Research Activity


Students work on an investigative project on the first 3 main universities in Tennessee: Fisk University, Vanderbilt University and Blount College. After extensive investigation on the Internet and possibly by visiting the schools in person, students will create a  compare and contrast diagram and present it to an audience (teacher or peers). It would be appropriate for middle school or high school social studies or language arts class.. It would also be appropriate for ESOL or Spanish students.  Language learners at the Intermediate-Low proficiency level would be able to complete the tasks if resources can be found in Spanish.

Research Activity

  • Investigate the beginnings and history of 3 of the main universities in Tennessee that started during this time period–Fisk University, Vanderbilt and Blount College

Create a Compare and Contrast Diagram and Present to Your Teacher/Classmates


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Contributed by Olivia Roller