
Wheelchairs have experienced little in the way of innovation in the decades following its inception. We are a team of Vanderbilt engineering students looking to create additional functionality in wheelchairs. We hope that as a direct result of our efforts, wheelchair users will experience greater flexibility and mobility in their lives.

Using conventional push wheelchairs can lead to shoulder injuries in long-term users. RoWheels was founded to provide a wheelchair that utilizes an alternative motion: the row. This allows the user to power the wheelchair with a stronger, more ergonomic motion that will reduce the normal wear and tear on their shoulders caused by normal wheelchair use.

Our design team will integrate multi-gear capability with the existing RoWheel design. A low gear will allow the user to apply high torque to the wheel to make starting from rest and climbing hills easier. A high gear will allow for easy maintenance of high speeds, while a normal 1:1 gear will allow for precise control and maneuverability. Based on customer feedback, we hope to make the low gear and high gear powered by a rowing motion while making the 1:1 gear powered by a normal forward push. We believe that this addition will take RoWheels to the next level and revolutionize wheelchairs forever.