Two Interesting Developments in Maryland’s Medical Marijuana Law
Apr. 12, 2018—The Maryland legislature just passed a bill amending the state’s medical marijuana law. The Governor is expected to sign the legislation, which can be viewed here. Two particular changes struck me as noteworthy: 1. First, the bill adopts new—and carefully designed—measures to address racial disparities in the state-licensed commercial marijuana industry. As I discuss in...
Marijuana, Opioids, and Some Thoughts on Empirical Research on Marijuana Policy
Apr. 9, 2018—Back in February, I discussed research suggesting that legalizing marijuana could help combat the nation’s opioid epidemic. See Marijuana and the Opioid Crisis. The theory is that once marijuana is legalized some people will use marijuana in lieu of opioids to treat chronic pain. It is the reverse of the gateway hypothesis that was once...