May 16-20, 2016
Vanderbilt University
31st Shanks Lecturer
Lawrence C. Evans
Keynote Speakers:
- Spyros Alexakis (University of Toronto)
- Ioan Bejenaru (UCSD)
- Andrea Bertozzi (UCLA)
- Dieter Bothe (TU Darmstadt)
- Peter Constantin (Princeton University)
- Joachim Escher (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
- Pierre Germain (Courant Institute)
- Matthias Hieber (TU Darmstadt)
- Irena Lasiecka (University of Memphis)
- Nader Masmoudi (Courant Institute)
- Anna Mazzucato (Penn State)
- Wilhelm Schlag (University of Chicago)
- Steve Shkoller (UC Davis)
- Jared Speck (MIT)
- Daniel Tataru (Berkeley)
- Edriss Titi (Texas A&M)
- Vlad Vicol (Princeton University)
Aims and Scope:
This conference will focus on recent developments in partial differential equations connected to evolution problems. Topics will include, but are not limited to, fluid dynamics, free boundary problems, dispersive equations, parabolic equations, Einstein’s equations, and non-linear wave equations. The activities will include fifty-minute talks by the keynote speakers, parallel focus sessions with twenty-five-minute presentations, and 10-minute contributed talks. Part of the conference will be a special tribute to the mathematical work of Jan Prüss on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The annual Shanks Lecture, delivered by Lawrence C. Evans from the University of California at Berkeley, will take place in conjunction with the conference. We expect to have funding for graduate students, recent PhDs, and underrepresented minorities. See Support Requests for more information.
Scientific Committee:
- Herbert Amann (Universität Zürich)
- Peter Constantin (Princeton University)
- Marcelo Disconzi (Vanderbilt)
- Irena Lasiecka (University of Memphis)
- Gieri Simonett (Vanderbilt)
- Vladimir Sverak (University of Minnesota)
- Daniel Tataru (Berkeley)
Organizing Committee:
- Marcelo Disconzi (Vanderbilt)
- Gieri Simonett (Vanderbilt)
- National Science Foundation
- Shanks Endowment
- Vanderbilt University
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