Training Components
The core requirements for the CBI Training Program are Foundations of Chemical Biology (CPBP 320), one year of Graduate Seminar in Chemical Biology (CPBP 8310) and one cross discipline course. Students are also required to complete three 8-10 week lab rotations their first year. The trainee’s home department determines the remaining course requirements. Highlights of the training program include a chemical biology curriculum.
Training Components
• Foundations of Chemical Biology (CPBP 8320, Spring semester, Bachmann)
• Graduate Seminar in Chemical Biology for one year (CPBP 8310, Fall and Spring semesters, Townsend and Plate)
• Experimental Design in Biomedical Sciences (PHARM 8350, Spring Semester, Damon
• Trainees from the Chemistry Graduate Program are required to take one of several cross-disciplinary courses outside of chemistry.
1. Recommended: Introduction to Chemical and Physical Biology (CPBP 8306, Fall Semester, Mchaourab)
2. Modern Drug Discovery (PHAR 8327, Fall Semester, Jones)
3. Foundations in Microbiology and Immunology (MIM 8332, Summer Semester, Cassat)
• Trainees entering from the IGP or QCB Graduate Programs are required to take one of several cross-disciplinary courses offered through chemistry
1. Recommended: Bioorganic Chemistry (CHEM 5710, Fall Semester, Plate)
2. Computational, Structural and Chemical Biology (CHEM 5420, Spring Semester, Meiler)
3. Advanced Analytical Mass Spectrometry (CHEM 5140, Fall Semester, McLean)
4. Introduction to Bioinorganic Chemistry (CHEM 5020, Spring Semester, Schley)
5. Organic Structure, Mechanisms and Reactions (CHEM 5209, Fall Semester Townsend)
Other Requirements
• Dissertation Committee: V-CBI training faculty member outside of the trainee’s home department is appointed to each trainee’s dissertation committee
• Chemical Biology Association of Students (CBAS) Membership: All trainees must join and participate in CBAS: attend bimonthly CBAS presentations and workshops; Present in CBAS seminar series (typically years 3 or 4); optional: serve on CBAS executive board
• Annual VICB Student Retreat: All trainees must attend and participate in the VICB annual retreat (oral or poster presentation)
• Career Conference: All trainees must attend at least one Vanderbilt ASPIRE career conference
• Training Faculty Participation: All training faculty agree to support trainees, attend CBAS monthly meetings, and once every four years present (research or RCR) in CBAS series • Training Related Expenses Trainees are eligible to apply for travel or core scholarships (awards) (typically up to $700)
• BRET Mailing List: Receive biweekly email information from Biomedical Research and Education Training (BRET) office (career and training)
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