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Pietro Valdastri – STORM LAB


Pietro's blog posts


Dr. Pietro Valdastri and Federico Campisano awarded with Best Application Prize and Overall Winner at the Surgical Robot Challenge 2016

June 2016. The STORM Lab HydroJet Team, including  won the Best Overall Award and the Best Application Award at the Surgical Robot Challenge 2016 organized for the Hamlyn Symposium of Medical Robotics at the Imperial College in London. Our low cost platform for gastric cancer screening in low income countries was evaluated by a jury…

Posted by on June 28, 2016 in News,

STORM Lab research featured by WIRED Magazine

May 26, 2016. STORM Lab research on magnetic and painless colonoscopy has been featured by WIRED Magazine. Read the article here.

Posted by on May 27, 2016 in News


STORM Lab research featured by NSF Science360’s Super Science Show

December 2015. In NSF Science360’s Super Science Show, Charlie and Jordan explore Vanderbilt’s new open-source medical capsule robots’ hardware and software. Researchers around the globe who want to customize medical capsule robots won’t have to start from scratch anymore. Here the link to the coolest description ever of what we are doing at the STORM…

Posted by on December 7, 2015 in News


The HydroJet featured by VUCast for low-cost gastric cancer screening in low-income countries

The HydroJet platform — designed to provide an ultra-low-cost option for gastric cancer screening in rural areas of low-income countries — has been featured in a clip by VUCast. VUCast Vanderbilt in Central America

Posted by on November 17, 2015 in News


The NSF-funded design environment for medical capsule robots goes open-source and is featured by IEEE Spectrum

November 2015. The open source design environment for the rapid prototyping of medical capsule robots is officially launched. Read more here. IEEE Spectrum, the main magazine of IEEE, features our design environment in this report by Emily Waltz.

Posted by on November 4, 2015 in News


Gregorio successfully defended his Master Thesis in Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan. Congratulations Gregorio!!!

Posted by on October 5, 2015 in News


STORM Lab educational robotic toolkit wins $10,000 competition

The STORM Lab educational robotic toolkit has been selected as one of the three winners of the Silicon Labs and Digi-Key Your IoT contest. Eka Susilo will now receive $10,000 in Silicon Labs Components supplied through Digi-Key to expand the robotic toolkit and bring it to local high schools.

Posted by on August 4, 2015 in News


STORM Lab educational robotic toolkit featured by Vanderbilt press

The educational robotic toolkit developed at the STORM Lab has been featured by Vanderbilt press. The modular design for tiny robots – snap-together, removable magnetic plates that include motorized wheels, an accelerometer, a barometer and other functions, depending on what the user wants to do – is an affordable teaching tool for most public schools….

Posted by on August 4, 2015 in News


STORM Lab research in robotic colonoscopy fetured by WHYY-FM

July 23, 2015. Todd Bookman from the WHYY-FM The Pulse radio show interviews Pietro Valdastri about the future of capsule colonoscopy. Here you can read the full story and listen to the radio interview.

Posted by on July 28, 2015 in News


Yasmin Alvarado-Rayo presented her research at the 2015 SSMV Symposium

July 10, 2015. Yasmin Alvarado-Rayo presented her reasearch on the SMAC educational toolkit. Togheter with Vanderbilt undergraduate student Ashley Peck and Dr. Eka Susilo, Yasmin developed an App for controlling the SMAC robots with a smartphone via Bluetooth connection. Yasmin is enrolled in the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt program. Congratulations to Yasmin…

Posted by on July 10, 2015 in News