Lectures – 2008 National Conference Legal and Political Dynamics of Pay for Performance

P. Teske, J. Ryan, D. Goldhaber, J. Hannaway

Legal and Political Dynamics of Pay for Performance

This video shows a panel on the legal and political dynamics of teacher compensation reform in American education. Paul Teske, a professor of public affairs at the University of Colorado – Denver first summarizes major findings and policy implications identified by the authors of the three papers commissioned for this panel.

Each author then provides a short commentary which includes remarks by:

  1. Professor James E. Ryan, the William L. Matheson & Robert M. Morgenthau Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Virginia School of Law, on the legal dimensions of performance incentive policies in education;
  2. Professor Dan Goldhaber, a research professor at the University of Washington, on the politics of teacher compensation reform; and
  3. Dr. Jane Hannaway, director of the Education Policy Center at the Urban Institute, on the interplay between emerging policy focus on teacher performance incentives and the response of teachers’ unions.

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