CRS Wrongly Suggests POTUS Could Legalize Marijuana on His Own
Nov. 4, 2021—The title of this post is inspired by a new “report” issued by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). I think calling it a “report” is giving it too much credit — it’s five thinly researched pages of text that simply repeats the old but unfounded idea that the President could unilaterally legalize marijuana federally, without...
What Does New York’s Latest Marijuana Decriminalization Measure Accomplish?
Aug. 2, 2019—As reported in various outlets, e.g., The Hill and the New York Times, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation on Tuesday that decriminalizes some low-level marijuana offenses and expunges (or seals) records of prior (and future) convictions for such offenses. The full legislation can be found at the NY Assembly website here. The linked...