Program Overview
V-CBI Training Program
The Vanderbilt Chemistry Biology Interface (V-CBI) training program at Vanderbilt University is an NIH-sponsored training program (Chemistry-Biology Interface Training Grant #5T32GM065086) that supports graduate students studying at the interface of chemistry and biology (i.e. chemical biology).
Training faculty number over forty and participate in Ph.D. granting programs in Departments of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Immunology, Biological Sciences, Developmental Biology and Molecular Biophysics. Appointed V-CBI trainees receive their Ph.D. from these departments or the Chemical Physical Biology program while receiving training in Chemical Biology. The V-CBI program provides students an opportunity to be part of the VICB mission of “Harnessing the Power of Chemistry to Improve Human Health.”
Highlights of the training program include a chemical biology curriculum, elective courses for specialized training, an excellent seminar series in chemical biology, an annual student retreat and an in-depth laboratory research experience including lab rotations. Students are well-grounded in a core discipline and sufficiently well-trained in complementary fields to allow them to work effectively in a multi-disciplinary environment.
Chemical Biology Association of Students
V-CBI trainees are de facto members of the Vanderbilt Chemical Biology Association of Students (CBAS), a student-run organization that strives to promote professional and social relationships between students and post-doctoral fellows in the chemical biology discipline.
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