2021 Agenda
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Poster Session and Buffet Breakfast
8:00 AM
Parthenon Ballroom Foyer
Marriott Hotel, 2555 West End Ave.
Welcome and Mentoring/Service Awards
9:00 AM
Parthenon Ballroom A/B/C
Morning Plenary Sessions
9:15 AM
Parthenon Ballroom A/B/C
Addressing Health and Healthcare Disparities in Lung Cancer (T4)
Melinda Aldrich, PhD
Assoc. Professor, Genetics*
Embracing the Transition (T4)
Michael Ward, MD, MBA
Asst. Professor, Emergency Medicine
Repurposing Theophylline for Treatment for the Genetic Disorder Pseudohypoparathyroidism (T2)
Ashley Shoemaker, MD, MCI
Asst. Professor, Endocrinology**
Establishing Medicaid Incentives for Liberating Nursing Home Patients from Ventilators (T4)
Laura Keohane, PhD
Asst. Professor, Health Policy
Tuberculosis in South Africa: Preventing Resistance to Older and Newer Drugs (T3)
Yuri van der Heijden, MD, MPH
Asst. Professor, Infectious Diseases*
Visualizing Vascular Mechanisms of Tissue Sodium Storage (T1)
Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD
Asst. Professor, Radiology & Radiological Sciences
Single-cell Insights into Alveolar Repair (T0)
Jonathan Kropski, MD
Asst. Professor, Allergy, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
Lunch/Affinity Tables/Poster Session
11:15 AM
Parthenon Ballroom A/B/C
Guest Plenary Lecture
1:00 PM
Parthenon Ballroom A/B/C
Modernizing Clinical Trial Design & Analysis to Improve Efficiency & Flexibility
Frank Harrell, PhD
Professor, Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Afternoon Plenary Sessions
2:15 PM
Parthenon Ballroom A/B/C
M4 Muscarinic Receptor Modulation of Striatal Biology and Repetitive Behaviors in Mice (T0)
Daniel Foster, PhD
Asst. Professor, Pharmacology
Harnessing Bone Cell Energetics to Improve Skeletal Health (T0)
Elizabeth Rendina-Ruedy, PhD
Asst. Professor, Clinical Pharmacology*
Neutrophilic Inflammation Alters Elastic Fiber Assembly during Lung Development: Implications for Adult Lung Disease (T0)
John Benjamin, MBBS, MPH
Asst. Professor, Neonatology**
Gut Microbiota at the Intersection of Nutrition and Cardiometabolic Health (T4)
Danxia Yu, PhD
Asst. Professor, Epidemiology*
3:15 PM
Raffle prizes, giveaways, and closing remarks
* Department of Medicine
** Department of Pediatrics
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