VUEEL Activities Moved Online

With the closure of the Vanderbilt campus, all VUEEL experiments will me migrated online. Many of our experiments use protocols that are programmed for deployment through internet browsers and we hope to transition to running these experiments completely virtually in the coming months. While many experimental economics labs use online platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk to run virtual experiments, we hope to maintain additional continuity by recruiting from our usual Vanderbilt subject pool.

We will post a notice on this blog when virtual activities resume, and subjects can expect to receive invitations to these experiments as long as they expressed interest in online experiments when registering to become part of the subject pool.

If you would like to register for the subject or change your preferences, please visit:

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New VUEEL Working Paper: Beliefs about Beliefs about Gender

Beliefs about Beliefs about Gender is a paper written by Kristine Koutout, Andrew Dustan, and Greg Leo based on work done at the Vanderbilt University Experimental Economics Lab.


We develop a methodological framework for eliciting beliefs (first-order) and beliefs about beliefs (second-order) about the differences in measurable characteristics between two populations. We implement this procedure to study beliefs about the performance of men and women on math and abstract bargaining tasks. We find no evidence of differences in either men’s and women’s first-order beliefs or in their second-order beliefs; however, participants believe that men’s and women’s first-order beliefs differ.

The latest version of the paper can be found at the following link:

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Fall Subject Pool Update

The VUEEL subject pool now stands at over 1300 registered active participants. Just over a third of subjects are economics majors with the rest distributed among undecided, Arts and Science majors, and engineering majors in proportions similar to the proportions of undergraduate majors.

Students can register for upcoming experiments at

Several experiments are planned for the fall semester, so there will be lots of opportunity to participate.

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