Teaching Resources
Given the booming interest in the laws governing marijuana, it’s no surprise that an ever-growing number of law, graduate, and undergraduate schools are offering courses on marijuana law and policy. In just the last two years, more than 35 schools have adopted my book for use in a course devoted to marijuana law, a steep increase from the two or three schools that offered such courses a decade ago. Courses in marijuana law and policy not only prepare students to practice in this emerging field, they also impart valuable lessons that can be applied to other fields as well. Indeed, marijuana law is a great vehicle for teaching about a broad range of important subjects, including subjects that students might otherwise neglect — e.g., administrative law and tax law. I make the case for teaching and writing about marijuana law and policy in this Prawfsblawg post and in Chapter 1.
Marijuana Law, Policy, and Authority is designed (in part) for use in such courses, and it is written in a style that is accessible to students at a variety of levels, from undergraduate to professional schools. Below you will find some resources that will help you design and teach a course using the book.
- Syllabi. The pdf provides syllabi for four different marijuana law courses, each with a different emphasis: a broad survey course; a course on the issues confronting marijuana businesses; a course focusing on criminal justice issues; and a course on medical marijuana and health policy.
- Additional Materials. The Additional Materials page provides copies of (or links to) regulations, cases, secondary articles, and other publications that did not fit or were only excerpted in the book.
- Updates. The Home page contains blog posts that will help you keep abreast of the latest developments in the field. You can also find those posts organized by topic (i.e., where they would appear in the book) and by state.
- External Links. The External Links page provides links to government agencies, advocacy groups, news sites, think tanks, and a range of other websites that provide further information and different perspectives on marijuana law and policy.
And if you have any questions about teaching a course or adopting or using the book, you can contact me at robert<dot>mikos<at>vanderbilt<dot>edu — I would be happy to help!