Refereed Journals (Peer Reviewed Papers):
Refereed Journals (Peer Reviewed Papers):
Google Scholar Page:
Citations: 3083; h-index: 29; i10-index 55
- Mitchell WM, Rosenbloom ST,Gabriel J. Induction of mucosal anti-HIV antibodies by facilitated transfection of airway epithelium with lipospermine/DNA complexes. 1995 Dec;1(3-4):211-9.
- Brown SH, Lincoln M, Hardenbrook S, Petukhova ON, Rosenbloom ST, Carpenter P, Elkin P. Derivation and Evaluation of a Document-naming Nomenclature. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2001 8: 379-390.
- Rosenbloom ST, Awad J, Speroff T, Elkin PL, Rothman R, Spickard A III, Peterson J, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler DL, Lee M, Gregg W, Johnson KB, Jirjis J, Erlbaum MS, Carter JS, Lincoln MJ, Brown SH.Adequacy of representation of the National Drug File Reference Terminology Physiologic Effects reference hierarchy for commonly prescribed medications. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium. 2003; 569-78.
- Brown SH, Elkin PL, Rosenbloom ST, Husser C, Bauer BA, Lincoln MJ, Carter J, Erlbaum M, Tuttle MS. VA National Drug File Reference Terminology: A Cross-Institutional Content Coverage Study. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2004;107(Pt 1):477-81.
- Rosenbloom ST, Kiepek W, Belletti J, Adams P, Shuxteau K, Johnson KB, Elkin PL, Shultz EK. Generating Complex Clinical Documents Using Structured Entry and Reporting. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2004;107(Pt 1):683-7.
- Rosenbloom ST, Grande, Geissbuhler A, Miller RA.Experience in Implementing Inpatient Clinical Note Capture via a Provider Order Entry System. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2004 Jul-Aug;11(4):310-5.
- Rosenbloom ST, Talbert D, Aronsky D. Clinicians’ Perceptions of Clinical Decision Support Integrated into Computerized Provider Order-Entry. International Journal of Medical Informatics; 10(16) 2004.
- Neilson EG, Johnson KB, Rosenbloom ST, Dupont WD, Talbert D, Kaiser A, Miller RA. The Impact of Peer Management On Test Ordering Behavior. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2004 Aug 3;141(3):196-204.
- Grogan EL, Speroff T, Deppen S, Roumie C, Elasy T, Dittus R, Rosenbloom ST, Holzman M. Improving Documentation of Patient Acuity Level using a Progress Note Template. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2004 Sep;199(3):468-75.
- Rosenbloom ST, Giuse NB, Jerome RN, Blackford JU.Providing Evidence Based Answers to Complex Clinical Questions: Evaluating the Consistency of Article Selection.Academic Medicine. 2005 Jan;80(1):109-14.
- Rosenbloom ST, Geissbuhler AJ, Dupont WD, Giuse DA, Talbert DA, Tierney WM, Plummer WD, Stead WW, Miller RA.Effect of CPOE User Interface Design on User-Initiated Access to Educational and Patient Information During Clinical Care. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2005;12:458–473.
- Rosenbloom ST, Chiu KW, Byrne DW, Talbert DA, Neilson EG, Miller RA. Interventions to Regulate Ordering of Serum Magnesium Levels: an unintended consequence of decision support. J Am Med Inform Assoc; 2005;12(5):546-53.
- Jirjis J, Weiss JB, Giuse D, Rosenbloom ST. A Framework for Clinical Communication Supporting Healthcare Delivery. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium. 2005;:375-9.
- Denny DC, Spickard A III, Miller RA, Schildcrout J, Darbar D, Rosenbloom ST, Peterson JF. Evaluating UMLS Mapping of ECG impressions with KnowledgeMap. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium. 2005;:196-200.
- Miller RA, Waitman LR, Chen S, Rosenbloom ST. The anatomy of decision support during Care Provider Order Entry (CPOE): empirical observations from a decade of CPOE experience at Vanderbilt. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2005 Dec;38(6):469-85.
- Elkin PL, Brown SH, Husser C, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler D, Rosenbloom ST, Speroff T. An Evaluation of the Content Coverage of SNOMED-CT for Clinical Problem Lists. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2006 Jun;81(6):741-8.
- Riddle WR, Qi XF, Giuse D, DonLevy SC, Rosenbloom ST. Equations to Support Predictive Automated Postnatal Growth Curves for Premature Infants. Journal of Perinatology. 2006 Jun;26(6):354-8.
- Rosenbloom ST, Qi XF, Riddle WR, Russell W, DonLevey SC, Giuse D, Sedman AB, Spooner SA. Implementing Pediatric Growth Charts via an Electronic Health Record System. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2006 May-Jun;13(3):302-8.
- Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA, Johnson KB, Elkin PL, Brown SH. Interface Terminologies: facilitating direct entry of clinical data into electronic health record systems. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2006 May-Jun;13(3):277-88. Epub 2006 Feb 24. PMID: 16501181.
- Carter JS, Brown SH, Bauer BA, Elkin PL, Erlbaum MS, Froehling DA, Lincoln MJ, Rosenbloom ST, Wahner-Roedler D, Tuttle MS. Categorical Information in Pharmaceutical Terminologies. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium. 2006:116-20.
- Brown SH, Elkin PL, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler D, Husser CS, Temesgen Z, Hardenbrook SP, Rosenbloom ST. SNOMED CT: Utility for a General Medical Evaluation Template.Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium. 2006:101-5.
- Riddle WR, DonLevy SC, LaFleur BJ, Rosenbloom ST, Shenai JP.Equations Describing Percentiles For Birth Weight, Head Circumference, and Length of Preterm Infants. Journal of Perinatology. 2006 Sep;26(9):556-61.
- Rosenbloom ST, Elkin PL, Bajzer L, Carter JS, Wahner-Roedler D, Bauer BA, Temesgen Z, Brown SH. Modeling Structural Evolution in a Reference Terminology. Proceedings of the Journal of Medical Internet Research 2006.
- Rosenbloom ST, Crowe AN, Blackford JU, Johnson KB. Factors Influencing Perceptions of Clinical Documentation Tools. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2007 (40) 106-113.
- Elkin P, Bauer B, Wahner-Roedler D, Rosenbloom ST, Bailey K, Froehling D, Brown S. Equus Communis Sententia: Defining Levels of Interoperability. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2007;129(Pt 1):725-9.
- Brown SH, Elkin PL, Bauer BA, Whaner-Roedler DL, Froehling DA, Hardenbrook SP, Montella D, Fielstein EM, Rosenbloom ST. A Comparison of MEDCIN® and SNOMED CT® for a General Medical Evaluation Template. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium 2007. October; 11:75-9.
- Jerome RN, Giuse BN, Rosenbloom ST, Arbogast PG. Exploring clinician adoption of a novel evidence request feature in an electronic medical record system. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2008 January; 96(1): 34–41.
- Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA, Johnson KB, Elkin PE, Brown SH. A Model for Evaluating Interface Terminologies. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2008 Jan-Feb;15(1):65-76. Epub 2007 Oct 18. doi: 10.1197/jamia.M2506. PMID: 17947616.
- Dexheimer JW, Sanders DL, Rosenbloom ST, Talbot TR, Aronsky D. Prompting Clinicians: A Systematic Review of Preventive Care Reminders. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2008 May-Jun;15(3):311-20.
- Elkin PL, Brown SH, Balas SA, Temedgen Z, Wahner-Roedler DL, Froehling DA, Liebow M, Bauer BA, Rosenbloom ST, Poland G. Biosurveillance Evaluation of SNOMED CT’s Terminology (BEST Trial): Coverage of Chief Complaints. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2008;136:797-802.
- Kuhl J, Spooner SA, Rosenbloom ST. Impacting Pediatric Quality Improvement with Data Standards. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 2008 May/June.
- Leiman DA, Lorenzi NM, Wyatt JC, Doney ASF, Rosenbloom ST. US and Scottish Health Professionals’ Attitudes toward DNA Biobanking. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2008 May-Jun;15(3):357-62.
- Elkin PL, Froehling D, Wahner-Roedler D, Trusko B, Welsh G, Ma H, Asatryan AX, Tokars JI, Rosenbloom ST. NLP-based Identification of Pneumonia Cases from Free-Text Radiological Reports. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium. 2008 Nov 6:172-6.
- Brown SH, Elkin PL, Rosenbloom ST, Fielstein E, Speroff T. eQuality for All: Extending Automated Quality Measurement of Free Text Clinical Narratives. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium. 2008 Nov 6:71-5.
- Wade G, Rosenbloom ST. Challenges with Implementing SNOMED CT: The Impact of SNOMED CT Revisions on a Mapped Interface Terminology. BMC Medical Informatics Decision Making. 2008 Oct 27;8 Suppl 1:S3.
- Johnson KB, Chark D, Chen Q, Broussard A, Rosenbloom ST. Performing without a Net: Transitioning Away From a Health Information Technology Rich Training Environment. Academic Medicine. 2008 Dec;83(12):1179-86.
- Rosenbloom ST, Brown SH, Froehling DA, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler DL, Gregg WM, Elkin PL. Using SNOMED CT to Represent Two Interface Terminologies. J Am Med Inform Assoc.2009 Jan-Feb;16(1):81-8.
- Wade, G. Rosenbloom, ST. The impact of SNOMED CT revisions on a mapped interface terminology: Terminology development and implementation issues. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2009 Jun;42(3):490-3.
- Salomon RS, Blackford JU, Rosenbloom ST, Seidel S, Wright-Clayton E, Dilts DM, Finder SG. Openness of Patients’ Reporting with use of Electronic Records: Psychiatric Clinicians’ Views. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2010 Jan-Feb;17(1):54-60.
- Elkin PL, Froehling D, Wahner-Roedler D, Trusko B, Welsh G, Rosenbloom ST, Speroff T, Brownn SH. The Health Archetype Language (HAL-42): Interface Considerations. International J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2010 Apr;79(4):e71-5.
- Rosenbloom ST, Stead WW, Giuse D, Lorenzi NM, Brown SH, Johnson KB. Generating Clinical Notes for Electronic Health Record Systems. Appl Clin Inform. 2010 Jan 1;1(3):232-243. PMID: 21031148.
- Rosenbloom ST, McGregor TL, Chen Q, An AQ, Hsu S, Dupont WD. Specialized Pediatric Growth Charts For Electronic Health Record Systems: the example of Down syndrome. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2010 Nov 13;2010:687-91.
- Trusko B, Rosenbloom ST, Montella D, Jackson JC, Fitzhenry F, Brown SH, Elkin PL, Fielstein E, Kotter K, Tuttle M, Iannelli RJ, Speroff T. Are Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Mental Health Terms Found in SNOMED-CT Medical Terminology? Journal of Traumatic Stress 2010; November. DOI: 10.1002/jts.20591.
- Rosenbloom ST, Denny JC, Xu H, Lorenzi N, Stead WW, Johnson, KB. Data From Clinical Notes: a perspective on the tension between structure and flexible documentation. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011 Mar-Apr;18(2):181-6. doi: 10.1136/jamia.2010.007237. Epub 2011 Jan 12. PMID: 21233086.
- Jiang M, Chen Y, Liu M, Rosenbloom ST, Mani S, DennyJC, Xu H. A Study of Machine Learning based Approaches to Extract Clinical Entities and their Assertions from Discharge Summaries. J Am Med Inform Assoc. Epub 2011 Apr 20.
- Osborn CT, Rosenbloom ST, Stenner S, Anders S, Muse S, Johnson KB, Jirjis J, Purcell Jackson G. MyHealthAtVanderbilt: Policies and Procedures Governing Patient Portal Functionality. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011 Dec;18 Suppl 1:i18-23. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2011-000184. Epub 2011 Jul 31. PMID: 21807648
- Montella D, Brown SH, Elkin PL, Jackson JC, Rosenbloom ST, Wahner-Roedler D, Welsh G, Cotton B, Guillamondegui OD, Lew H, Taber-Maeir K, Tupler L, Vanderploeg R, Speroff T. Comparison of SNOMED CT versus Medcin Terminology Concept Coverage for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Veterans. Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Symposium. 2011 Nov.
- Wu Y, Rosenbloom ST, Denny JC, Miller RA, Mani S, Giuse D. Detecting Abbreviations in Discharge Summaries using Machine Learning Methods.AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011;2011:1541-9. Epub 2011 Oct 22. PMID: 22195219.
- Fung KW, Xu J, Rosenbloom ST, Mohr D, Maram N. Testing Three Problem List Terminologies in a Simulated Data Entry Environment. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2011;2011:445-54. Epub 2011 Oct 22. PMID: 22195098.
- Rosenbloom ST, Daniels TL, Talbot TR, McClain T, Hennes R, Stenner S, Purcell Jackson G, Jirjis J. Triaging Patients at Risk of Influenza Using a Patient Portal. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Jul 1;19(4):549-54. Epub 2011 Dec 1.
- Brown SH, Rosenbloom ST, Hardenbrook S, Clark T, McBrine C, Fielstein E, Elkin PL, Speroff T. Documentation Quality and Time Costs: a Randomized Controlled Trial of Structured Entry versus Dictation. ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality Volume 3 Issue 1, April 2012.
- Rosenbloom ST, Butler MG. Development and implementation of electronic growth charts for infants with Prader-Willi syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2012 Nov;158A(11):2743-9. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.35581. Epub 2012 Aug 17.
- Wu Y, Denny JC, Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA, Giuse DA, Xu H. A comparative study of current clinical natural language processing systems on handling abbreviations in discharge summaries. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2012;2012:997-1003. Epub 2012 Nov 3. PMID: 23304375
- Cusack CM, Hripcsak G, Bloomrosen M, Rosenbloom ST, Weaver CA, Wright A, Vawdrey DK, Walker J, Mamykina L. The future state of clinical data capture and documentation: a report from AMIA’s 2011 Policy Meeting. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jan 1;20(1):134-40. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2012-001093. Epub 2012 Sep 8. PMID: 22962195.
- Sun S, Zhou X, Denny JC, Rosenbloom ST, Xu H. Understanding patient-provider communication entered via a patient portal system. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Volume 49, Issue 1, pages 1–4, 2012. DOI: 10.1002/meet.14504901175.
- Sun S, Zhou X, Denny JC, Rosenbloom ST, Xu H. (2013). Messaging to your doctors: understanding patient-provider communications via a portal system. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM annual conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1739-1748.
- Middleton B, Bloomrosen M, Dente MA, Hashmat B, Koppel R, Overhage JM, Payne TH, Rosenbloom ST, Weaver C, Zhang J. Enhancing patient safety and quality of care by improving the usability of electronic health record systems: recommendations from AMIA. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jan 25. PMID: 23355463.
- Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA, Adams P, Madani S, Khan N, Shultz EK. Implementing an Interface Terminology for Structured Clinical Documentation. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jun;20(e1):e178-82. PMID: 23384817
- Kuperman GJ, Rosenbloom ST, Stetson PD. AMIA Board of Directors response to Simborg perspective. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2013 Jun;20(e1):e193-4. PMID: 23399874.
- McDougald Scott AM, Jackson GP, Ho YX, Yan Z, Davison C, Rosenbloom ST. Adapting Comparative Effectiveness Research for Delivery to Patients and Providers through a Patient Portal. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2013 Nov 16;2013:959-68. PMID: 24551387.
- Wu Y, Lei J, Wei WQ, Tang B, Denny JC, Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA, Giuse DA, Zheng K, Xu H. Analyzing differences between Chinese and English clinical text: a cross-institution comparison of discharge summaries in two languages. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013;192:662-6. PMID: 23920639.
- Rosenbloom ST, Madison JL, Brothers KB, Bowton EA, Clayron EW, Malin BA, Roden DM, Pulley J. Ethical and practical challenges to studying patients who opt out of large-scale biorepository research. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2013;20:e221-e225. PMID: 23886923.
- Smith JC, Denny JC, Chen Q, Nian H, Spickard A, Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA. Lessons Learned from Developing a Drug Evidence Base to Support Pharmacovigilance. Appl Clin Inform. 2013 Dec 18;4(4):596-617. PMID: 24454585.
- Ho YX, Gadd CS, Kohorst KL, Rosenbloom ST. A Qualitative Analysis Evaluating The Purposes And Practices Of Clinical Documentation. Appl Clin Inform. 2014 Feb; 5(1):153-168. PMID: 24734130.
- Porcelli PJ, Rosenbloom ST. Comparison of New Modeling Methods for Postnatal Weight in ELBW Infants Using Pre and Postnatal Data. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2014 Feb 28. PMID: 24590207.
- Rosenbloom ST, Harris P, Pulley J, Basford M, Grant J, Dubuisson A, Rothman RL. The Mid-South Clinical Data Research Network. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Jul;21(4):627-32. DOI: 10.1136/amiajnl-2014-002745. Epub 2014 May 12. PMID: 24821742
- Baucom RB, Ousley J, Poulose BK, Rosenbloom ST, Jackson GP. Case Report: Patient Portal versus Telephone Recruitment for a Surgical Research Study. Appl Clin Inform. 2014 Dec 17;5(4):1005-14. DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2014-07-CR-0059. eCollection 2014. PMID: 25589913
- Brennan PF, Valdez R, Alexander G, Arora S, Bernstam EV, Edmunds M, Kirienko N, Martin RD, Sim I, Skiba D, Rosenbloom ST. Patient-centered care, collaboration, communication, and coordination: a report from AMIA’s 2013 Policy Meeting. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Apr;22(e1):e2-6. DOI: 10.1136/amiajnl-2014-003176. Epub 2014 Oct 30. PMID: 25359545.
- Turer RW, Zuckowsky TD, Causey HJ, Rosenbloom ST. ICD-10-CM Crosswalks in the primary care setting: assessing reliability of the GEMs and reimbursement mappings. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Feb 8. pii: ocu028. DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocu028. PMID: 25665703
- Pilon BA, Ketel C, Davidson HA, Gentry CK, Crutcher TD, Scott AW, Moore RM, Rosenbloom ST. Evidence-Guided Integration of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice into Nurse Managed Health Centers. J Prof Nurs. 2015 Jul-Aug;31(4):340-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2015.02.007. PMID: 26194966.
- Cronin RM, Davis SE, Shenson JA, Chen Q, Rosenbloom ST, Purcell Jackson G. Growth of Secure Messaging Through a Patient Portal as a Form of Outpatient Interaction across Clinical Specialties. Appl Clin Inform. 2015 Apr 29;6(2):288-304. DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2014-12-RA-0117. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26171076.
- Yin Z, Fabbri D, Rosenbloom ST, Malin M. A Scalable Framework to Detect Personal Health Mentions in Social Media. J Med Internet Res. 2015 Jun 5;17(6):e138. DOI: 10.2196/jmir.4305. PMID: 26048075.
- Cronin RM, Fabbri D, Denny JC, Rosenbloom ST, Purcell Jackson G. Automatically Classifying Patient Portal Messages Using Machine Learning. Appl Clin Inform. 2015 Apr 29;6(2):288-304. DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2014-12-RA-0117. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26171076.
- Wu, Y, Denny JC, Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA, Giuse DA, Song M, Xu H. A Preliminary Study of Clinical Abbreviation Disambiguation in Real Time. Appl Clin Inform. 2015 Jun 3;6(2):364-74. DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2014-10-RA-0088. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26171081.
- Rosenbloom ST. Person-generated Health and Wellness Data for Health Care. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016 May;23(3):438-9. DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocw059. PMID: 27288293.
- Gentry CK, Parker RP, Ketel C, Rosenbloom ST, Crutcher TD, Scott AW, Starks JL, Davidson HA, Pilon BA. Integration of Clinical Pharmacist Services into an Underserved Primary Care Clinic Utilizing an Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Model. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2016;27(1):1-7. PMID: 27763456
- Teixeira PL, Wei WQ, Cronin RM, Mo H, VanHouten JP, Carroll RJ, LaRose E, Bastarache LA, Rosenbloom ST, Edwards TL, Roden DM, Lasko TA, Dart RA, Nikolai AM, Peissig PL, Denny JC. Evaluating electronic health record data sources and algorithmic approaches to identify hypertensive individuals. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016 Aug 7. DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocw071. PMID: 27497800.
- Wu Y, Denny JC, Rosenbloom ST, Miller RA, Guise DA, Wang L, Blanquicett C, Soysal E, Xu J, Xu H. A long journey to short abbreviations – developing an open-source framework for clinical abbreviation recognition and disambiguation (CARD). J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016 Aug 18. pii: ocw109. DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocw109. PMID: 27539197.
- Kaufman L, Holland J, Weinberg S, Rosenbloom ST. Medical Record Keeping in the Summer Camp Setting. Appl Clin Inform. 2016 Dec 14;7(4):1154-1167. DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2016-06-RA-0098. PMID: 27966006.
- Rosenbloom ST, Carroll RJ, Warner JL, Matheny ME, Denny JC. Representing Knowledge Consistently Across Health Systems. Yearb Med Inform. 2017 Aug;26(1):139-147. DOI: 10.15265/IY-2017-018. Epub 2017 Sep 11. PMID: 29063555.
- Heerman W, Jackson N, Roumie C, Harris P, Rosenbloom ST, Pulley J, Wilkins C, Williams N, Crenshaw D, Leak C, Scherdin J, Munoz D, Bachmann J, Rothman J, Kripalani S. Recruitment Methods for Survey Research: Findings from the Mid-South Clinical Data Research. Contemporary Clinical Trials. August 17, 2017; 62:50-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2017.08.006. Epub 2017 Aug 17. PMID 28823925.
- Walker M, Morgan VL, King MR, Rosenbloom ST, Schuele MC, Miller BM, Churchwell AL, Omary RA. Cultivating Physician-Engineers as Clinical Innovation Influencers: The Medical Innovators Development Program (MIDP). Cel Mol Bioeng. June 4, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s12195-018-0528-9
- Zhang P, White J, Schmidt DC, Lenz G, Rosenbloom ST. FHIRChain: Applying Blockchain to Securely and Scalably Share Clinical Data. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2018;16:267-278. arXiv:1807.03227v1 [cs.CY] 9 Jul 2018.
- Martinez W, Threatt AL, Rosenbloom ST, Walson KA, Hickson GB, Elasy TA. Design Sprint and Usability Testing of a Patient-facing, Diabetes Dashboard Embedded in a Patient Web Portal. JMIR. In press.
Invited Papers:
1. Grisso AG, Wright L, Rosenbloom ST. Expansion of Pharmacokinetic Services through the Electronic Health Record using CPOE and Computerized Note Capture Tools. Hosp. Pharm. 2004. 9:1-4.
2. Rosenbloom ST, Elkin PL, Brown SH. Interface Terminologies: Role, Function and Evaluation. Proceedings of AHIMA 2008.
Book Chapters:
1. James R. Knight, Stephen K. Huffines, S. Trent Rosenbloom. Electronic Data Management: Electronic Health Record Systems and Computerized Provider Order Entry Systems, pp 365-381. In Thomas H. Brown (ed), Handbook of Institutional Pharmacy Practice (4th edition). ASHP Publications Production Center, 2006. Reprinted as David A. Holdford, Stephen K. Huffines, and S. Trent Rosenbloom. Electronic Data Management: Electronic Health Record Systems and Computerized Provider Order Entry Systems, pp 159-177. In David A. Holdford and Thomas R. Brown (eds), Introduction to Hospital & Health System Pharmacy Practice. ASHP Publications Production Center, 2010.
2. Kevin B. Johnson, S. Trent Rosenbloom. Computer-based Documentation: Past, Present and Future. In Harold P. Lehmann, Patricia A. Abbott, Nancy K. Roderer, Adam Rothschild, Steven F. Mandell, Jorge A., Ferrer, Robert E. Miller (eds), Aspects of Electronic Health Record-Systems (2nd edition). Springer, 2006, pp.309-328.
3. Randolph A. Miller, L. Russell Waitman, Sutin Chen, S. Trent Rosenbloom. Decision Support During Inpatient Care Provider Order Entry: The Vanderbilt Experience. In Eta S. Berner (ed), Clinical Decision Support Systems (2nd edition). Springer, 2006, pp. 215-248.
4. George Kim, S. Trent Rosenbloom. The Case for a Pediatric Terminology. In Chris Lehmann, George Kim, Kevin B Johnson, Pediatric Informatics, 2009.
5. S. Trent Rosenbloom, Joh Kuhl. Developing Pediatric Data Standards. In Chris Lehmann, George Kim, Kevin B Johnson, Pediatric Informatics, 2009.
6. S. Trent Rosenbloom. Interface Terminologies. In Peter L. Elkin, Terminology and Terminolgoccal Standards. Springer, 2012, pp 95-106.
Letters, Abstracts, Posters and Non-Peer Reviewed Papers:
1. Rosenbloom ST. John the Baptist’s Theology and its Qumran Origins: An Analysis of the Relationship between John the Baptist and the Essene Sect at Qumran. 1992, unpublished. Preceptor: Paul V.M. Flesher, Ph.D. Department of the History and Literature of Religions Northwestern University College of Arts and Sciences.
2. Fitzhenry F, Kiepek W, Kendall P, Rosenbloom ST, Shultz E. Determining Physician Level of Service with SNOMED RT. Proc. AMIA Symp. 2001, poster presentation.
3. Rosenbloom ST, Talbert D, Aronsky D. Integrating Decision Support into Computerized Physician Order Entry. Proc. AMIA Symp. 2001, poster presentation.
4. Hulgan TM, Rosenbloom ST, Hargrove F, Johnston P, Miller R, Kernodle DS. Effect of a Computerized Intervention on Anti-Pseudomonal Cephalosporin Prescribing. Proc IDSA. 2002, abstract.
5. Hulgan TM, Hargrove F, Talbert D, Rosenbloom, ST. A Decision Support System to Promote Oral Antibiotic Dosing. Proc. AMIA Symp. 2002, poster presentation.
6. Rosenbloom ST, Grande J. Integrating Medical Documentation into Provider Order Entry. Proc. AMIA Symp. 2002, poster presentation.
7. Rosenbloom ST, Miller, RA. Surveying Housestaff Opinions Regarding Clinical Decision Support. AMIA Symp. 2002, poster presentation.
8. Rosenbloom ST, Talbert D, Aronsky D. Predicting Outcomes of Testing for Decision Support Algorithms. Proc. AMIA Symp. 2002, poster presentation.
9. Jerome RN, Giuse NB, Rosenbloom ST. An Analysis Of The Importance Of Subject And Biostatistics Knowledge Base Into Final Determination Of Article Relevance. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, 2003, abstract.
10. Hoot N, Weiss J, Giuse D, Jirjis J, Peterson J, Lorenzi N, Rosenbloom ST. Integrating Communication Tools into an Electronic Health Record. Medinfo 2004, poster presentation.
11. Jerome RN, Rosenbloom ST, Giuse NB. Knowledge among health care professionals of evidence-based answers to complex clinical questions. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, May 24, 2004, abstract.
12. Rosenbloom ST, Hulgan T, Chaiken BP, Aronsky A, Kernodle DS, Hargrove F, Arbogast P. Changing Clinical Practice through Provider Order Entry. Proc HIMSS. 2004:
13. Rosenbloom ST, Qi XF, Giuse D, DonLevey SC, Riddle WR. Predictive Growth Charts for Premature Infants. Proc AAP, 2005.
14. Rosenbloom ST, Harrell FE Jr, Lehmann CU, Schneider JH, Spooner SA, Johnson KB. Perceived increase in mortality after process and policy changes implemented with computerized physician order entry. Pediatrics. 2006 Apr;117(4):1452-5.
15. Rocca MA, Rosenbloom ST, Spooner A, Nordenberg D. Development of a domain model for the pediatric growth charting process by mapping to the HL7 Reference Information Model. Proc AMIA 2006: 1077.
16. Porcelli PJ, Rosenbloom ST. Evaluation of a Neonatal Growth Curve Designed for an Electronic Health Record. Proc. AMIA 2006: 1066.
17. Classen DC, Kuhl J, Rosenbloom ST, Spooner A. Alliance for Pediatric Quality White Paper: Impacting Pediatric Quality Improvement through Data Standards. 2007:
18. Rosenbloom ST, Fitzhenry F, Fielstein E, Speroff T, Elkin PL, Trusko BE, Brown SH, Dittus R, Matheny ME. Improving Biosurveillance Using Full-Text Clinical Note Processing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Information Network Conference, Atlanta GA, September 2009.
19. Rosenbloom ST, Weinger MB, Slagle J, Gadd C, Ho YX, Chen Q, Blakemore D, Petrusa E, Rawn L, Johnson KB. Using Clinical Simulation to Evaluate the Usability and Efficacy of Clinical Documentation Methods. Accepted, International Medical Informatics Association: Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics Symposium, 2009.
20. Rosenbloom ST, Ho YX, Gadd CS. The Role of Narrative Expressivity in Physician Clinical Documentation. Proc. AMIA 2010.
21. Rosenbloom ST. Medical advances, EHRs Prompt Revision of Down Syndrome Growth Charts. AAP News. 2011 Feb;32(2):24.
22. Osborn CY, Idowu RT, Han X, Chen Q, Rosenbloom ST, Purcell Jackson G. Disparities in Access to Care over Three Years: Patient Portal Usage versus Outpatient Care. 2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, National Harbor, MD.
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