Forthcoming or recently published (2015-2024)
Domingos, Fernando Deodato, Carolyn J. Heinrich, Stéphane Saussier, and Mehdi Shiva. 2024. Navigating Renegotiations with Sustainability at the Helm: Societal Benefits and Transaction Costs. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation,
Dickason, Christine, Heinrich, Carolyn J., and Mary Smith. 2024. Delivering on the Promise: The Role of Supplemental Promise Programs in Reducing Barriers to College Success The Journal of Higher Education, 95:1, 92-119, DOI: 10.1080/00221546.2023.2195770.
Heinrich, Carolyn J., Ann Colomer and Matthew Hieronimus. 2023. Minding the Gap: Evidence, Implementation and Funding Gaps in Mental Health Services Delivery for School-aged Children.. Children and Youth Services Review, Jul;150:107023. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.107023.
Ecton, Walter, Carruthers, Celeste, and Carolyn Heinrich. 2023. Earning to Learn: Working while Enrolled in Tennessee Colleges and Universities. AERA Open,
Heinrich, Carolyn J., Hernández, Mónica, and Mason Shero. 2023. Repercussions of a Raid: Health and Education Outcomes of Children Entangled in Immigration Enforcement. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,
Heinrich, Carolyn J., Camacho, Sayil, Binsted, Kaitlin, and Shadlan Gale. 2022. An Audit Test Evaluation of States Practices for Supporting Access to and Promoting Covid-19 Vaccinations. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 301, Open access:
Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Huiping Cheng. 2022. Does Online Credit Recovery in High School Support or Stymie Later Labor Market Success? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 41, No. 4, 984–1011.
Heinrich, Carolyn J., Sayil Camacho, Sarah Henderson, Mónica Hernández and Ela Joshi. 2022. Consequences of Administrative Burden for Social Safety Nets that Support the Healthy Development of Children. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 41, No. 1, 11-44. Open access:
Dillender, Marcus, Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Susan N. Houseman. 2022. “Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Part-Time Employment: Early Evidence.” Journal of Human Resources, 57(4): 1394-1423.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. 2022. “Workforce Development in the United States: Changing Public and Private Roles and Program Effectiveness.” In Work and the Social Safety Net: Labor Activation in Europe and the United States, Douglas Besharov and Douglas Call (eds.), Oxford University Press.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Jennifer Darling-Aduana. 2021. “Does Online Course-taking Increase High School Completion and Open Pathways to Postsecondary Education Opportunities?” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
Heinrich, Carolyn J., Jennifer Darling-Aduana and Annalee G. Good. 2020. Equity and Quality in Digital Learning: Realizing the Promise in K-12 Education. Boston, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Darling-Aduana, Jennifer and Carolyn J. Heinrich. 2020. “The Potential of Telepresence for Increasing Advanced Course Access in High Schools.” Educational Researcher.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Matthew Knowles. 2020. “A Fine Predicament: Conditioning, Compliance and Consequences in a Labeled Cash Transfer Program.” World Development.
Heinrich, Carolyn J., Jennifer Darling-Aduana and Caroline Martin. 2020. “The Potential and Prerequisites of Effective Tablet Integration in Rural Kenya.” British Journal of Educational Technology.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Sarah E. Kabourek. 2019. “Pay for Success Development in the U.S.: Feasible or Failing to Launch?” Public Administration Review, 79(6): 867–879..
Heinrich, Carolyn J., Jennifer Darling-Aduana and Annalee Good. 2019. “A Look Inside Online Educational Settings in High School: Promise and Pitfalls for Improving Educational Opportunities and Outcomes.” American Educational Research Journal, 56 (6): pp. 2147–2188..
Darling-Aduana, Jennifer, Annalee Good and Carolyn J. Heinrich. 2019. “Mapping the Inequity Implications of Help-Seeking in Online Credit-Recovery Classrooms.” Teachers College Record, 121(11)..
Darling-Aduana, Jennifer and Carolyn J. Heinrich. 2018. "The Role of Teacher Capacity and Instructional Practice in the Integration of Educational Technology for Emergent Bilingual Students." Computers & Education.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Annalee Good. 2018. “Research-Informed Practice Improvements: Exploring Linkages between School District Use of Research Evidence and Educational Outcomes over Time.” School Effectiveness and School Improvement.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. 2018. “’A Thousand Petty Fortresses’: Administrative Burden in U.S. Immigration Policies and its Consequences.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Heinrich, Carolyn J., John Hoddinott and Michael Samson. 2017. “Reducing Adolescent Risky Behaviors in a High-Risk Context: The Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers in South Africa.” Economic Development and Cultural Change.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Annalee Good. 2017. “Sustaining a Research Partnership to Improve Educational Outcomes.” In Researcher-Policymaker Partnerships: Strategies for Launching and Sustaining Successful Collaborations. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Dillender, Marcus, Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Susan N. Houseman. 2016. “Health Insurance Reform and Part-Time Work: Evidence from Massachusetts.” Labour Economics.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. 2016. “The Bite of Administrative Burden: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 26 (3): 403-420.
Burch, Patricia, Annalee Good and Carolyn J. Heinrich. 2016. “Improving Access to, Quality and the Effectiveness of Digital Instruction in K-12 Education.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 38 (1): 65-87.
Samson, Michael, Evelyne Nyokangi, Carolyn J. Heinrich, Lucie Cluver, John Hoddinott, George Laryea-Adjei, Thabani Buthelezi, Maureen Mogotsi, Selwyn Jehoma, Thilde Stevens, and Ingrid van Niekerk. 2016. “The Impact of a Promise Realized: South Africa’s Child Support Grant.” In From Evidence to Action: The Story of Cash Transfers and Impact Evaluation in Sub Saharan Africa, Benjamin Davis, Sudhanshu Handa, Nicola Hypher, Natalia Winder Rossi, Paul Winters, and Jennifer Yablonski, eds. Oxford University Press.
Burch, Patricia E. and Carolyn J. Heinrich. 2015. Mixed Methods for Policy Research and Program Evaluation. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
Heinrich, Carolyn J. and Robert Brill. 2015. “Stopped in the Name of the Law: Administrative Burden and its Implications for Cash Transfer Program Effectiveness.” World Development, Vol. 72: 277–295.
Heinrich, Carolyn. 2015. “The Role of Performance Management in Good Governance.” In The Political Economy of Good Governance, Sisay Asefa and Wei-Chiao Huang, eds. Kalamazoo, MI: W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
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