
Students will research the rise and fall of one of the many dictators and presidents of South America/Central America. Students will then create a storyboard of the timeline using digital storytelling tools such as ACMI Generator, Bubblr, Capzles, Comic Master, MakeBeliefsComix, MapSkip, PicLits, Slidestory, Smilebox, Storybird, ZooBurst. Students can also turn the researched information into a fable or moral story using hand-written or digital format.

 It would be appropriate for middle school or high school social studies or language arts class. It would also be appropriate for ESOL or Spanish students.  Language learners at the Intermediate-Low proficiency level would be able to complete the tasks if resources can be found in Spanish.

Storyboard Activity

Chart the rise and fall of one of the many dictators and presidents of South America/Central America.

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Contributed by Olivia Roller