


  • Finalist, 28th Annual Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition for the Best Student Paper on Finite Element Analysis. Duke University, Durham, NC, April, 2017.
  • Travel Award, 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Montreal, Canada, July, 2017.
  • Graduate Student Travel Grant for 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, The Graduate School, Vanderbilt Uinversity, Nashville, TN, July, 2017.


  • Winner, Modeling Inelasticity & Multiscale Behavior Student Paper Competition, ASCE 2016 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference , Nashville, TN, May, 2016.
  • Peter G. Hoadley Best Paper Award, Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, March, 2016.
  • Best Student Poster award in Materials Science and Technology category, ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Las Vegas, NV, November, 2016.
  • Graduate Student Travel Grant for ANS-HTR 2016 Meeting, The Graduate School, Vanderbilt Uinversity, Nashville, TN, November, 2016.


  • Graduate Student Travel Grant for ASME-IMECE 2015, The Graduate School, Vanderbilt Uinversity, Nashville, TN, November, 2015.

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