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Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Sociology. April 2023.

Princeton University, Center on Contemporary China. April 2023.

Indiana University-Bloomington, Department of Sociology. October 2022.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the National Institutes of Health. May 2022.

Michigan State University, Department of Sociology. April 2022.

University of South Carolina, Department of Sociology. January 2022.

University of Kentucky, Department of Sociology. November 2019.

VU, Department of Psychology. August 2019.

Shanghai University, School of Sociology, China. June 2019.

Hehai University, Department of Sociology. May 2019.

Nanjing University, School of Sociology. May 2019.

University of California, Davis, East Asian Studies Program. May 2019.

Emory University. April 2019.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, ICSA Conference. December 2018.

Academia Sinica, Institute of Sociology. November 2018.

National Taipei University, Department of Sociology. October 2018.

Academia Sinica, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. October 2018.

Academia Sinica, Institute of Sociology. October 2018.

Nanjing University, School of Sociology. May 2018.

Sun Yat-sen University, School of Sociology and Anthropology. May 2018.

University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Sociology. November 2017.

Duke University, Department of Sociology. October 2017.

New York University-Shanghai, Shanghai Social Science Summer Symposium. July 2017.

VU, the Center for Genetic Privacy and Identity in Community Settings. July 2017.

Society for Epidemiologic Research, Social Capital and Health Symposium. June 2017.

Shandong University, School of Philosophy and Social Development. May 2017.

VU, the Center for Genetic Privacy and Identity in Community Settings. April 2017.

Anhui Medical University. October 2016.

City University of Hong Kong and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. September 2016.

Zhejiang University, Department of Sociology. June 2016.

Ohio State University, the STEAM Factory. May 2016.

VU, Department of Psychology. February 2016.

Xi’an Jiaotong University. December 2015.

VU, Department of Sociology. February 2009.

Duke University, Program for Advanced Research in the Social Sciences. February 2009.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Division of Social Science. January 2009.

University of Memphis, Department of Sociology. January 2009.

University of North Texas, Department of Sociology. December 2008.

City University of New York—Brooklyn College. December 2008.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. December 2008.

University of Illinois at Chicago. December 2008.

Academia Sinica, Institute of Sociology, May 2008.

Duke University, Asian/Pacific Studies Institute. October 2007.

Academia Sinica, Institute of Sociology. May 2005.


“Table for One: Does Being Single and Living Alone Protect or Hurt Health?” (with Zhe Zhang) The 118th Annual Meeting of ASA. Philadelphia, PA. August 2023.

“Does Who You Know Protect or Hurt? Social Capital, Social Cost, Tie Strength, and Inequalities in Three Societies.” The Annual Meeting of PAA. New Orleans, LA. April 2023.

“Table for One: Does Being Single and Living Alone Protect or Hurt Health?” (with Zhe Zhang) The Annual Meeting of SSS. Myrtle Beach, SC. March 2023.

“Online Social Support among the Isolated and Lonely: Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The XLII Sunbelt Conference of INSNA. Cairns, Australia. July 2022.

“Health Inequalities among Sexual Minorities: Diverse Roles of the Sexual Minority Stress Continuum within Racial/Ethnic Communities” (with Philip J. Pettis). The Seventeenth International Conference on Social Stress Research. Savannah, Georgia. June 2022.

“Protect or Hurt? Tie Strength and Mental Health across Three Societies.” Networks: A Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference (virtual). July 2021.

“Does Who You Know Satisfy or Dissatisfy Your Life? Social Capital, Social Cost, and Relational Culture in Three Societies.” The 115th Annual Meeting of ASA (virtual), San Francisco, CA. August 2020.

“Does Who You Know Satisfy or Dissatisfy Your Life? Social Capital, Social Cost, and Relational Culture in Three Societies.” The XL Sunbelt Conference of INSNA (virtual), Paris, France. June 2020.

“Do Social Networks Affect Public Knowledge and Attitudes about Genetic Testing? The Roles of Social Integration, Tie Strength, Social Capital, and Social Cohesion.” The 114th Annual Meeting of ASA, New York, NY. August 2019.

“Social Capital and Social Cost.” Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. June 2019.

“Protect or Hurt? Tie Strength and Mental Health across Three Societies.” The 82nd Annual Meeting of SSS, Atlanta, GA. April 2019.

“Accessed Status and Health Limitations in Three Societies: Institutional Embeddedness of Social Capital and Social Comparison.” The 113th Annual Meeting of ASA, Philadelphia, PA. August 2018.

“A Multilevel Analysis of Environmental Concern: Evidence from China.” The 113th Annual Meeting of ASA, Philadelphia, PA. August 2018.

“Marry Up, Socialize Up? Educational Hypergamy, Gender, and Social Capital in Three Societies.” The Annual Meeting of ICSA, Princeton, NJ. August 2018.

“Do Social Networks Affect Public Knowledge and Attitudes about Genetic Testing? The Roles of Social Integration, Tie Strength, and Social Cohesion.” The XXXVIII Sunbelt Conference of INSNA. Utrecht, the Netherlands. June 2018.

“Social Capital or Social Cost? Accessed Status, Tie Strength, and Depression in the U.S., Urban China, and Taiwan.” The Sixteenth International Conference on Social Stress Research. Athens, Greece. June 2018.

“Educational Homogamy, Network Members’ Status, and Gender: A Comparison across Three Societies.” The 112th Annual Meeting of ASA, Montreal, Canada. August 2017.

“Network Members’ Occupational Status, Tie Strength, and Depression in Two Societies.” The XXXVII Sunbelt Conference of INSNA, Beijing, China. May 2017.

“Educational Homogamy, Network Members’ Status, and Gender: A Comparison across Three Societies.” The 80th Annual Meeting of SSS, Greenville, SC. March 2017.

“Institutional Contingency of Network Embeddedness of Class Identification: Network Members’ Occupational Status and Subjective Social Class in Three Societies.” The 111th Annual Meeting of ASA, Seattle, WA. August 2016.

“Network Members’ Occupational Status, Tie Strength, and Depression in Two Societies.” The 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, Austria. July 2016.

“Institutional Contingency of Network Embeddedness of Class Identification: Network Members’ Occupational Status and Subjective Social Class in Three Societies.” The XXXVI Sunbelt Conference of INSNA, Newport Beach, CA. April 2016.

“Network Members’ Occupational Status, Tie Strength, and Depression in Two Societies.” The 110th Annual Meeting of ASA, Chicago, IL. August 2015.

“Does Knowing People in Authority Protect or Hurt? Authoritative Social Capital and Depression in Post-Socialist Urban China.” The XXXV Sunbelt Conference of INSNA, Brighton, United Kingdom. June 2015.

“Is Unsolicited Support Protective or Destructive in Collectivistic Culture? Receipt of Unsolicited Job Leads in Urban China.” The 109th Annual Meeting of ASA, San Francisco, CA. August 2014.

“Does Your Body Know Who You Know? Social Capital and Body Weight.” The 108th Annual Meeting of ASA, New York. August 2013.

“Institutional Embeddedness of Network Embeddedness in the Workplace: Social Integration at Work and Employee’s Health across Three Societies “The Xi’an INSNA Conference, Xi’an, China. July 2013.

“Does Your Well-Being Know Who You Know? Social Capital and Life Satisfaction across Three Societies.” The Xi’an INSNA Conference, Xi’an, China. July 2013.

“Help or Hurt? Unsolicited Job Leads and Receivers’ Psychological Distress.” The 107th Annual Meeting of ASA, Denver, CL. August 2012.

“Does Your Well-Being Know Who You Know? Social Capital and Life Satisfaction across Three Societies.” The 107th Annual Meeting of ASA, Denver, CL. August 2012.

“Help or Hurt? Unsolicited Job Leads and Receivers’ Psychological Distress.” The 13th International Conference on Social Stress Research. Dublin, Ireland. June 2012.

“Is Whom You Know in the Structural Hierarchy a Resource or Stressor? The Floor and Ceiling of Social Capital and Health in Urban China and the United States.” The 106th Annual Meeting of ASA, Las Vegas, ND. August 2011.

“Does Political Social Capital Matter to Well-Being? A Comparative Study on Life Satisfaction across Three Societies.” The Annual Meeting of NACSA, Las Vegas, ND. August 2011.

“The Older, the More Social: The Interaction Effect of Social Capital with Age on Health.” The 105th Annual Meeting of ASA, Atlanta, Georgia. August 2010.

“An Invisible Hand: Social Capital and Health Information Search.” The XXX Sunbelt Conference of INSNA, Riva del Garda, Italy. July 2010.

“An Invisible Hand: Social Capital and Health Information Search.” The 73rd Annual Meeting of SSS, Atlanta, Georgia. April 2010.

“You Identify with Who You Know: Social Capital and Subjective Social Class.” The 104th Annual Meeting of ASA, San Francisco, CA. August 2009.

“A Tale of Two Social Capitals: Network Resources and Civic Participation.” The 103rd Annual Meeting of ASA, Boston, MA. August 2008.

“Social Capital or Parenthood: A Dilemma for Whom?” The 103rd Annual Meeting of ASA, Boston, MA. August 2008.

“Social Capital or Parenthood: A Dilemma for Whom?” The 71st Annual Meeting of SSS, Richmond, Virginia. April 2008.

“A Tale of Two Social Capitals: Network Resources and Civic Participation.” The 71st Annual Meeting of SSS, Richmond, Virginia. April 2008.

“Your Body Knows Who You Know: Social Capital and Well-Being Inequality in the United States.” The Mid-Winter Meeting of the ASA Methods Section: Network and New Methods for Global Health. Duke University, Durham, NC. February 2008.

“Your Body Knows Who You Know: Social Capital and Health Inequality in the United States.” The XXVIII Sunbelt Conference of INSNA, St. Pete Beach, FL. January 2008.

“Is Trust Social Capital?” The Social Capital Group Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC. November 2007.

“Your Body Knows Who You Know: Social Capital and Health Inequality in the United States.” The 102nd Annual Meeting of ASA, New York. August 2007.

“Your Body Knows Who You Know: Social Capital and Health Inequality.” The 70th Annual Meeting of SSS, Atlanta, Georgia. April 2007.

“Social Capital and Subjective Social Status: Evidence from China and the US.” The XXVI Sunbelt Conference of INSNA, Vancouver, Canada. April 2006.

“Social Capital and Subjective Social Status: Evidence from China and the US.” The 69th Annual Meeting of SSS, New Orleans, LA. March 2006.

“When Institutions Meet Networks: Educational Homogamy in Urban China.” The 100th Annual Meeting of ASA, Philadelphia, PA. August 2005.

“The Position Generator and Depressive Symptoms: An Empirical Test of Hierarchical Structural Perspective.” Social Capital Workshop, Taiwan. May 2005.

“When Institutions Meet Networks: Educational Homogamy in Urban China.” The 68th Annual Meeting of SSS, Charlotte, NC. April 2005.

“When Institutions Meet Networks: Educational Homogamy in Urban China.” The XXV Sunbelt Conference of INSNA, Redondo Beach, CA. February 2005.

“Educational Inequality at the Macro Level in China: A Preliminary Review.” The 99th Annual Meeting of ASA, San Francisco, CA. August 2004.