Monthly Archives: January 2018

Published: 2018 Diggins et al., Current Protocols in Cytometry

Congrats to Kirsten Diggins, Jocelyn Gandelman, and Caroline Roe on their publication!  This protocol aggregates code, scripts, and examples for MEM that we use regularly in courses and research: Diggins KE, Gandelman JS, Roe CE, Irish JM. Generating Quantitative Cell … Continue reading

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Published: Earl & Ferrell et al., Nature Communications 2018

Congratulations to David Earl & Brent Ferrell, co-first authors, and co-author Nalin Leelatian for their work that just came out in Nature Communications! Earl DC*, Ferrell PB*, Leelatian N, Froese J, Reisman B, Irish JM**, Bachmann BO**. Discovery of human cell selective … Continue reading

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