Progress Report #9 (2014)
Dispensing Coding – By Aireen
During first trial, we tested our coil with one unit of anticoagulant bag as our load (weighed about 200g). With 5V power, the time taken for one full turn was 2.5 sec. For second trial, we used two units of anticoagulant bags (weighed about 400g). With same amount of power, the time take to dispense one bag was 1.5 sec, and 2.5 sec for the second bag. This time duration were considerably fast. These two trials were conducted with the coil not yet mounted to the base of our cooler. Since our coil is now securely attached to the cooler base, we are planning to run more test to get better time accuracy.
Video of this trial can be found on our website under Prezi presentation section.
Scanning Coding – by Zulhilmi
We finalized the coding for the scanning system. We had successfully calibrated the color sensor and was able to convert the signal from the color sensor as inputs for the servos.
We focused on the RGB values, but will also look into the possibility of using the Lux values as it changes significantly between cold and warm colors.
Components Assembling – By Hakim
Over the last two weeks we could not assemble much in our design because the mechanic at the Vanderbilt Machine Shop was out of town for a week. Nevertheless, we managed to attached servos to another two coils and attached them to the basement of the body as depicted in the pictures below using aluminum mounting.
Our next plan in assembling the design is to construct the lid and making holes through each divider to allow wiring to go through. We also have to make holes to dispense the blood products .
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