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A Classic Greek Tragedy

On Wednesday night, we attended a Greek Tragedy at the Teatro Greco of Siracusa. The theatre is built into a hill so that the audience can look down at the play and also see the city of Siracusa in the background. Seeing a play in Greek tragedy style was an unbelievable experience, especially to see…

Posted by on June 1, 2017 in 2017 Blog post, Blog posts

Siracusa Video Tour

Posted by on June 1, 2017 in Blog posts

Intervista con Simone

For my interview, I spoke with Simone, the owner of Food Sicily in Cefalu’. He is a very busy man, but he was able to take a few minutes out of his day to talk about business, food, and life in general. It was interesting to see how his mind works as a business owner…

Posted by on May 30, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Island of Adventures

Mount Etna is one of the most daunting natural wonders in the world. On Sunday, we climbed it as a group. Etna is the largest active volcano in Europe and is caused by the converging tectonic plates between Africa and Eurasia. Etna was a few hours away from us, just outside of the Catania. When…

Posted by on May 24, 2017 in Blog posts

A Day on the Sea

Today we rented a boat and explored the coastline of Sicily near Cefalu’. This was one of the most enjoyable and relaxing activities of the trip. The process of renting a boat was extremely easy as we were out to sea nearly ten minutes after arriving in the harbor. The process was infinitely more convenient…

Posted by on May 20, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Experience Blog: Una Festa

Today we all took a cooking class in the hills of Cefalu’. Nino and company showed us a true Italian feast as we spent hours preparing and eating multiple dishes. The amount of care put into each dish made it truly seem like an art form. No shortcuts were taken as we individually crafted each…

Posted by on May 17, 2017 in 2017 Blog post

Observation Post: Il Duomo

On Saturday night I observed mass in Il Duomo. Going to mass in such a massive and historic church was a surreal experience. I observe Greek Orthodox at home, but I have been to Catholic church before. The mass itself was similar in Italy and the United States, but the setting and the people made…

Posted by on May 15, 2017 in 2017 Blog post


Beaches in Sicily

On Thursday, three of us decided to rent scooters and explore the coastline. We traveled eastward on A-20 along the northern coast of the island. This was quite an experience, although a dangerous adventure. It started with renting the scooters, as a nice man in Cefalu, Daniella, rented the three of us scooters with little…

Posted by on May 13, 2017 in 2017 Blog post