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Jeffrey A. Bennett, “The Medicalization of the Culture Wars,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 21 (2024): 36-42. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Narrative Multiplicities and the Politics of Memory in The Border of AIDS,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 109 (2023): 409-412. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Resisting the Rhetoric of Indexing: Disability, Access, and the 2005 Tennessee State Capitol Sit-in,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 19 (2022): 235-253. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett and Andrew R. Spieldenner, “Duty and Pleasure in Brouwer’s HIV Rhetoric,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 108 (2022): 185-189. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Mourning and Memorializing in the COVID-19 Era,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 19 (2022): 30-36. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Everyday Life and the Management of Risky Bodies in the COVID-19 Era,” Cultural Studies 35 (2021): 347-357. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Containing Sotomayor: Rhetorics of Personal Restraint, Judicial Prudence, and Diabetes Management,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 104 (2018): 257-278. PDF

Jeffrey A.  Bennett, “‘Born This Way’: Queer Vernacular and the Politics of Origins,” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 11 (2014): 211-240. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “The Critical Interrogation of a Category: An Interview with Jack Halberstam” QED 1 (2013): 177-192. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Troubled Interventions: Public Policy, Vectors of Disease, and the Rhetoric of Diabetes Management,” Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (2013): 15-32. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Queer Teenagers and the Mediation of Utopian Catastrophe,” Critical Studies in Media Communication 27 (2010): 455-476. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett and Isaac West, “‘United We Stand, Divided We Fall’: AIDS, Armorettes, and the Tactical Repertoires of Drag,” Southern Communication Journal 74 (2009): 300-313. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Passing, Protesting, and the Arts of Resistance: Infiltrating the Ritual
Space of Blood Donation,” The Quarterly Journal of Speech 94 (2008): 23-43. PDF

Reprinted in Readings on Rhetoric and Performance, editors Stephen Olbrys Gencarlla and Phaedra C. Pezzullo. State College, PA: Strata Publishing, 2010.

Invited as a “translation essay” entitled “Banning Queer Blood” for Communication Currents (2008). Found at:

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “In Defense of Gaydar: Reality Television and the Politics of the Glance,”  Critical Studies in Media Communication 23 (2006): 408-425. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “A Queer Anxiety: Assimilation Politics and Cinematic Hedonics in Relax . . . It’s Just Sex,The Journal of Homosexuality 52 (2006): 101-123. PDF

Reprinted in LGBT Studies and Queer Theory: New Conflicts, Collaborations, and Contested Terrain, editors Gust Yep, Karen Lovaas, and John Elia. Binghamton:  Harrington Park Press, 2007.

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Seriality and Multicultural Dissent in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate,”
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 3 (2006): 141-161. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Love Me Gender: Normative Homosexuality and ‘Ex-Gay’ Performativity in Reparative Therapy Narratives,” Text and Performance Quarterly 23 (2003): 331-352. PDF


Lora Arduser and Jeffrey A. Bennett, “The Rhetoric of Chronicity,” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine 5 (2022): 123-239. I co-wrote the introduction and co-edited the four essays in the issue. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett and Charles E. Morris, “Rhetorical Criticism’s Multitudes,” Review of Communication 16 (2016): 1-107. I co-wrote the introduction and co-edited the four major essays and nine editorial statements included in the issue. PDF


Jeffrey A. Bennett, “COVID and Doubt: An Emergent Structure of Feeling,” COVID and…How to do Rhetoric in a Pandemic, eds. Emily Winderman, Allison L. Rowland, and Jennifer Malkowski (Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2023), 235-254. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Crip Theory,” Oxford Encyclopedia of Queer Studies and Communication, ed. Isaac West (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022). PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Diabetes Twitter: A Communal Retort to Capitalism,” (Un)doing Diabetes: Representation, Disability, Culture, eds. Bianca C. Frazer and Heather R. Walker (New York: Palgrave, 2022), 23-41. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Diving into the Past: Greg Louganis, Queer Memory, and the Cultural Politics of HIV Management,” Sport, Rhetoric, and Political Struggle, eds. Michael Butterworth and Daniel Grano (New York: Peter Lang, 2019): 71-84. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Chronic Citizenship: Community, Choice, and Queer Controversy” in Biocitizenship: Lively Subjects, Embodied Sociality, and Posthuman Politics, eds. Kelly Happe, Jenell Johnson, and Marina Levina (New York: NYU Press, 2018): 95-116. PDF

Isaac West and Jeffrey A. Bennett, “Tomorrow Be-Longs to Us,” Queer Praxis: Questions for LGBTQ Worldmaking, eds. Dustin Bradley Goltz and Jason Zingsheim (New York: Peter Lang, 2015): 249-259. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett, “A Stitch in Time: Public Emotionality and the Repertoire of Citizenship,” in Remembering the AIDS Quilt, ed. Charles E. Morris III (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2011): 133-158. PDF


Jeffrey A. Bennett, “How to Survive a Presidency,” QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 7 (2020): 102-108. PDF

Cathryn Molloy, Cristy Beemer, Jeffrey Bennett, Ann Green, Jenell Johnson, Molly Kessler, Maria Novotny, Bryna Siegel-Finer, “Dialogue on Personal Narrative and Medicine,” Rhetoric of Health and Medicine 1 (2018): 349-371. PDF

Jeffrey A. Bennett “202 Bullets,” QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 3 (2016): 151-153. PDF