [199003]

58. Review of “Improving Educational Quality: A Global Perspective”, edited by David W. Chapman and Carol A. Cannier. pp. 436-437 in Educational Policy, Dec 1991. [199101]

59. “Revolution in the East: the Educational Lessons,” pp. 35-47 in Reforming Education in a Changing World: International Perspectives. Edited by Kern Alexander and Vivian Williams. Oxford: Oxford International Roundtable on Educational Policy, 1991. [199102]

60. “Inequality in Educational Quality: An International Perspective,” in The 1990 American Education Finance Association Yearbook: Spheres of Justice in Education, edited by Deborah A. Verstegen and James G. Ward, Harper-Collins Publishers, 1991. pp. 103-128. [199103]

61. “Universal Adult Literacy: Policy Myths and Realities,” Annals of the American Academy of Political Sciences, no. 520, March 1992 (edited by Daniel Wagner). [199201]

62. “Educational Quality and the Crisis of Educational Research,” International Review of Education, vol. 39, no. 6, 1993, pp. 511-517. (and in Hungarian in Education, Feb 1993) [199302]

63. Review of Publishing and Development in the Third World, edited by Philip Altbach. pp. 89-93 in Publishing and Research Quarterly, Fall 1993.

64. “Comparative Education: Issues of Quantity, Quality and Source,” Comparative Education Review, vol. 37, Nov 1993, pp. 372-388. [199301]

65. Human Development in the Middle East and North Africa Region,” pp. 204-226 in Economic Development of the Arab Countries: Selected Issues. Edited by Said El-Naggar. Washington, DC: Arab Monetary Fund, 1993. (available in Arabic) [199303] [199303A] Arabic Version

66. “Issues of Education Finance and Management in ECA and OECD Countries.” Washington, DC, World Bank: HRO Working Paper #26, April 1994. [199401]

67. “Education in the Europe and Central Asia Region: Policies of Adjustment and Excellence.” Washington, DC, World Bank: Office of the Vice President, Europe and Central Asia Region, #IPD-145, August 1994. Reprinted in F.J.H. Mertons (ed.) Reflections on Education in Russia. Amersfort: Acco, 1995. [199504]

68. “America’s Most Precious Export.” American School Board Journal, 182(3), (1995), 23-26.

69. “Female Educational Enrollment in the Middle East and North Africa: A Question of Poverty or Culture?” Educational Horizons, 72(4) (1994), 166-70 (with Simel Esim)

70. “International Educational Cooperation in the Next Century,” CIES Newsletter, 109 (May, 1995).

71. “Entering a Higher Grade: Proposals to Reform Russia’s Education System.” Transition 6 (#1-2), Jan-Feb. 1995, pp. 1-5. [199502]

72. “Economics of Education: Disappointments and Potential,” Prospects XXV (4) (1995), 559-583; In T. Lakshmanasamy (Ed.) The Economics of Human Behavior, Mumbai (India): Allied Publishers Ltd.,25 – 54 (1997).

73. Russia: Education in the Transition, Washington, DC, The World Bank, Europe and Central Asia Country Department III, 1995.

74. “Thoughts on Social Stabilization.” CIVITAS: 1995. Prague: Civitas, 1995.

75. “Jim Coleman: A Personal Story.” Educational Researcher, 26(1) (1997), 28-30.

76. “Educational Choice in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: A Review Essay” Education Economics, 5(3), (1997), 333-339.

77. “Education and Social Stabilization in Russia,” Compare 27( 1) (1997), 5-18.

78. “Transition from Party/State to Open Democracy: The Role of Education.” International Journal of Educational Development 18(1) (1998), 21-40.

79. “Educational Cooperation Between Nations in the Next Century,” pp. 219 – 234 in Comparative Education: Challenges and Intermediation: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Mitter. edited by Christoph Kodron, Botho von Kpp, Uwe Lauterbach, Ulrich Schafer and Gerlind Schmidt. Koln: Bohlau Verlag GmbH and Cie, 1997. Also published in Education for the 21st Century : Issues and Prospects. Contributions to the Work of the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century chaired by Jacques Delors. Paris: UNESCO, 1998, pp. 61-75 (English and French). [199704]

80. “The Quality of Education in the Middle East and North Africa.” International Journal of Educational Development, 17, No. 4 (1997), pp. 449 – 466. [199702]

81. “Egypt: Reforming Vocational Education and Training to Meet Private Sector Skill Demands.” (co-authored with Indermit S. Gill) in Skills and Change: Constraints and Innovation in Reform of Vocational Education and Training. edited by Indermit Gill, Fred Fluitman and Amit Dar. World Bank/International Labor Organization : Washington D.C. and Geneva, 1997. [199707]

82. “Russian Vocational and Technical Education in the Transition: Tradition, Adaptation, Unresolved Problems,” presented to the Russian Academy of Vocational Education, Moscow, December 1996. Institute for the Study of Russian Education Newsletter, (May, 1997), pp. 22 – 34. [199705]

83. “Using TIMSS in a World of Change”, presented to the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., February 1997 (under review).

84. “Economic Development and the International Trade in Education Reform.” UNESCO Prospects XXVII no. 4 December, 1997, pp. 501 – 531.

85. “Development Aid in Education : A Personal View,” pp. 132 – 46 in Kenneth King and Lene Buchert (eds.), Changing International Aid to Education: Global Patterns and National Contexts. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 1999.

86. “In Defense of American Education” The School Administrator, 55(8) (1998), 30-34. N.B. Title should be “A Defense from the Outside.”

87. “American Education: A View from the Outside,” The International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2 no 1 (1999), pp. 31-41

88. “The Sad Story of UNESCO’s Education Statistics,” International Journal of Education Development 19 (January, 1999), pp. 65 – 74.

89. “Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Serious Problems, Significant Opportunities,” Corporate Council on Africa and The General Electric Fund, April, 1999.


2000 – 2009

90. “From the Party/State to Multi-Ethnic Democracy: Education and Social Cohesion in the Europe and Central Asia Region,” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 22(2) (2000), 173-91.

91. “The Growing International Market for Education Goods and Services,” International Journal of Educational Development, 21(4) (2001), 345-61.

92. “Educational Qualifications: The Economic and Trade Issues,” in Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice (special issue on Globalization, Qualifications and Livelihoods), edited by Angela Little 7 No. 3 (November, 2000), pp. 417 – 39. republished in Chinese. Fudan Education Forum 1 (4) July, 2003, pp.64 – 68.

93. “A Renewed Sense of Purpose of Schooling: Education and Social Cohesion in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe and Central Asia” (co-authored with Sanja Todoric-Bebic) UNESCO Prospects XXX (2) (2000), 145 – 66.

94. “The history and problems in the making of education policy at the World Bank: 1960 – 2000. International Journal of Educational Development, 2003, 23, 315-337.

Spanish Version: “Historia y problemas de la creacion de uma politica educativa en el Banco Mundial (1960-2000),” en Xavier Bonal, Aina Tarabini-Castellani, y Antoni Vewrger (Eds.), Globalizacion y Educacion: Textos Fundamentales. Mino y Davilia: Buenos Aires (Argentina), 163-203. (2007).

95. “Education and Training: The Commercial Perspective,” Northern Policy Research Review and Advisory Network on Education and Training (NORRAG) NORRAG News 27 (December, 2000), pp. 22 – 24. [200004]

96. “Education, Social Cohesion and the Future Role of International Organizations,” Vereinte Nationen (United Nations) Bonn: Vol. 50 No. 1 (February, 2002), pp. 16 – 20 (in German);
(“Lernziel Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt: Neue Aufgaben für Staaten und Internationale Organisationen”)

97. “Education, Social Cohesion and the Future Role of International Organizations,” republished in English. Peabody Journal of Education, (2003).

98. “International Uses of Education Technology: Threats and Opportunities,” In Lars Mahlck and David Chapman (Eds.) Adapting Technology for School Improvement: A Global Perspective. Paris: International Institute of Educational Planning, 2003 (forthcoming) (co-authored with Katherine Taylor Haynes).

99. “The Knowledge Economy and the Commerce of Knowledge,” In Brent Davies and John West-Burnham (Eds.) Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management, London: Pearson/Longman, 2003. 355-371.

100. “Education and Misconduct,” Encyclopedia of Education. James Guthrie (Ed.). New York: New York: Macmillan Publishers 2003. vol. 5 pp. 1659-1668

101. “Education and Social Cohesion,” Encyclopedia of Education. James Guthrie (Ed.). New York: Macmillan Publishers, 2003 vol. 6 pp. 2242 – 2250.

102. “International Education” in Encyclopedia of Education. James Guthrie (Ed.) New York: Macmillan Publishers, 2003 ; vol. 4 pp. 1265 – 1276 ; Peabody Journal of Education Vol. 78 No. 1 (2003), pp. 33 – 53; Akzeptanz und Ignoranaz Uber den Umgang mit Wissen. Edited by Rainer Jansen and Ulrike Wiegelmann et. al. Frankfurt a M. : Iko-Verlag. [200303]

103. “The Use of Cross-National Comparisons to Shape Local Education Policy”Curriculum Inquiry, 34(3) (2004), 345-53.

104. Education: A Passport to Social Cohesion and Economic Prosperity (co-edited with Guntars Catlaks and Indra Dedze), Riga: Soros Foundation – Latvia, 2001

105. “Going Global” Peabody Reflector 70(2) (2001), 18-22

106. “Global Issues in Education” (editor) Peabody Journal of Education 76 (3/4) 2003.

107. Islam and Social Policy (editor) Vanderbilt University Press 2003 (forthcoming)

108. Challenges for Education in Central Asia (co-editor with Alan De Young) Greenwich (Conn.): Information Age Publishing 2003 (forthcoming).

109. Review of Social Capital as a Policy Resource. John Montgomery and Alex Inkeles (Eds.) In Comparative Education Review 46(3) (2002 ), 355-7.

110. Review of William H. Schmidt, Curtis C. McKnight, Richard T. Houang, Hsing Chi Wang, David C. Wiley, Leland S. Cogan and Richard G. Wolfe, Why Schools matter: A Cross National Comparison of Curriculum Learning New York: Jossey-Bass, 2001. Education Next 3(3) (2003), 86-7.

111. Review of Hubert Ertl, Modularisation of Vocational Education in Europe. Oxford: Symposium Books, 2000 International Journal of Education Development, 23(2) (2003), 239-40.

112. Comments on David H. Baker “Should We Be More Like Them: Reflections on Causes of Cross-National Higher School Achievement Differences and Implications for Educational Policy Reform” in Diane Ravitch (editor) Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2003. Washington DC: Brookings Institution, 2003, pp. 332 – 8.

113. “Defining the Influence of Education on Social Cohesion,” International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice, 3(4), 73-97.

114. Review of Higher Education in the Developing World: Changing Contexts and Institutional Responses Westport: Greenwood Press, 2002 Review of Higher Education (forthcoming). N.B. Vol. 26, No. 4 Summer 2003 [200306]

115. Review of : Positioning Secondary Education in Developing Countries: Expansion and Curriculum by Donald B. Holsinger in collaboration with Richard N. Corwell. Paris: UNESCO International Insitute of Educational Planning 2000 92 pages. in Comparative Education Review, 46(4), (2003), 506-8.

116. “The Millennium Challenge Account (MCA): Background, Risks and Prospects,” Economic Perspectives (US State Department), 8(2) (March, 2003), 23-27

117. “Foreign Aid to Education, Recent US Initiatives–Background, Risks, Prospects,” Peabody Journal of Education, 80(1) (2005), 107-119

118. “What the United States Needs to Learn from UNESCO”, Prospects Vol. XXXIII (1) (March,2003), 7-11.

119. “Are We Our Brothers Keepers?,” World and I Magazine (June), 2003, 26-31.

120. “Education in Latvia’s Transition: The Challenge of Management,” Executive Summary in Report on Education in Latvia 2001/2002, Riga, Latvia: Soros Foundation, 2003 (Co-Authored with Indra Dedze) [200310]

121. “International Education: A Retrospective,” Peabody Journal of Education, 78(1) (2003), 33-53.

122. “Part II: Why Invest in Education? What Organizational Roles are Appropriate?” Peabody Journal of Education, 76(3-4) (2001), 175-179.

123. Review of Incentive-Based Budgeting Systems in Public Universities John Cheltenham Press (UK): 2002 International Journal of Educational Development, 24 (2004) pp. 332 – 333.

124. “International Education Quality,” Economics of Education Review, 2004.

125. Review of “Comparative Education: Continuing Traditions, New Challenges, and New Paradigms,” edited by Mark Bray, Peabody Journal of Education, (2004).

126. “Education and Corruption,” International Journal of Educational Development, 24(6), 637-648 (2004).

127. “The Role of Textbooks in a Modern Education System.” In Ceclia Braslavsky (Ed.), Textbooks and Quality Learning for All: Some Lessons Learned from International Experience. Geneva: UNESCO/International Bureau of Education, 31-93 (2006).

Spanish Version: “La function de los libros de texto en un sistema de educacion moderno: havia una educacion de buena calidad para todos,” Primer Seminario Internacional de Textos Escolares, 439-68. Santiago de Chile: Ministerio de educacion.

128. “Suppose There Were a World Bank For American Education…,” Education Week, 24(15) (2004) pp. 44, 31

129. “What the World’s Schools Need is an Outside and Professional Eye,” International Herald Tribune, February 15, 2005

130. “Post-Graduate Training and Research in Higher Education Management in Kazakhstan,” Kazakh Journal on Higher Education, 3, 27-34 (English Version).

131. “Post-Graduate Training and Research in Higher Education Management in Kazakhstan,” Kazakh Journal on Higher Education, 3, 27-34 (Russian Version).

132. Review of “Implementing Sustainable Development: From Global Policy to Local Action,” Rowfield Publishers Inc. (2004).

133. Review of “International Perspectives on Workforce Education and Development: New Views for a New Century”, edited by Jay W. Rojewski. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, (2004).

134. “On the International Dimension of Education and Social Justice,” International Journal of Education Law and Policy 2(1-2), 47-58 (Antwerp, Belgium), (2006).

135. “Introduction to This Special Issue on Organizations and Social Cohesions,” Peabody Journal of Education, 80(4), 1-7. (2005).

136. “Philanthropy and Education: The International Dimension,” in F. M. Hess (editor) With the Best of Intentions: How Philanthropy is Reshaping K-12 Education, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, (2005).

137. “Chapter 2: Avaliacao da qualidade de educacao: licoes para o Brasil, edited by Alberto de Mello e Souza. Petropolis, RJ: Editora Vozes, (2005).

138. “Student Background and Student Achievement: What is the Right Question?” American Journal of Education, 112(1), 1-9. (2005).

139. “Publications of the International Institute for Eduational Planning in 2004: A review,” International Journal of Educational Development, Forthcoming, (Co-authored with Marisa P. Pelczar).

140. “Education and Social Policy in Central Asia: The Next Stage of the Transition,” Social Policy and Administration, 39(4), 361-380 (coauthored with Kathryn Anderson) (2005).

141. Review of African Higher Education: International Reference Handbook, Damtew Teferra and Philip G. Altbach (Eds.), Bloomington: Indiana Univeristy Press (2003) in Comparative Education Review, 50(2) (May 2006), 300-302.

142. “Global Issues in Higher Education,” eJournal USA, Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of State.

143. “The Effectiveness of Development Assistance in Education: An Organizational Analysis,” Journal of International Cooperation in Education (Hiroshima), 9(1), 7-25 (2006).

144. “Should Standardized Tests be Used to Assess the Progress of NCLB?” Peabody Reflector (Fall 2006), p. 12-13 (with Rich Lehrer).

145. “Suppose There Were a World Bank for American Education,” American Journal of Education, 11(2), 167-180 (2007).

146. “Higher Education and Social Cohesion: A Comparative Perspective.” In Philip G. Altbach & Patti McGill Peterson (eds.), Higher Education in the 21st Century: Global Challenges and Innovative Ideas, 55-78. Rotterdam (Netherlands): Sense Publishers (2007).

147. “Education and the Crisis of Social Cohesion in Azerbaijan and Central Asia,” Comparative Education Review, 51(2), 159-180. (Co-authored with Iveta Silova and Mark Johnson) (2007).

148. “Buying your way into heaven: The Corruption of Education Systems in Global Perspectives,” Perspectives on Global Issues (New York University), 2(1), 1-8. (2007).

149. “International Trade in Higher Education: What Should India Do?” India Economic Review, 4(4), 86-93. (2007).

150. “The Evolution of Comparative and International Education Statistics,” in Helen Ladd and Edward Fiske (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Education Finance and Policy. New York: Routledge, 105-127. (Co-authored with Chad Lykins) (2008).

151. “The Cost of Corruption in Higher Education,” Comparative Education Review, 52(1), 1-25. (Co-authored with Kathryn H. Anderson and Zazym Nuraliyeva) (2008).

152. “Introduction to the Special Issue on International Issues,” Peabody Journal of Education, 83(1), 1-4. (2008).

153. Review of Stratification in Higher Education: A Comparative Study. Yossi, S., Arum, R., & Gamoran, A. (Eds.). Stanford: Stanford University Press (2007), in The Review of Higher Education, 366-57 (Spring 2008).

154. “Three Universities in Georgia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan: The Struggle Against Corruption and For Social Cohesion,” UNESCO Prospects, 3(September), 305-318 (2007).

155. “Reforma Educativa: o que e commum nos sistemas educacionais que deram certo” (An overview of Educational Reform: Common Characteristics of National Education Systems Which Work), in S. P. Heyneman, C. L. Lee, A. Hilaynd, S. Schwartzman, J. e Oliveira (Eds.), Reforma Educativa (Education Reform), 9-22. Brasilia: Commissao de Educacao e Cultura da Camara dos Deputados, Conferacao do Commercio e Institutto Alfa e Beto (2007).

156. “The Influence of Philip Foster on the Thinking of the World Bank,” CIES Newsletter (May) (2008).

157. “A Luta Continua: the Presidential Address of Steven Klees,” CIES Newsletter (May 2008).

158. “International Perspectives on School Choice,” in M. Berends, M. Springer, D. Ballou, and J. Walberg (Eds.), Handbook of Research on School Choice. Mahwah (New Jersey): Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers (2008).

159. “Education, Social Cohesion and Ideology,” in Emin Karp (Ed.), Right to Education: Policies and Perspectives. Ankara: Turkish Education Association, pp. 89-104 (2008).

160. “A Quarter Century of Getting It Right in Education: World-Wide Successes and Continuing Challenges,” Globalization, Societies and Education, 6(4), 355-62 (with Kathryn Anderson) (November 2008).

161. “The Federal Role in Education: Lessons from Australia, Germany, and Canada,” Washington D.C.: Center for Education Policy (November 2008) (with Chad Lykins).

162 “Moral Standards and the Professor: A Study of Faculty at Universities in Georgia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan,” 2009 in Heyneman, S.P. (ed.) Buying Your Way Into Heaven: Education and Corruption in International Perspective. Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 79 – 108.

163 “The work of Philip Foster,” 2008 UNESCO Prospects Vol. 38 No. 4 (December) pp. 541 – 558 (with Chad Lykins).

164. “The Failure of Education-For-All as Political Strategy,” 2009 UNESCO Prospects Vol. 39 No. 1 (March) pp. 5-10.

165 “The Importance of External Examinations in Education,” 2009 in Barend Vlaardingerbrock and Neil Taylor (eds.) Secondary School External Examination Systems: Reliability, Robustness, and Resilience Amherst (New York): Cambria Press pp. 1 – 15

166 “Should School Time Be Extended Each day and in the Summer,” Tennessean October 6, 2009

167 “The Appropriate Role of Government in Education,” 2009 Journal of Higher Education Policy Vol. 3 No. 2 pp. 135-157.

168 “The Future of Comparative Education,” 2009 CIES Newsletter No. 151 (September); 2010 2010 World Studies in Education Vol. 11 (forthcoming).

169 “Should Vocational Education be Taught in Secondary School,” 2009 Journal of Educational Change Vol. 10 pp. 405 – 413 (with Manfred Wallenborn)

170 “A Comment on the Changes in Higher Education in the Post-Soviet Union,” 2010 European Education Vol. 42 No. 1 (Spring), pp. 76 – 87.

171. “An Education Bureaucracy that Works,” 2009 Education Next (November).


2010 – Present

172. “The Concern with Corruption in Higher Education,” 2010, 13-27. in Tricia Bertram Gallant (Eds.). Creating the Ethical Academy: A Systems Approach to Understanding Misconduct and Empowering Change, New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

173. Review of South-South Cooperation in Education and Development. Chisholm, L., and Steiner-Khamsi, G. (Eds). Comparative Education Review , pp. 447-9 (August 2010).

174. “Introduction,” 2010, pp. 7-13. in Kazimzade, E. and Lepisto, E. (Eds.). Drawing the Line: Parental Informal Payments for Education Across Eurasia. New York City: Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute, Network of Education Policy Centers.

175. “Education and Development: A Return to Basic Principles,” Development 2010 Vol. 53 No. 4, pp. 518-521.

176. “Review of International Perspectives on Workforce Education and Development edited by Jay W. Rojewski 2004 Greenwich (Connecticut),”: Inforagepublishing Review of Higher EducationAn Education Bureaucracy that Works Fall 2005 Vol. 29 No. 1 pp. 131.

177. “The Corruption of Ethics in Higher Education,” 2011 International Higher Education, No. 62 (Winter), pp. 8-9

178. “International Issues in Higher Education,” (forthcoming) Oxford Bibliographies Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011, (with Jeongwoo Lee).

179. “The Future of UNESCO: Strategies for Attracting New Resources,” 2011 International Journal of Education Development, Vol. 31 No. 3 pp. 313-4.

180. “Middle East: Are jobless graduates causing the protests?,” 2011 University World News, No. 159 (February 20, 2011)

181. “Private Tutoring and Social Cohesion,” 2011 Peabody Journal of Education, No. 62 (Winter), pp. 8-9.

182. “International Trade in Education and Its Discontents: Threats or Benefit?,” 2011 Lifelong Learning in Europe, Vol. XVI No. 1, pp. 14-18.

183. Review of Ben Wildavsky The Great Brain Race: How Global Universities are Reshaping the World in The Review of Higher Education (Winter) 2012 (forthcoming).

184. “Low-fee Private Schooling: The Case of Kenya”: the case of Kenya,” in Srivastava, Prachi (editor), Low Fee Private Schooling: Aggravating Equity or Mediating Disadvantage. Oxford: Oxford Series in Comparative Education Symposium Books (forthcoming). (with Jonathan M.B. Stern).

185. “World Bank Policy Paper of 2011 A Brief Comment” CIES Perspectives May-June, 2011, pp. 10-11.

186. “TMG Final Report – The Role of Private Schools for Low-income Children. 2011 Washington D.C. The Mitchell Group (with Jonathan Stern and Thomas Smith).

187. Heyneman, S.P. 2012 “When Models Become Monopolies: the making of education policy at the World Bank,” pp. 43-63 in Collins, Christopher and Wiseman, Alexander W. Education Strategy in the Developing World: Revising the World Bank’s Education Policy. Bingley (UK): Emerald Publishers.

188. “Student Progress toward Graduation – An International Concern,” 2012 Journal of College Student Retention: Research Theory and Practice. Vol. 14 No. 1 pp. 1-8.

189. “A Life Devoted to Schools,” 2012 The Putney Post (Winter), pp. 28-31.

190. “Beyond Ideology – Rebalancing Education Aid,” World Politics Review November 6, 2012, pp. 15 – 21.

191. “The Ethical Underpinnings of World Class Universities “Higher Education The Ethical Underpinnings of World Class Universities,” in J.C. Shin (ed.) The Future of Higher Education: Systems, Functions and Ethics.

192. Heyneman, S.P. 2013 “World Class Universities: the Sector Policy Requirements,” pp. 45 – 59 in Shin, J.C. and Kehm, Barbara M. (Eds.) Institutionalization of World Class University in Global Competition Dordrecht Heidelberg: Springer Publishers (with Jeongwoo Lee).

193. “Low cost Non-Government Schools for the Poor: What Public Policy Is Appropriate?” (2013) International Journal of Economic Development (With Jonathan Stern).

194. “International Organizations and the future of education assistance” UNU-WIDER Working Paper number 2013/018, March 2013 (with Bommi Lee)

195. You say you want a revolution: Responses to Three TED Talks on Education” Lifelong Learning in Europe (LLinE), No 1 March, 2013

196. The International Efficiency of American Education: The Bad and the Not-so-Bad News,” (2013) pp. 279-302  in Heinz-Dieter Meyer and Aaron Benavot (eds.)Pisa, Power and Policy: The Emergence of Global Educational Governance Oxford (UK):  Oxford Studies in Comparative Education Symposium Books to also appear in Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE), 2013

197. “Higher education institutions- Why they matter and why corruption puts them at risk” 2013 Global Corruption Report: Education. Transparency International: New York City: Routledge.HL Effect: Three Decades of Debate

198. “Impact of International Studies of Academic Achievement on Policy and Research,” pp. 37-74  in Leslie Ann Rutkowski, Matthias von Davier, and David Rutkowski (Eds.) Handbook of International Large Scale Assessment: Background, Technical Issues, and Methods of Data Analysis. 2012  London: Chapman and Hall Publishers. (with Bommi Lee).

199: “The Bologna Process in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union An Outsider’s Perspective,” (2014) Journal of the European Higher Education Area: Policy, Practice and Institutional Engagement No. 1 pp. 55-73 (with Benjamin Skinner).

200. “How Corruption puts Higher Education at Risk” (2014) International Higher Education No. 75 (Spring), pp. 2-3.

201: “Research Quality: Quantitative or Qualitative?” (2014) Teachers College Record (January 31st) ID Number 17400

202. “Education and Social Cohesion”  Presentation at The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University, September 18, 2014.

203. “Teachers and Teaching:What we have learned in 50 years of educational assistance,” (2014) Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training NORRAG News No. 50 (June), pp. 41-2.

204. “International Large Scale Assessments- Uses and Implications,” Pp. 105-123 in Helen F. Ladd and Margaret E. Goertz (Eds.) Handbook of Research in Education Finance and Policy New York: Routledge (with Bommi Lee).

205. “HL Effect Three Decades of Debate,” (2016) pp. 150-168 in Simon McGrath and Quing Gu (Eds.) Routledge International Handbook on Education and Development. Oxford: Routledge.

206. “Development and Education” pp. 20-47 in Pauline Dixon, Chris Counihan and Steve Humble (Eds.) 2015 Handbook of International Development and Education. Cheltenham  (UK): Edward Elgar Publishers (with Jonathan Stern).

207. “The First Work on Post-Soviet Education- How It Started ” Hungarian Education Research Journal Vol. 6, No. 3, (2016), pp. 32-42

208. “Comparative and International Education- New Issues, New Dilemmas” pp.39-44 in Alexander Wiseman ( Ed.) Annual Review of Comparative and International Education Vol. 30 (2016) Bingley (UK) Emerald Publishers.

209. “The Importance of Moral Leadership at UniversitiesUniversity World News No. 429, September 23, 2016.

210. ” Higher Education and Corruption: What have we learned?”  IAU_Horizons_Vol_22_1_LIGHT  ” IAU Horizons Vol. 22 no. 1 May, 2017, pp. 32-33


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