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What Does New York’s Latest Marijuana Decriminalization Measure Accomplish?

Aug. 2, 2019—As reported in various outlets, e.g., The Hill  and the New York Times, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation on Tuesday that decriminalizes some low-level marijuana offenses and expunges (or seals) records of prior (and future) convictions for such offenses. The full legislation can be found at the NY Assembly website here.  The linked...

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Do (Should) State Marijuana Reforms Apply Retroactively?

Dec. 2, 2017—Suppose that Danica violates her state’s marijuana prohibition. If the state later repeals that prohibition, does (and should) the repeal apply retroactively to Danica’s offense? To date, most states have failed to explicitly address this question. But California and Colorado have recently begun offering relief for some marijuana offenses that pre-date their respective reforms. California’s...

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