Hernán De Soto

 Think Tac Toe

Students work on a choice board to explore the reaches of the explorations of Hernán De Soto in Latin American and in the United States. hernan

Select one activity to create, one to write and one to record.

Create a passport for Hernando De Soto (include stamps for countries and states in the U.S.

Create a three dimensional map of his exploration route from one trip Create a brochure with places named for De Soto (monuments, parks, trails, beaches, etc.)

Write an obituary for Hernando De Soto

Write a biographical poem about Hernando De Soto

Write a to do list before leaving for one of his expeditions

Record a speech De Soto gave to his men Record a phone message he would have left for his wife (if he had a phone)

Record a story corps segment on one of his experiences.

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Contributed by Melyn Roberson