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What resources are available for the Faculty to succeed with continuity of teaching through the Spring 2020 Semester?

Posted by on Friday, March 13, 2020 in Uncategorized.

TeachingHere are some resources

  • Direct your attention to the resources of the Center for Teaching as you convert your courses to remote learning. (Resources for Just-in-Time Online Teaching)
  • Faculty Affairs has created a teaching continuity web portal.  This resource will be continually updated.

How can you help with this effort?

  • If you have discovered an article, twitter feed or other resources that have helped you to prepare for teaching in an online format, please share them with us through the Senate Portal or by emailing the Executive Committee members directly. We’ll continue to update our list of resources as we identify them.
  • If you have hear of an innovative effort by faculty to remain engaged with students, please share those too and we will try to help highlight those stories.