School Leadership
May, H., Huff, J. Goldring, E. (2012). A Longitudinal Study of Principals’ Activities and Student Performance. Journal of School Effectiveness and School Improvement. 1-23 [link]
Goldring, E., & Preston, C. (in press). Conceptualizing and Evaluating Professional Development for School Leaders. Planning and Change
Porter, A.C., Polikoff, M.S., Goldring, E., Murphy, J.; Elliott, S.N.; & May, H. (2010) Investigating the validity and reliability of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education. Elementary School Journal, 111, 282-313. [link]
Camburn, E., Huff, J., Goldring, E., May, H. (2010) Assessing the Validity of an Annual Survey For Measuring Principal Leadership Practice. Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 314-335. [link]
Polikoff, M., May, H., Porter, A., Elliot, S., Goldring, E., Murphy, J. (2010). An Examination of Differential Item Functioning on the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education. Journal of School Leadership. [link]
Porter, A.C., Polikoff, M.S., Goldring, E., Murphy, J., Elliott, S.N., & May, H. (2010). Developing a psychometrically sound assessment of school leadership: The VAL-ED as a case study. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 135-173. [link]
Goldring, E., & Schuermann, P. (2009). The Changing Context of K-12 Educational Administration: Consequences for Ed. D. Program Design and Delivery. Peabody Journal of Education, 84, (1) 9-43. [link]
Goldring, E., Cravens, X, Murphy, J., Elliot, S. et al. (2009). The Evaluation of Principals: What and How do States and Urban Districts Assess Leadership? Elementary School Journal. 110 (1), 19-39. [link]
Goldring, E., Huff, J., Spillane, J., & Barnes, C. (2009). Measuring the Instructional Leadership Expertise of School Principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools. 8,(2), 197-228. [link]
Goldring , E., Porter, A., Murphy, J., Elliot, S., & Cravens, X. (2009). Assessing Learning-Centered Leadership: Connections to Research, Standards and Practice. Leadership and Policy in Schools. 8,1-36. [link]
Goldring, E., Huff, J., May, H., & Camburn, E. (2008). School Context and Individual Characteristics: What Influences Principal Practice? Journal of Educational Administration. 46 (3), 332-352. [link]
Murphy, J., Elliot, S., Goldring, E., Porter, A (2007). Leadership for Learning: A Research-Based Model and Taxonomy of Behaviors. Journal of School Leadership and Management. 27(2), 179-201. [link]
Goldring, E., Crowson, R., Laird, D., & Berk, R. (2003). Transition leadership in a changing policy environment. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 25, 473-488 [link]
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