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Education and Awards


2009 Ph.D. in Sociology, Duke University
2007 Graduate Certificate in Educational Research and Policy, Duke University
2003 M.A. in Sociology (Outstanding Graduates), Shandong University
2000 B.A. in Sociology (Outstanding Graduates), Shandong University


2021- Director, SNAIL (Social Networks and Inequalities Lab), Vanderbilt University
2019-21 Director of Graduate Studies, Sociology, Vanderbilt University
2016- Associate Professor of Sociology, Medicine, Health and Society (MHS), and Asian Studies, Vanderbilt University
2009-16 Affiliated Faculty, American Studies, Vanderbilt University
2009-16 Assistant Professor of Sociology, MHS, and Asian Studies Vanderbilt University


2022-23 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Indiana University Bloomington
2019 Visiting Scholar, School of Sociology, Nanjing University
2017 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Duke University


2021 Best Publication Award, Sociology of Mental Health Section, American Sociological Association (ASA)
2021-22 Seeding Success Grant, The Office of Provost, Vanderbilt University
2021-22 Mellon Faculty Fellowship, Center for Digital Humanities, Vanderbilt University
2021 Strong Faculty Grant, Vanderbilt University
2020-24 Research Grant, National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health
2020-24 Research Grant, National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health
2020-21 Scholar Grant, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
2019 Zheng Gang Visiting Scholarship, Nanjing University
2019 Global Research & Engagement Micro-Grant, Vanderbilt University
2018 Data Science Institute Mini Grant, Vanderbilt University
2016-20 Research Grant, National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health
2016-18 Vanderbilt Initiative Awards (VIA), TIPS (Trans-institutional Programs), Vanderbilt University
2015-17 Research Grant, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
2012-13 Research Scholar Fellowship, Research Scholars Grant, Vanderbilt University
2010-11 Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship, Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University
2010 Summer Stipend Award, Research Scholar Grant, Vanderbilt University
2009 The Best Graduate Student Paper Award, Asia/Asian America Section, ASA
2009 Vorsanger-Smith Scholar, Department of Sociology, Duke University.
2008-09 PARISS (Program for Advanced Research in the Social Sciences) Fellowship, Social Science Research Institute, Duke University
2008 Summer Research Fellowship, Graduate School, Duke University
2007-08 Graduate Awards for Research and Training in Global Health, Duke University  Center for International Studies
2007 Summer Research Fellowship, Asian/Pacific Studies Institute, Duke University
2004-06 Spencer Education Science and Policy Scholar, Duke University
2003-08 Tuition Fellowship, Duke University
2003-04 Graduate Award Fellowship, Graduate School, Duke University
2004-08 Graduate School Conference Travel Fellowship, Duke University
2000-03 Graduate Award Fellowship, Shandong University
2001-02 Youth Scholar Fellowship, Research Group of Developing Women and Gender Studies’ Courses, Ford Foundation
1999 Top Ten College Students Award, Shandong Province
1996-2000 Top Ten College Students Award, Academic Excellence Award, Excellent Student Leadership Award, Shandong University