In close partnership with Vanderbilt University’s historic Dyer Observatory, the Physics & Astronomy departments of both Fisk University and Vanderbilt University are proud to announce a public outreach initiative comprising a large inflatable planetarium.
By projecting a representation of the night sky onto the dome’s interior, we are able to teach students about the constellations and various mythologies, the nature of stars, the Sun-Earth-Moon system, the Solar System planets and their motions, and many other celestial phenomena in a fun yet informative manner. For more information on topics we can address using the planetarium, please click here.
If you represent a school, a community institution, or an educational institution in the state of Tennessee, and would like to request an astronomy presentation using our planetarium, please click here. There is no charge for our educational services if ou are educational. Thank You.
We are back in a limited capacity (school year 2024-25). Maybe we can work together!
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