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University Teaching Resources

Posted by on Monday, May 11, 2020 in Resources.

PeabodyThe Office of Faculty Affairs hosted 8 workshops facilitated by the Center for Teaching and VUIT in March. Workshop sessions discussed the variety of tools available to Vanderbilt faculty including two Brightspace tools that help move classes online: a screen capture tool that allows faculty to create video lectures that can easily be shared with students, as well as a video conferencing tool that enables live online meetings. If you missed the workshop, you can access it online (

  • There are several workshops being offered in May for Faculty Development. Topics include University finances, Accessible Online Teaching, and Conversations for Pre-Tenured Faculty.  Registration and updated offerings will always be available here:
  • The Office of the Provost has developed a Faculty Online and Alternative Education Resources page with information about in-person training sessions and on-demand content. There is also information about Brightspace, creating a recorded video, video conferencing, audio conferencing, and additional faculty teaching guides and resources.

If you discovered an article, Twitter feed, or other resources that helped you teach in an online format, please share them with us. We know you probably have access to others within your disciplines that could be of use to your colleagues here. We’ll continue to update our list of resources as we identify them.